Cohesity Interview Experience for SRE (On-Campus)

In this Post I will be talking about my experience in Cohesity Placement for SRE Role. The whole process took a single Day. It took place on 27th, September 2023. The registrations were open for only CSE and IS/IT and around 200 people had registered for it.

Round 1 [ online Assessment] :

  • 45 MCQs in 30 minutes and no negative marking. The platform was codesignal.
  • Questions were mainly from Aptitude, OS, CN, and Linux.
  • It is important to be strong in the basics , and be quick while solving.

Round 2 [ Technical Round 1 ] :

  • A total of 25 people moved to the next round. The interview was face-to-face.
  • The questions asked were mainly on File Systems, CN, and OS.
  • Most questions were easy, but a few needed in-depth knowledge of the concepts. So rather than studying the top 100 questions from websites, I would suggest referring to your semester notes.
  • Since the Role was site reliability engineer, DSA questions were not asked.
  • The interview took around 30 to 40 minutes. Be confident while answering and try to ask for hints if you don’t know.

Round 3 [ Technical Round 2 ] :

  • The next round was similar to the previous one.
  • But questions asked to me were more from file systems. For example Diff between file system and object system, what happens when you format a hard disk, where is the OS stored in the CPU, and few questions on how files are stored, etc.
  • For my other people basic questions on linux were asked.

Round 4 [ HR Round ] :

  • The interview questions were mostly about behavioral and on personality. No technical questions were asked.
  • Questions on teambuilding, communication skills, how you handle stress, what will you during deadlines…….such questions were asked. It went about 30 mins.
  • Many situation based were asked, try to answer confidently . There is no correct answers in HR round but try to answer such a way that interviewer gets pleased.

All the 3 interviewers were really good and supportive. They have good knowledge of the concepts and they help you out if you get struck. After a day results were out and 4 of them got selected and I was one of them. I was very happy. Be confident and brush up the basics. All the best.

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