Concatenation of Elements without Separator in R Programming – paste0() Function

paste0() function in R Language is used to concatenate all elements without separator.

Syntax: paste0(…, collapse = NULL)

…: one or more R objects, to be converted to character vectors.
collapse: an optional character string to separate the results.

Example 1:

# R program to illustrate
# paste0 function
# Calling paste0() function
paste0("GFG", "gfg")
paste0("GFG", " gfg")

Output :

[1] "GFGgfg"
[1] "GFG gfg"
[1] "a" "b" "c" "d"

Example 2:

# R program to illustrate
# paste0 function
# Calling paste0() function
paste0(letters[1:6], collapse ="-")
paste0("G", 1:5)


[1] "a-b-c-d-e-f"
[1] "G1" "G2" "G3" "G4" "G5"

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