Cognitive Computing

Cognitive computing, a branch of AI, replicates human-like cognitive functions. In this tutorial, let’s explore working, and real-world applications, of cognitive computing showcasing its potential, and addressing ethical considerations.

What is Cognitive Computing?

Cognitive computing is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that aims to create systems capable of mimicking human-like cognitive functions. The term “cognitive” refers to processes related to perception, learning, reasoning, and problem-solving – functions traditionally associated with human intelligence. The goal of cognitive computing is to develop systems that can understand, interpret, and respond to complex information like the way humans do.

Architecture of Cognitive Computing

Cognitive computing is a kind of heterogeneous model that makes the working of computerized devices wholesome in all aspects making it capable of solving any and every kind of problem that a human brain, as well as a computer, could tackle. The architecture of cognitive computing chips has Neurosynaptic cores that operate in parallel as nodes(neurons) that comprise the processor(cell body), data bus(axon) and memory(synapse). Such nodes have been assigned specific weights and are fed with a large amount of data that ultimately interconnect with each other to perform tasks. These chips keep on analyzing and learning from the data continuously.

Main Features of Cognitive Computing chips are-

  • These work in a clockless event-driven fashion leading to a decrease in energy consumption and an increase in performance.
  • The clockless event-driven fashion here means that unlike traditional processors where each stage of logic has to be synchronized, in cognitive computers each stage can be asynchronous where components of logic can run at different speeds completing the action more quickly.
  • Neuroplasticity: Cognitive computing chips are fault-tolerant and do not stop working if one of the Neurosynaptic cores stops working. The neural net self-adapts and routes through other cores just like our brain does.

How does cognitive computing work?

Cognitive computing works through a combination of technologies and processes that aim to simulate human-like intelligence and decision-making.

Collection: The initial step in cognitive computing involves the gathering of extensive datasets from various sources, encompassing both structured and unstructured data like text, images, videos, and sensor readings.

Ingestion: Following this, the acquired data undergoes ingestion into the cognitive computing system, wherein it is systematically organized, categorized, and stored in a format conducive to effective analysis.

NLP: A pivotal aspect of this process is Natural Language Processing (NLP), a fundamental component enabling the system to comprehend and interpret human language, encompassing both written and spoken communication. NLP algorithms are employed to process textual data, extracting meaning and identifying relationships between words and concepts.

Subsequently, cognitive computing heavily relies on Machine Learning Algorithms to scrutinize and glean insights from the ingested data. Two primary types of machine learning are employed in this context:

  • Supervised Learning, where the system is trained on labeled data associating inputs with known outputs.
  • Unsupervised Learning, where the system identifies patterns and relationships within the data without predefined labels.

Analysis: This machine learning capability is instrumental in facilitating pattern recognition within the cognitive system.

Predictions: Through the analysis of patterns, correlations, and trends within the data, the system gains a comprehensive understanding of complex relationships, enabling it to make accurate predictions.

This iterative process underscores the dynamic and evolving nature of cognitive computing, where continuous learning and adaptation are integral to enhancing system capabilities over time.

Real-World Use Cases of Cognitive Computing

Cognitive computing has found application in various real-world scenarios, enhancing human decision-making, automating complex tasks, and improving overall efficiency. Here are some examples of real-world use cases of cognitive computing

  • IBM Watson for Oncology is used for analyzing medical literature, clinical trial data, and patient records to recommend personalized treatment options for cancer patients.
  • Cognitive computing systems analyze vast amounts of financial data in real-time to detect patterns and anomalies, helping financial institutions identify potential fraudulent activities.
  • Most Companies are utilizing cognitive computing to create intelligent virtual assistants and chatbots that can understand natural language, answer customer queries, and provide personalized assistance.
  • Cognitive systems assist in automating the recruitment process by analyzing resumes, screening candidates, and even conducting initial interviews, streamlining the hiring process.

Benefits of Cognitive Computing

  • Enhanced Decision Making: Working with extensive data and recognizing patterns helps elevating decision-making with a data-driven edge.
  • Improved Efficiency: Allows organizations to focus on higher-value tasks, saving time and resources while enhancing overall productivity as it automates repetitive tasks, streamlining workflows reducing the burden on human operators.
  • Natural Language Understanding: Enables more natural and interactive communication between humans and machines.

Challenges of Cognitive Computing

  • Data Privacy: Cognitive computing relies heavily on data analysis, raising concerns about the privacy and security of sensitive information.
  • Complexity: Implementation of cognition solutions can be complex and may require significant integration efforts with existing systems.
  • Ethical and Bias: Perpetuate biases present in the training data, leading to unfair or discriminatory outcomes.

AI and Cognitive

The world today is looking at the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning in computers and various devices to solve various complex issues. In present times many devices use Artificial Neural Networking (ANN) that are used to mimic the logic the brain works on, to complete some very complicated tasks. Although ANN is very helpful yet it has a certain limiting point. Such a scenario has given rise to Cognitive artificial intelligence.

Cognitive artificial intelligence (Cognitive AI) refers to systems that mimic human thought processes and simulate the way humans learn and interact with information.

Cognitive Computing is a subset of artificial intelligence, specifically focuses on replicating human-like cognitive processes and emphasizes applications where human-machine collaboration is essential. AI, on the other hand, encompasses a broader set of technologies and techniques that aim to create intelligent systems capable of performing diverse tasks across various domains.

Future of Cognitive Computing

The future of cognitive computing holds immense potential for transformative advancements in various sectors. As technology continues to evolve, cognitive computing is expected to play a pivotal role in shaping how businesses operate, how healthcare is delivered, and how individuals interact with digital systems.

The integration of cognitive computing with emerging technologies like 5G, edge computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT) is likely to enhance real-time decision-making capabilities, enabling more responsive and intelligent systems.

The evolution of natural language processing (NLP), machine learning algorithms, and advanced analytics will contribute to more sophisticated cognitive systems that can understand context, learn from diverse data sources, and adapt to dynamic environments.

As cognitive computing continues to mature, it is anticipated to become an integral part of our daily lives, providing personalized and context-aware solutions across industries, fostering innovation, and contributing to the development of a more intelligent and interconnected world.

Ethical Considerations of Cognitive Computing

Ethical considerations in cognitive computing are paramount as these technologies become increasingly integrated into our daily lives.The collection and analysis of vast amounts of data, often including personal information, raise concerns about privacy, consent, and the potential for unintended consequences.

  • Addressing issues of Bias and Fairness is crucial, as cognitive systems can inherit and perpetuate biases present in training data, leading to discriminatory outcomes.
  • Transparency and explainability are ethical imperatives, especially in applications where decision-making impacts individuals or communities.

Striking a balance between technological innovation and safeguarding human rights, these ethical considerations underscore the need for ongoing dialogue and collaboration among technologists, policymakers, and the broader public to ensure that cognitive computing advances align with societal values and contribute positively to the well-being of individuals and communities.


As cognitive computing matures, its integration with emerging technologies and ethical considerations will shape a transformative future, offering personalized solutions across industries while addressing societal values and concerns.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Q. What are some examples of cognitive computing?

IBM Watson for Oncology, virtual assistants like Siri, and fraud detection systems in finance are notable examples.

Q. What are the three elements of cognitive computing?

Perception, learning, and reasoning form the core elements, enabling systems to mimic human-like intelligence effectively.

Q. What is the main objective of cognitive computing?

The primary goal is to create systems that understand, learn, and interact with data in a human-like manner.

Q. What is the difference between cognitive computing and AI?

Cognitive computing is a subset of AI, focusing on mimicking human cognition, while AI encompasses broader capabilities.

Q. What are the characteristics of cognitive computing?

Natural language processing, learning from data, problem-solving, adaptability, and human-machine collaboration define cognitive computing’s key characteristics.

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