Computer System Life Cycle

The system life cycle is defined as collection of the phases of development through which a computer-based system passes. Life cycle phases have been defined in very many different ways and in varying degrees of detail. Most definitions, however, recognize broad phases such as initial conception, requirements definition, outline design, detailed design, programming, testing, implementation, maintenance, and modification. The most life-cycle definitions produce as a result of analysis of the tasks of system development, with the objective of making those tasks more amenable to traditional techniques of management planning and control.

Phases of Computer System Life Cycle:

Computer System Life Cycle

There are some phases of Computer System Life Cycle which are given below:

  1. Initiation: The generally Initiation phase is the first phase of Computer System Life Cycle and usually informally managed by the information system owner and the ISSO. Although all information system owners should be aware of the fact that FISMA requires new information systems to be positively accredited, this may not be at the forefront of their minds. Therefore, it is generally altogether likely that the ISSO may bring the need for C&A to the attention of the information system owner.
  2. Development: System is a broad and a general term, and as per to Wikipedia; “A system is a set of interacting or interdependent components forming an integrated whole” it’s a term that can be used in different industries and hence system Development Life Cycle is a limited term that explains the phases of creating a software component that integrates with other software components to create the whole system.
  3. Implementation: In this phase, the physical design of the system takes place. The Implementation phase is generally encompassing efforts by both designers and end users. Implementation phase may also include testing or the process of ensuring that the entire system successfully works together as a single entity. The testing may be done by real users, trained personnel or automated systems; It is becoming an increasingly important process for purposes of customer satisfaction. A depending on the system in question, the Implementation phase may take a considerable amount of time.
  4. Maintenance: After an implementation phase Maintenance is required. Maintenance processes for maintaining what happens during the rest of the system’s life: changes, correction, additions, moves to a different computing platform and more. This is generally least glamorous and perhaps most important step of all and goes on seemingly forever.
  5. Disposal: It is last phase of Computer System Life Cycle. The computer system is disposed of once of transition to a new computer system is completed. This is also a pay important role in Computer System Life Cycle.

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