Closing an Excel File Using Python

We are given an excel file that is opened and our task is to close that excel file using different approaches in Python. In this article, we will explore three different approaches to Closing Excel in Python.

Closing an Excel Session with Python

Below are the possible approaches to Using Os In Python For Closing Excel:

  • Using win32com
  • Using os.system with taskkill.
  • Using psutil.

Note: The Excel application should be opened before performing all the below executions.

Closing Excel in Python Using win32com

In this example, we are using the win32com library in Python to interact with Microsoft Excel. The code creates an instance of the Excel application using the Dispatch function and subsequently closes the Excel application by invoking the Quit() method. This allows for programmatic control and closure of Excel through Python.

import win32com.client
excel = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")
print("Excel closed using win32com")


Closing Excel Using os.system with taskkill

In this example, we are using the os.system function in Python to execute a command-line instruction to forcefully terminate the Excel process. The command taskkill /f /im excel.exe kills all instances of Excel (excel.exe) forcefully (/f). The print statement indicates that Excel has been terminated using the taskkill command.

import os
os.system("taskkill /f /im excel.exe")
print("Excel terminated using taskkill")


Closing Excel Using psutil

In this example, we are using the psutil module in Python to iterate through the running processes. When a process with the name “EXCEL.EXE” is found, the kill() method is called to terminate the Excel process. The print statement indicates that Excel has been closed using the psutil module.

import psutil
for proc in psutil.process_iter():
    if == "EXCEL.EXE":
print("Excel closed using psutil")


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