CloudFail – Unmask/Bypass CloudFlare Security in Kali Linux

CloudFail is a free and open-source tool available on GitHub. CloudFail is a tactical reconnaissance tool. There are some websites that are protected by Cloudflare security. It’s hard to find information about such websites but now impossible. By using CloudFail tool we can get enough information about the target domain which is protected by Cloudflare security. CloudFail is a tool that helps to unmask CloudFlare by providing the actual IP of the server. According to the developers, CloudFail has 3 phases.

Features of CloudFail tool :

  • CloudFail check in to perform tactical reconnaissance.
  • CloudFail check in to lookup for IP-address.
  • CloudFail Performs a brute force with more than 2500 subdomains for reconnaissance.

Installation of CloudFail:

Step 1. Open your Kali Linux and move to the Desktop directory using the following command.

command : cd Desktop

Step 2. Create a new directory here and name it cloudfail.  

command : mkdir cloudfail

Step 3. Move to the directory that you have created using the following command.

command : cd cloudfail 

Step 4. Now you are in the cloudfail directory. You have to clone the tool here in this directory using the following command.

command : git clone

Step 5. The tool has been downloaded in the cloudfail directory. To list out the content of the tool use following command.

command : ls

Step 6. You can see that a new directory is found after listing out the contents. Now move to this directory using the following command.

command : cd CloudFail

Step 7. Now you are under CloudFail directory. You have to list out the contents of the tool using the following command.

command : ls

Step 8. Give permission to the python files of the tools using the following command.

command : chmod +x

Step 9. Now you have to install all the requirements that are used by the tool using the following command.

command : pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Step 10. All the requirements have been downloaded into the tool. Now, this is the time to run the tool. To run the tool use the following command. First, we will check for help by the tool. 

command : python3 --help

Step 11. The tool is running and now uses the following command to update dependencies of the CloudFail tool.

command : python3 -u

All the dependencies has been updated. Now you can set the target and run the tool. Now lets see some examples how you can bypass cloudflare security.

Example. By using CloudFail tool scan

command : python3 -t 

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