Cloud Analogy Interview Experience For Salesforce Developer Trainee (On-Campus)

It was an on-campus hiring for the role of Salesforce Developer Trainee

The selection process consists of 3 rounds only i.e, Programming Written Test, Technical Round, HR Round


Programming written test is of easy-medium level; problems in this round are:-

  • Stock buy and sell (maximize profit)
  • Print pattern:-

for n=5 pattern should look like this:-


3 2

4 5 6

10 9 8 7

11 12 13 14 15

  • Palindromic string (alphanumeric type)
  • I can’t remeber name of problem but it was like an array is given, you have to find the maximum number formed in it:-

like arr[]={2,10,34,5,98};

output = “98534210”

we have to sort it on the basis of MSB.

I was able to solve 3 problems and then I was called for technical round.


In second round, I was asked to optimize the code I has written in first round.

Second question is to find the sum of alternate numbers in fibonacii sequence(pretty simple)

Then some basic questions from core subjects was asked like:-

  • What is runtime and compile time polymorphism?
  • What is pointer and double pointer (some question were like what is value of int p, int *p, int **p)
  • What is compiler and interpreter?
  • Some other OOPS questions which I can’t remember right now?

I confidently answered all questions and Interviewer just told me thank you.

I though I got rejected because very few questions were asked but after some time, I was called for HR Round.


It was simple HR round and as always it begins like Introudce Yourself.

  • Some questions were asked on my achievements that I wrote on my resume like HR asked me you have participated in SIH-22, what are your major learnings?
  • What are your weakness?
  • A situation was given to me like one side there is your close friend from school and another side there is your normal friend from college; who would you give more preference in a general aspect (sorry Pawan????)
  • This round went pretty smooth, HR was very friendly and at last she asked me anything you would like to know.

That’s it for this round

After 2 days I got a mail then I got selected as a Salesforce Developer Trainee and next day I received my offer letter.

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