Codsoft Internship Work Experience

Hello everyone!! I am Ruposree De final year BTech Student of Hooghly Engineering and Technology College, which is situated in Pipul Patimore, Hooghly, West Bengal India. I am interested and always dreamt of becoming a Computer Engineer and now it seems half true. I am familiar with Html, Javascript,c, c++, python, etc. I have participated and won in several competitions. It helped to develop and made me thinking and complex analytical skills. Skills are especially useful for specialized working with various complex algorithms creating instructions and understanding design patterns.

I’ll be sharing my internship experience at Codsoft with the hope that it will be helpful to other IT and computer engineering students who are looking for internships. Like most of my colleagues at the college, I had a very limited view of web development in general and didn’t know what to expect from an internship.

Lucky for me, I was assigned a live project, which was based on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap, something that I had already developed an interest in. In terms of the work environment, Codsoft provided a conducive and friendly atmosphere. The company fostered an inclusive culture where ideas were welcomed, and everyone’s contributions were valued. The team members were approachable, creating a supportive environment for interns to learn and grow even in virtual environment mode.

Thanks to the Codsoft team Working under your capable supervision and direction has been a memorable experience, and I have learned a great deal from you. The skills and abilities you helped me develop will empower me to reach my professional goals more quickly in the future. In this internship, I completed my 2 tasks, landing page and calculator making using HTML commands. Web development made me interested in learning new skills on how to design a web page and it made me more interested in making new things.

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