Clone a Binary Tree with Random Pointers

Given a Binary Tree where every node has the following structure. 

struct node {  
int key;
struct node *left,*right,*random;

Binary tree with random pointers

The random pointer points to any random node of the binary tree and can even point to NULL, clone the given binary tree.

Recommended Practice

Method 1 (Use Hashing): The idea is to store a mapping from given tree nodes to clone tree nodes in the hashtable. Following are detailed steps.

1) Recursively traverse the given Binary and copy key-value, left pointer, and a right pointer to clone tree. While copying, store the mapping from the given tree node to clone the tree node in a hashtable. In the following pseudo-code, ā€˜cloneNodeā€™ is the currently visited node of the clone tree and ā€˜treeNodeā€™ is the currently visited node of the given tree. 

   cloneNode->key  = treeNode->key
cloneNode->left = treeNode->left
cloneNode->right = treeNode->right
map[treeNode] = cloneNode

2) Recursively traverse both trees and set random pointers using entries from the hash table. 

   cloneNode->random = map[treeNode->random]

Following are the  C++ and Java implementation of above idea. The following implementation uses unordered_map from C++ STL and HashMap in Java. Note that the map doesnā€™t implement a hash table, it actually is based on a self-balancing binary search tree. 



// A hashmap based C++ program to clone a binary
// tree with random pointers
using namespace std;
/* A binary tree node has data, pointer to left child,
    a pointer to right child and a pointer to
    random node*/
struct Node
    int key;
    struct Node* left, *right, *random;
/* Helper function that allocates a new Node with the
given data and NULL left, right and random pointers. */
Node* newNode(int key)
    Node* temp = new Node;
    temp->key = key;
    temp->random = temp->right = temp->left = NULL;
    return (temp);
/* Given a binary tree, print its Nodes in inorder*/
void printInorder(Node* node)
    if (node == NULL)
    /* First recur on left subtree */
    /* then print data of Node and its random */
    cout << "[" << node->key << " ";
    if (node->random == NULL)
        cout << "NULL], ";
        cout << node->random->key << "], ";
    /* now recur on right subtree */
/* This function creates clone by copying key
and left and right pointers. This function also
stores mapping from given tree node to clone. */
Node* copyLeftRightNode(Node* treeNode, unordered_map<Node *, Node *> &mymap)
    if (treeNode == NULL)
        return NULL;
    Node* cloneNode = newNode(treeNode->key);
    mymap[treeNode] = cloneNode;
    cloneNode->left = copyLeftRightNode(treeNode->left, mymap);
    cloneNode->right = copyLeftRightNode(treeNode->right, mymap);
    return cloneNode;
// This function copies random node by using the hashmap built by
// copyLeftRightNode()
void copyRandom(Node* treeNode, unordered_map<Node *, Node *> &mymap)
    if (treeNode == NULL)
    mymap[treeNode]->random = mymap[treeNode->random];
    copyRandom(treeNode->left, mymap);
    copyRandom(treeNode->right, mymap);
// This function makes the clone of given tree. It mainly uses
// copyLeftRightNode() and copyRandom()
Node* cloneTree(Node* tree)
    if (tree == NULL)
        return NULL;
    unordered_map<Node *, Node *> mymap;
    Node* newTree = copyLeftRightNode(tree, mymap);
    copyRandom(tree, mymap);
    return newTree;
/* Driver program to test above functions*/
int main()
    //Test No 1
    Node *tree = newNode(1);
    tree->left = newNode(2);
    tree->right = newNode(3);
    tree->left->left = newNode(4);
    tree->left->right = newNode(5);
    tree->random = tree->left->right;
    tree->left->left->random = tree;
    tree->left->right->random = tree->right;
    // Test No 2
    // tree = NULL;
    // Test No 3
    // tree = newNode(1);
    // Test No 4
    /* tree = newNode(1);
        tree->left = newNode(2);
        tree->right = newNode(3);
        tree->random = tree->right;
        tree->left->random = tree;
    cout << "Inorder traversal of original binary tree is: \n";
    Node *clone = cloneTree(tree);
    cout << "\n\nInorder traversal of cloned binary tree is: \n";
    return 0;
//This code was modified by Rohit Iyer(rohit_iyer)


import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;
class Tree {
    int data;
    Tree left, right, random;
    Tree(int d)
        data = d;
        left = null;
        right = null;
        random = null;
class CloneABT {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Tree tree = new Tree(1);
        tree.left = new Tree(2);
        tree.right = new Tree(3);
        tree.left.left = new Tree(4);
        tree.left.right = new Tree(5);
        tree.random = tree.left.right;
        tree.left.left.random = tree;
        tree.left.right.random = tree.right;
            "Inorder traversal of original binary tree is: \n");
        Tree clone = cloneTree(tree);
            "\n\nInorder traversal of cloned binary tree is: \n");
    public static Tree cloneTree(Tree tree)
        if (tree == null)
            return null;
        HashMap<Tree, Tree> map
            = new HashMap<>(); // create a hashmap to store
                               // the randoms
        Tree newtree = clonelr(tree, map);
        copyrandom(tree, newtree, map);
        return newtree;
    // cloning the left and right tree
    public static Tree clonelr(Tree tree,
                               HashMap<Tree, Tree> map)
        if (tree == null)
            return null;
        Tree clonenode = new Tree(;
        map.put(tree, clonenode);
        clonenode.left = clonelr(tree.left, map);
        clonenode.right = clonelr(tree.right, map);
        return clonenode;
    // setting the random pointers in the cloned tree
    public static void copyrandom(Tree tree, Tree clone,
                                  HashMap<Tree, Tree> map)
        if (clone == null)
        clone.random = map.get(tree.random);
        copyrandom(tree.left, clone.left, map);
        copyrandom(tree.right, clone.right, map);
    static void printInorder(Tree node)
        if (node == null)
        /* First recur on left subtree */
        /* then print data of Node and its random */
        System.out.print("[" + + " ");
        if (node.random == null)
            System.out.print("null], ");
            System.out.print( + "]");
        /* now recur on right subtree */
    public static boolean printInorder(Tree a, Tree b)
        if ((a == null) && (b == null))
            return true;
        if (a != null && b != null) {
            boolean check
                = (( ==
                   && printInorder(a.left, b.left)
                   && printInorder(a.right, b.right));
            if (a.random != null && b.random != null)
                return (
                    && ( ==;
            if (a.random == b.random)
                return check;
            return false;
        return false;
    public static void clone(Tree root, Tree proot, int n1,
                             int n2)
        try {
            if (root == null && proot == null)
            if (n1 == {
                if ( == n2)
                    root.random = proot;
                else {
                    clone(root, proot.left, n1, n2);
                    clone(root, proot.right, n1, n2);
            else {
                clone(root.left, proot, n1, n2);
                clone(root.right, proot, n1, n2);
        catch (NullPointerException ex) {
    public static void insert(Tree root, int n1, int n2,
                              char lr)
        if (root == null)
        if (n1 == {
            switch (lr) {
            case 'L':
                root.left = new Tree(n2);
            case 'R':
                root.right = new Tree(n2);
        else {
            insert(root.left, n1, n2, lr);
            insert(root.right, n1, n2, lr);


# A hashmap based Python program to clone a binary
# tree with random pointers
class Node:
    def __init__(self, key):
        self.key = key
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
        self.random = None
# Helper function that allocates a new Node with the
# given data and None left, right and random pointers.
def new_node(key):
    temp = Node(key)
    return temp
# Given a binary tree, print its Nodes in inorder
def print_inorder(node):
    if node == None:
    # First recur on left subtree
    # then print data of Node and its random
    print("[", node.key, end=", ")
    if node.random == None:
        print("None], ", end="")
        print(node.random.key, "], ", end="")
    # now recur on right subtree
# This function creates clone by copying key
# and left and right pointers. This function also
# stores mapping from given tree node to clone.
def copy_left_right_node(tree_node, mymap):
    if tree_node == None:
        return None
    clone_node = new_node(tree_node.key)
    mymap[tree_node] = clone_node
    clone_node.left = copy_left_right_node(tree_node.left, mymap)
    clone_node.right = copy_left_right_node(tree_node.right, mymap)
    return clone_node
# This function copies random node by using the hashmap built by
# copy_left_right_node()
def copy_random(tree_node, mymap):
    if tree_node is None:
    if tree_node.random is not None:
        mymap[tree_node].random = mymap[tree_node.random]
    copy_random(tree_node.left, mymap)
    copy_random(tree_node.right, mymap)
# This function makes the clone of given tree. It mainly uses
# copy_left_right_node() and copy_random()
def clone_tree(tree):
    if tree == None:
        return None
    mymap = {}
    new_tree = copy_left_right_node(tree, mymap)
    copy_random(tree, mymap)
    return new_tree
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Test Case 1
    tree = Node(1)
    tree.left = Node(2)
    tree.right = Node(3)
    tree.left.left = Node(4)
    tree.left.right = Node(5)
    tree.random = tree.left.right
    tree.left.left.random = tree
    tree.left.right.random = tree.right
    # Test Case 2
    # tree = None
    # Test Case 3
    # tree = newNode(1)
    # Test Case 4
    tree = newNode(1)
    tree.left = newNode(2)
    tree.right = newNode(3)
    tree.random = tree.right
    tree.left.random = tree
    print("Inorder traversal of original binary tree is:")
    clone = clone_tree(tree)
    print("\n\nInorder traversal of cloned binary tree is:")


// C# Program for the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace BinaryTreeWithRandomPointers
    class Node
        public int key;
        public Node left, right, random;
        public Node(int item)
            key = item;
            left = right = random = null;
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Test Case 1
            Node tree = new Node(1);
            tree.left = new Node(2);
            tree.right = new Node(3);
            tree.left.left = new Node(4);
            tree.left.right = new Node(5);
            tree.random = tree.left.right;
            tree.left.left.random = tree;
            tree.left.right.random = tree.right;
            // Test Case 2
            // Node tree = null;
            // Test Case 3
            // Node tree = new Node(1);
            // Test Case 4
            Node tree = new Node(1);
            tree.left = new Node(2);
            tree.right = new Node(3);
            tree.random = tree.right;
            tree.left.random = tree;
            Console.WriteLine("Inorder traversal of original binary tree is:");
            Node clone = CloneTree(tree);
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nInorder traversal of cloned binary tree is:");
        // Given a binary tree, print its Nodes in inorder
        static void PrintInorder(Node node)
            if (node == null)
            // First recur on left subtree
            // then print data of Node and its random
            Console.Write("[" + node.key + ", ");
            if (node.random == null)
                Console.Write("None], ");
                Console.Write(node.random.key + "], ");
            // now recur on right subtree
        // This function creates clone by copying key
        // and left and right pointers. This function also
        // stores mapping from given tree node to clone.
        static Node CopyLeftRightNode(Node treeNode, Dictionary<Node, Node> mymap)
            if (treeNode == null)
                return null;
            Node cloneNode = new Node(treeNode.key);
            mymap[treeNode] = cloneNode;
            cloneNode.left = CopyLeftRightNode(treeNode.left, mymap);
            cloneNode.right = CopyLeftRightNode(treeNode.right, mymap);
            return cloneNode;
        // This function copies random node by using the hashmap built by
        // CopyLeftRightNode()
        static void CopyRandom(Node treeNode, Dictionary<Node, Node> mymap)
            if (treeNode == null)
            if (treeNode.random != null)
                mymap[treeNode].random = mymap[treeNode.random];
            CopyRandom(treeNode.left, mymap);
            CopyRandom(treeNode.right, mymap);
        // This function makes the clone of given tree. It mainly uses
        // CopyLeftRightNode() and CopyRandom()
        static Node CloneTree(Node tree)
            if (tree == null)
                return null;
            Dictionary<Node, Node> mymap = new Dictionary<Node, Node>();
            Node newTree = CopyLeftRightNode(tree, mymap);
            CopyRandom(tree, mymap);
            return newTree;
// This code is contributed by codebraxnzt


class Node {
  constructor(key) {
    this.key = key;
    this.left = null;
    this.right = null;
    this.random = null;
function newNode(key) {
  let temp = new Node(key);
  return temp;
function printInorder(node) {
  if (node == null) {
  console.log("[", node.key, ", ", node.random ? node.random.key : 'None', "], ");
function copyLeftRightNode(treeNode, mymap) {
  if (treeNode == null) {
    return null;
  let cloneNode = newNode(treeNode.key);
  mymap[treeNode] = cloneNode;
  cloneNode.left = copyLeftRightNode(treeNode.left, mymap);
  cloneNode.right = copyLeftRightNode(treeNode.right, mymap);
  return cloneNode;
function copyRandom(treeNode, mymap) {
  if (treeNode == null) {
  if (treeNode.random !== null) {
    mymap[treeNode].random = mymap[treeNode.random];
  copyRandom(treeNode.left, mymap);
  copyRandom(treeNode.right, mymap);
function cloneTree(tree) {
  if (tree == null) {
    return null;
  let mymap = {};
  let newTree = copyLeftRightNode(tree, mymap);
  copyRandom(tree, mymap);
  return newTree;
// Test Case 1
let tree = new Node(1);
tree.left = new Node(2);
tree.right = new Node(3);
tree.left.left = new Node(4);
tree.left.right = new Node(5);
tree.random = tree.left.right;
tree.left.left.random = tree;
tree.left.right.random = tree.right;
// Test Case 2
// tree = null;
// Test Case 3
// tree = newNode(1);
// Test Case 4
tree = newNode(1);
tree.left = newNode(2);
tree.right = newNode(3);
tree.random = tree.right;
tree.left.random = tree;
console.log("Inorder traversal of original binary tree is:");
let output = "";
console.log("Inorder traversal of cloned binary tree is:");
let clone = cloneTree(tree);


Inorder traversal of original binary tree is: 
[4 1], [2 NULL], [5 3], [1 5], [3 NULL], 

Inorder traversal of cloned binary tree is: 
[4 1], [2 NULL], [5 3], [1 5], [3 NULL], 

Time complexity: O(n), this is because we need to traverse the entire tree in order to copy the left and right pointers, and then we need to traverse the tree again to copy the random pointers.
Auxiliary Space: O(n), this is because we need to store a mapping of the original treeā€™s nodes to their clones.

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