Compare Adjacent Rows in R data.table

The data.table package is used to ease the data manipulation operations such as subsetting, grouping, and updation operations of the data table in R Programming Language. 

Indexing methods are used to create a new column that computes the lag with the previous value encountered within the same group. The group is illustrated using the “by” attribute. The new column is added and its corresponding values are added using the c(NA, x[-.N]) method, where x is an indicator of the column to use to compute the new column’s value. The first instance of a value in a particular group is replaced using NA. 


dt[, new-col-name := c(NA, x[-.N]), by ]

Example 1: Comparing Adjacent rows in R Data.table


# importing required packages
# declaring data frame
data_frame <- data.table(col1 = sample(letters[1:4],12, replace = TRUE),
                         col2 = sample(1:6 , 12, replace = TRUE)
print ("original data frame")
print (data_frame)
# computing lag group by column1 
data_frame[, lag := c(NA, col2[-.N]), by = col1]
print ("modified data frame")
print (data_frame)


[1] "original data frame"
   col1 col2
1:    b    6
2:    c    5
3:    a    1
4:    d    6
5:    d    5
6:    b    6
7:    b    5
8:    a    2
9:    c    6
10:    a    3
11:    a    4
12:    d    1
[1] "modified data frame"
    col1 col2 lag
1:    b    6  NA
2:    c    5  NA
3:    a    1  NA
4:    d    6  NA
5:    d    5   6
6:    b    6   6
7:    b    5   6
8:    a    2   1
9:    c    6   5
10:    a    3   2
11:    a    4   3
12:    d    1   5

Now, the difference between adjacent rows is computed using the formula where the values of the new column and the existing column x are used in the data table. 


data_frame[, diff-col := x – new-col-name]

Example 2: Difference between adjacent data.table in R


# importing required packages
# declaring data frame
data_frame <- data.table(col1 = sample(letters[1:4],12, replace = TRUE),
                         col2 = sample(1:6 , 12, replace = TRUE)
print ("original data frame")
print (data_frame)
# computing lag group by column1 
data_frame[, lag := c(NA, col2[-.N]), by = col1]
print ("modified data frame")
print (data_frame)
data_mod <-data_frame[, difference := col2 - lag]
print ("modified data frame")
print (data_mod)


[1] "original data frame"
   col1 col2
1:    a    1
2:    d    3
3:    d    6
4:    d    3
5:    d    2
6:    b    4
7:    d    5
8:    c    6
9:    d    2
10:    b    4
11:    d    1
12:    a    6
[1] "modified data frame"
   col1 col2 lag difference
1:    a    1  NA         NA
2:    d    3  NA         NA
3:    d    6   3          3
4:    d    3   6         -3
5:    d    2   3         -1
6:    b    4  NA         NA
7:    d    5   2          3
8:    c    6  NA         NA
9:    d    2   5         -3
10:    b    4   4          0
11:    d    1   2         -1
12:    a    6   1          5

Example 3:


# importing required packages
# declaring data frame
data_frame <- data.table(col1 = sample(letters[1:4],16, replace = TRUE),
                         col2 = 100:115
print ("original data frame")
print (data_frame)
# computing difference 
data_frame[, col3 := c(NA, col2[-.N]), by = col1]
data_mod <-data_frame[, difference := col2 - col3]
print ("modified data frame")
print (data_mod)


[1] "original data frame"
   col1 col2
1:    d  100
2:    a  101
3:    b  102
4:    a  103
5:    d  104
6:    d  105
7:    c  106
8:    a  107
9:    b  108
10:    a  109
11:    b  110
12:    d  111
13:    b  112
14:    d  113
15:    c  114
16:    b  115
[1] "modified data frame"
   col1 col2 col3 difference
1:    d  100   NA         NA
2:    a  101   NA         NA
3:    b  102   NA         NA
4:    a  103  101          2
5:    d  104  100          4
6:    d  105  104          1
7:    c  106   NA         NA
8:    a  107  103          4
9:    b  108  102          6
10:    a  109  107          2
11:    b  110  108          2
12:    d  111  105          6
13:    b  112  110          2
14:    d  113  111          2
15:    c  114  106          8
16:    b  115  112          3

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