Coefficient of a Variable

The coefficient of a variable is a number that is multiplied by a variable in an algebraic expression. It’s often a constant that represents the number of units of the variable.

Coefficient in Math is a number or alphabet or a symbol multiplied by a variable in an algebraic expression, showing the variable’s impact on the expression. For example, in the expression 4xy, the coefficient in 4 which is multiplied by the variable xy.

Coefficient of a Variable

In this article, we will understand the meaning of a coefficient, the properties of a coefficient, the types of coefficients, how to find a coefficient, and the difference between a coefficient and a constant.


Coefficient is a number or a scalar value that is multiplied by a variable or another number in an algebraic expression. It indicates the scale or magnitude of the variable’s effect on the expression. Coefficients can be positive, negative, or zero.

They help in understanding the relationship between different parts of the expression. In simple terms, coefficients tell us how much one quantity affects another within a mathematical equation or formula.

Coefficient of a Variable

Properties of Coefficients

Properties of coefficients in mathematics include:

  • Linearity: Coefficients exhibit linearity, meaning they distribute over addition and subtraction. For example, in (ax + by), the coefficient (a) multiplies (x), and (b) multiplies (y).
  • Commutativity: Order of coefficients does not affect the result when multiplying by variables. For instance, (2x) and (x2) both represent (2) multiplied by (x).
  • Associativity: Coefficients are associative with multiplication. For instance, in (2 × 3x), the result is the same as (3 × 2x), yielding (6x) in both cases.
  • Identity Property: Coefficient (1) serves as the identity element in multiplication. Multiplying any variable by (1) leaves the variable unchanged.
  • Additive Identity: Adding (0) as a coefficient does not alter the value of the expression. For example, (3x + 0 = 3x).
  • Zero Coefficient: A coefficient of (0) nullifies the variable’s contribution to the expression. For instance, (0x = 0)

Coefficient of a Variable

Coefficient of a variable is a number that is multiplied by the variable in an algebraic expression. For example, in the expression 5x, the coefficient of the variable x is 5. Here, 5 is the coefficient, and x is the variable.

Similarly, in the expression -3y, the coefficient of the variable y is -3. The coefficient indicates how many times the variable is multiplied by itself or by another term in the expression.

Numerical Coefficient

Numerical coefficient is a number that is multiplied by a variable in an algebraic expression. For example, in the expression 3xy, the numerical coefficient is 3. Here, “3” is multiplied by the variable “xy.” Similarly, in the expression -2y, the numerical coefficient is -2. The numerical coefficient indicates the scale or magnitude of the variable’s effect on the expression.

Leading Coefficient

Leading coefficient is the coefficient of the term with the highest degree in a polynomial expression. For example, in the polynomial ( 3x2 – 5x + 2 ), the leading coefficient is ( 3 ) because it is attached to the term ( x2 ), which has the highest degree (2) among all the terms.

Difference Between Coefficient and Constant

The difference between coefficient and constant can be understood by the table given below:



A numerical factor multiplying a variable in an expression

A fixed numerical value in an expression

Indicates the scale or magnitude of the variable’s effect

Remains constant, independent of variables

Multiplied by variables in the expression

Not multiplied by variables, stands alone

Can vary based on the term and variables involved

Does not change within the context of expression

In 3x+2y, coefficients are 3 and 2 for x and y

In 4x+7, constant is 7

How to Find a Coefficient?

To find a coefficient in an algebraic expression, follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the term containing the variable for which you want to find the coefficient.

Step 2: Examine the numerical value directly attached to the variable within that term.

That numerical value is the coefficient of the variable in the expression.

For example, In the expression 4x + 3y – 2

If you want to find the coefficient of x, locate the term 4x. Then the coefficient of x is 4.

If you want to find the coefficient of y, locate the term 3y. Then the coefficient of y is 3.

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Examples on Coefficient of a Variable

Some of the examples on Coefficient of Variable are discussed below:

Example 1: In the expression 5x-2y+3z, what are the coefficients of x, y, and z?


In the expression 5x – 2y + 3z, the coefficients are as follows:

  • Coefficient of x: Coefficient of x is the number directly multiplied by x, which is 5.
  • Coefficient of y: Coefficient of y is the number directly multiplied by y, which is -2. (Note: Coefficients can be negative.)
  • Coefficient of z: Coefficient of z is the number directly multiplied by z, which is 3.

So, coefficients of x, y, and z are 5, -2, and 3 respectively.

Example 2: A company produces two types of products, A and B. The profit from selling each unit of product A is $3, and the profit from selling each unit of product B is $5. If the company sells x units of product A and y units of product B, write an expression to represent the total profit.


To represent the total profit, we need to multiply the number of units sold for each product by their respective profits and then sum the results.

Here’s the expression:

Total profit = (3x + 5y)

Expression represents the profit from selling (x) units of product A, each yielding $3 profit, and (y) units of product B, each yielding $5 profit.

Suppose the company sells 10 units of product A (x = 10) and 15 units of product B (y = 15).

Putting these values into the expression:

Total profit = (3 × 10 + 5 × 15)

= (30 + 75)

= 105

So, if the company sells 10 units of product A and 15 units of product B, the total profit would be $105.

Example 3: Solve the equation 2x + 4 = 10 to find the value of x.


To solve the equation 2x + 4 = 10 for x, follow these steps:

Isolate the variable term: Subtract 4 from both sides of the equation to isolate the term containing x:

2x + 4 − 4 = 10−4

2x = 6

Solve for x: Divide both sides by 2 to solve for x:

2x/3 = 6/2

x = 3

So, the value of x that satisfies the equation 2x + 4 = 10 is x = 3.

Practice Questions on Coefficient

Some Practice Questions on Coefficient are,

Q1. Perimeter of a rectangle is 10x + 6, where x represents the length of one side of the rectangle. If the width of the rectangle is 2x, find the expression for the length.

Q2. Factor the expression 4x2 + 12x completely.

Q3. Temperature T in degrees Celsius is given by the formula T = 5x + 32, where x is the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature outside is 20°F, what is the corresponding temperature in degrees Celsius?

Q4. Evaluate the expression 2x3 – 3x2 + x – 4 for x = 2.

Q5. A charity organization collects donations from two sources: individuals and corporations. For every dollar donated by an individual, the charity receives $0.75, and for every dollar donated by a corporation, the charity receives $0.90. If x represents the amount donated by individuals and y represents the amount donated by corporations, write an expression to represent the total amount received by the charity.

Coefficient of a Variable – FAQs

What is coefficient in math?

In mathematics, a coefficient is a numerical factor that multiplies a variable or variables in an algebraic expression. It quantifies the scale or magnitude of the variable’s effect on the expression. For example, in the expression 3x+2y, the coefficients are 3 and 2 for x and y respectively.

What is correlation coefficient?

Correlation coefficient is a statistical measure that quantifies the degree to which two variables are linearly related. It ranges from -1 to 1, where a value close to 1 indicates a strong positive correlation, a value close to -1 indicates a strong negative correlation, and a value close to 0 indicates little to no linear relationship between the variables.

What is coefficient of a polynomial?

Coefficient of a polynomial is the numerical factor that accompanies each term with a variable raised to a power. In a polynomial expression like ax2+bx+c, a, b, and c are coefficients.

What is meaning of coefficient?

Meaning of coefficient in mathematics is a numerical factor that is multiplied by a variable or variables in an algebraic expression. It signifies the scale or magnitude of the variable’s influence on the expression.

How Are coefficients used in equations?

Coefficients are used in equations to quantify the relationship between different terms and variables. They determine the impact of each variable on the overall expression and help in solving equations, performing algebraic operations, and analyzing mathematical relationships.

What are different types of coefficients?

There are different types of coefficients depending on the context in which they are used. Some common types include:

  • Constant coefficients: Fixed numerical values that do not involve variables.
  • Linear coefficients: Coefficients associated with linear terms (terms of degree 1).
  • Quadratic coefficients: Coefficients associated with quadratic terms (terms of degree 2).
  • Leading coefficients: The coefficients of the term with the highest degree in a polynomial expression.

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