Compute the Value of Negative Binomial Quantile Function in R Programming – qnbinom() Function

qnbinom() function in R Language is used to compute the value of negative binomial quantile function. It also creates a density plot of the negative binomial quantile function.

Syntax: qnbinom(vec, size, prob)

vec: x-values for binomial density
size: Number of trials
prob: Probability

Example 1:

# R program to compute value of
# Negative Binomial Quantile Function
# Vector of x-values
x <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.1)
# Calling qnbinom() Function
y <- qnbinom(x, size = 100, prob = 0.5)


 [1]   0  82  88  92  96  99 103 107 112 118 Inf

Example 2:

# R program to compute value of
# Negative Binomial Quantile Function
# Vector of x-values
x <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.01)
# Calling qnbinom() Function
y <- qnbinom(x, size = 100, prob = 0.8)
# Plot a graph


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