Combine Rows into String in SQL Server

To combine rows into a string in SQL Server, use the SQL COALESCE() function or the SQL CONCAT() function.

COALESCE() function in SQL is used to handle null values. It returns non-null values from a row, which can be concatenated into string.

CONCAT() function in SQL is used to concatenate two or more strings into a single string.

Here we will learn how to combine rows into a string in SQL server using SQL COALESCE() function and SQL CONCAT function.

How to Combine Rows into String in SQL Server

There are two methods to combine rows into string in SQL Server:

Let’s learn each of these methods, with an example:

Demo Table

Let us suppose we have below table named “geek_demo” –

FirstName LastName Salary City
Ankit Gupta 24500 Delhi
Babita Dutta 23600 Noida
Chetan Jain 25600 Noida
Deepak Saini 24300 Delhi
Isha Sharma 25900 Delhi
Khushi Singh 24600 Noida
Megha Goyal 25500 Noida
Parul Kumari 23900 Noida

Using COALESCE() Function

To combine multiple rows into a single string using the COALESCE function in SQL Server, first, declare a variable, use a SELECT statement with COALESCE to concatenate the values, and then SELECT the concatenated string.

Query to Concatenate Rows into String using COALESCE() function in SQL Server:

SELECT @Names = COALESCE(@Names + ', ', '') + [FirstName]
FROM [geek_demo]
SELECT @Names AS [List of All Names]


List of All Names
Ankit  , Babita    , Chetan    , Deepka    , Isha      , Khushi    , Megha     , Parul    

Using CONCAT Function

To combine multiple rows into a single string using the COALESCE function in SQL Server, first, declare variable, use CONCAT() function to concatenate the values into single string and finally display the results.

Query to Concatenate Rows into String using CONCAT() function in SQL Server:

SELECT @FirstNames = CONCAT(@FirstNames + ', ', '') + [FirstName]
FROM [geek_demo]
SELECT @LastNames = CONCAT(@LastNames + ', ', '') + [LastName]
FROM [geek_demo]
SELECT @FirstNames AS [List of First All Names],
@LastNames AS [List of All Last Names]

Output :

List of First All Names List of All Last Names
Ankit  , Babita    , Chetan    , Deepka    , Isha      , Khushi    , Megha     , Parul  Gupta     , Dutta     , Jain      , Saini     , Sharma    , Singh     , Goyal     , Kumari 

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