Comparisons between Oracle vs SQL Server

Among several electronic database Management System, the 2 most well-liked and widely used are Oracle and SQL Server. Oracle supports operating systems such as Windows, Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, OS X, etc. Whereas SQL Server supports only windows and Linux operating systems. There are several basic variations between Oracle and SQL Server one of the foremost vital variations between them is that the language they use. Oracle uses Procedure Language SQL, and SQL Server uses Transact-SQL. Let’s see the difference between Oracle and SQL Server:

Oracle SQL Server
PL/SQL is used by Oracle. While SQL Server uses T-SQL
PL/SQL was first released in 1992 SQL Server was first released in 1989
It is complex and not easy to use While it is simple and easy to use
Oracle supports operating systems such as Windows, Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, OS X, etc. While SQL server supports only windows and Linux operating systems.
In Oracle, the users share the database. While in SQL server, the users do not share the database.
There is packages are that take place in Oracle. While there is packages are not taken place in SQL Server.
It is more powerful than SQL Server. While it is less powerful than Oracle.
Its parent company is Oracle Corporation. Microsoft is its parent company.
Its syntax is quite complex. Its syntax is easy to understand.
It uses bitmaps and indexes. It does not use bitmaps and indexes.
Rollback is allowed in Oracle. Rollback is not allowed in SQL.
It can run on multiple operating systems. It only runs on the Windows Operating system.
Both, After and Before triggers are available in Oracle. Only After triggers are available in SQL.
Star Query Optimization is there by default in Oracle. There are no optimization features for queries.
Uses Auto increment columns It Uses Sequences

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