Coding Idol Interview Experience for Community Manager

Round 1: Online Shortlisting

Filled out an online application with basic details and my resume.

Round 2: Virtual Interview

  • Can you introduce yourself?
  • Do you have experience in community management? please explain about it.
  • According to you, what are the responsibilities of a Community Manager?
  • How can we increase the reach of our community to a broader audience?
  • Can you describe a successful community engagement campaign or initiative you led in your previous role?
  • Give some ideas or strategies for active engagement and participation within a community.
  • What strategies do you use to address and resolve conflicts or disagreements within a community?
  • How do you ensure that community guidelines and policies are followed by members?
  • How can we make our community unique from other communities?
  • Any questions for us?

Tips/ Suggestions

  • Stay confident and calm.
  • Remember to go through common HR questions before the interview.

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