Advantages and Disadvantages of Multi-purpose River Projects

The advantages of Multipurpose River Projects include the generation of electricity, domestic as well as industrial water supply, control of floods, inland navigations, and fish breeding. The disadvantages of Multipurpose River Projects include higher investment costs, outdoor activities, inland navigation as well as fish breeding.

The multi-objective task is to rationally manage the country’s water resources. Multipurpose business is a huge business that caters to different needs like flood control, fish farming, water systems, energy age, soil conservation, and more. However, hydroelectric projects are those that are fundamentally concerned with the supply of legitimate energy. Individuals always want to store water from springs during the monsoon season for use in the dry season. Individuals in ancient India created many pressurized structures such as dams, artificial lakes, reservoirs, and moats to store and redirect water to the water supply system.

Multi-Purpose River Projects

A dam is a structure that forms an obstruction across a watercourse to control the flow of water. Dams can be grouped into several categories based on their level and the material used for development. We have built many big dams on major rivers in India. The primary role of dams has always been to supply water to the hydrological network. Existing dams are also used to generate electricity and supply water to businesses and homes. Dams are used to control flooding in flood-prone areas by managing the progress of water downstream. The mines were built after several dams were used for fish farming. Dams can also be used to divert water into existing smaller streams to promote inland routes. Several dams are popular resort and recreation sites. Dams are called multi-purpose stream projects because they have multiple approaches to managing our water resources. The dam is a huge reservoir of water that lowers huge swaths of the surrounding area. Substantial benefits from huge multi-purpose projects go to large landowners and industrialists, while the poor and landless nearby have nothing to gain. Offices with better water systems attract ranchers to grow more water-focused crops, resulting in elder systems and increased soil salinity. The development of dams also causes natural problems such as impeding the movement of fish, disturbing the balance of the environment, and seriously endangering certain types of marine animals.

The sudden influx of water from dams leads to massive flooding in the lowlands. Huge dams impede the free flow of water from rivers, sparking debates between different states about water sharing, and more about sharing the costs and benefits of water. mission. Conservationists are working with giant dams to trigger earthquakes, spread waterborne infections, and degraded the land. Most of the multimodal waterway projects in India to date have failed to achieve their ideal goals.

Advantages of Multipurpose Project

The advantages of the multipurpose project include:

  • Water system Facility: Augmentation of the water system office is one of the significant targets and benefits of multipurpose undertakings. These undertakings can invigorate the agrarian efficiency for meeting the developing prerequisite of food and unrefined components expected for expanding non-ranch exercises.
  • Flood Control: One more significant target of such undertakings is to control the event of floods making destroy the economy.
  • Creating Electricity: Multi-reason projects help to produce hydro-power for an enormous scope premise, which is especially significant for the improvement of the industry.
  • Route: Such activities can make route offices in the nation by creating shipping administrations for transportation, raising the armada limit, and subsequently can decrease the traffic load on rail and street transport.
  • Woods and Fisheries: These tasks can assist with raising ranger service on the banks of the channels. Additionally, it can likewise energize the advancement of fisheries in the repositories.
  • Drinking Water: Such activities work with the improvement of safe drinking water projects for the bordering regions.
  • Advancement of Industry and Employment Generation: Such tasks can establish a good environment for the improvement of the industry by offering offices with less expensive power, better water transport, accessibility of unrefined components at less expensive rates for agro-based ventures, and so on. In addition, by creating agribusiness, industry, and infrastructural administrations, these ventures can produce a satisfactory volume of work and open doors in the ranch and non-ranch areas. Every one of these would assist with increasing the expectation of living individuals in those bordering areas receiving rewards from such activities.
  • Entertainment: Multi-reason tasks can likewise work to foster amusement offices such as outing resorts, occasion resorts and so on which are having a lot of business feasibility these days.

Disadvantages of Multi-purpose Projects

Authorized multi-purpose projects in India have proactively identified amazing results in creating the potential of water systems and adding to it the hydroelectric age. So far, the irrigation potential generated by large and medium-sized enterprises has increased from 10 million hectares in 1950-51 to 3 million hectares in 1997-98. The total discharge limit of hydropower companies in India also increased from 0.6 GW in 1950-51 to 21.7 GW in 1996-97. Despite the achievements made, multi-reason projects in India are still on display in the accompanying discussions.

  • Excessive benefits of irrigation: It has been suggested that the benefits of hydraulic systems identified from multi-purpose projects are overestimated on the grounds that the actual inundated areas of these undertakings are significantly less due to delays in the development of canals and streams on the mainland. In addition, the delay in completing these undertakings has resulted in a sharp increase in its costs.
  • The biggest cost of hydroelectricity: Despite the fact that hydropower has low operating costs, sustainable and environmentally friendly sources and moreover it has a long growth period, the postponement of business appointments due to rapidly increasing risk costs and start-up costs soar. Each of these results in a similarly higher age unit cost for hydropower.
  • Little benefit in terms of flood control: Multi-cause projects have also neglected to identify the greatest flood control benefits, as embankments, discharge channels, and flood safety plans have failed miserably to deliver results.
  • Bad impact on the environment: Finally, multi-cause projects come from severe adverse natural impacts related to the degradation of soil content due to waterlogging and soil salinity in its order zones. Acknowledging these negative aspects, Dr. B.B. Vora rightly commented, “The fate of the primary and medium water systems is weak and the country has neither the assets nor the ideal opportunity to add raw capacity to the approximately 26 million hectares of water systems through Doha. Therefore, small water supply systems, especially using groundwater, should be the mainstay everywhere in the future.

However, performing small tasks leads to maximum use of water resources and better control.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Multipurpose River Project

The following are important advantages and disadvantages of the Multipurpose River Project:

Advantages Disadvantages
Water supply for both domestic and industrial usage. It causes deforestation.
Helps to check soil erosion. It causes the migration of people from their lands.
It helps to control floods. Aquatic life is badly affected because of construction.
It provides opportunities for recreation. It restricts the natural flow of river.
It helps in the generation of electricity. It leads to the deposition of sediments in the riverbeds.
It helps in the process of inland navigation. It leads to the loss of existing agricultural lands.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1. What are the advantages of multipurpose river projects?


The advantages of multipurpose river projects include generation of electricity, water supply for domestic and industrial uses and flood control.

Q 2. What is the significance of a multipurpose project?


This has considerably expanded grain creation. Dams supply water for homegrown and modern purposes. Repositories in multipurpose tasks are utilized for inland route, Recreational exercises and Fish rearing. Huge dams control the progression of waterways and consequently forestall floods.

Q 3. Which is the biggest multipurpose task in India?


Bhakra Nangal Project (Himachal Pradesh) is the Largest multipurpose undertaking in India and the most elevated straight gravity dam on the planet (225.5 m high) on the stream Sutlej.

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