Code Clause Work Experience

I am thrilled to share my exciting journey as a web development intern at CodeClause. Last month, I had the opportunity to work on some incredible projects that enriched my skills and provided me with valuable experiences.

How I applied :

I applied on code clause official website as a web development intern and filled all the required details including resume.

Duration: 1 month

Project done:

1. To-do List : It was a perfect introduction to the world of front-end web development. I worked diligently to create an intuitive and user-friendly interface, allowing users to add,delete tasks and manage their tasks, enhancing their productivity and organisation. I also incorporated responsive design principles, ensuring that the application could seamlessly adapt to different devices and screen sizes.

2. Portfolio : Building my own Portfolio Website was undoubtedly a highlight of my internship. It was a unique chance to showcase my skills and projects to potential employers and clients. Crafting the website’s layout, designing eye-catching elements, and fine-tuning responsiveness taught me the importance of aesthetics and user experience. Additionally, I leveraged JavaScript to add interactivity and demonstrate my ability to create dynamic web pages.


I am immensely grateful to the CodeClause team for providing me with this learning experience. Working at CodeClause has been an enriching experience and provided me with a solid foundation.

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