Climate Action Tracker

What is Climate Action Tracker?

Climate Action Tracker (abbreviated CAT) is a research group to monitors government action to achieve the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in regard to international agreements. The Climate Action Tracker is an independent scientific analysis that tracks government action to tackle climate change in line with the Paris Agreement’s goal of “keeping global warming below 2 °C and targeting 1.5 °C of warming”. Climate Analytics and New Climate Institute produce this climate action Tracker every year.

Functions Of Climate Action Tracker: 

  • CAT is tracking climate action in 32 countries responsible for 80% of the global greenhouse emissions.
  • CAT defines and evaluates goals, policies, and measures to reduce climate change.
  • It also integrates the operations of countries globally and uses the MAGICC climate model to determine potential temperature rise in the 21st century.
  • CAT continues to develop its industry analysis to outline the paths needed to achieve global temperature targets. The
  • CAT includes a representative sample of all large emitters and small emitters, representing approximately 85% of global emissions and approximately 70% of the world’s population.

Need For Climate Action Tracker:

  • Global warming at a very high level- To tackle the worldwide issue of global warming, such research organization is the need of the hour.
  • Rise of Sea Level- The rise of sea level is another impact of climate change. This phenomenon is causing great destruction to the environment. 
  • Climate Change- The world today, is facing a climate change issue. This is having a serious impact on every group of people. 
  • Loss of Habitat- Climate change has caused great damage to the habitat. Many wild creatures have lost their habitat due to climate change. 
  • Pollution- Pollution is a severe problem that the world is facing today. The climate action tracker keeps a record of the pollution level and caters to it. 

Present Condition of India:

Under India’s current targets and policies, emissions will continue to rise and will adapt to temperatures of 4 °C or higher, 33–35% below 2005 levels. By 2030, the goal of electricity generation is to reach 40% of installed capacity from non-biodegradable energy sources (international aid status); and to set carbon sink emissions targets to generate an additional (cumulative) carbon sink of 2.5-3 GtCO2-eq. More deforestation and tree cover by 2030. CAT classifies 40% of non-biodegradable energy as “severely insufficient” and an exhaust intensity target as “inadequate”. 

CAT covers a representative sample of all large emitters and small emitters, comprising 85% of global emissions and approximately 70% of the world’s population. CAT mainly focuses on policies of different countries and their action on emissions, the impact of commitments, targets, and NDCs on national emissions by 2030 and, if possible, beyond and a comparison of countries’ efforts with neutral parts and simulated internal roads: whether the government is contributing more than any other “neutral part” to global efforts to limit heat under the Paris Agreement, and whether there are ways to reduce it around the world.

Climate Action Tracker evaluates the NDC’s overall Global Efforts, Commitments, and Current Policies:

Global warming in the 21st century: The MAGICC carbon cycle/climate model is used to analyze global emissions pathways and predict climate impacts in line with government measures.
Emission gaps: The difference lies in the level of emissions required to limit temperatures below 2 °C to pre-industrial levels by 2030 (and to reduce global warming to below 1.5 °C by 2100) and the NDC, promises, and current policies. 

The Climate Action Tracker has generous support from foundations and governments including the European Climate Fund (Aviation, Shipping, Thailand, Iran, Nigeria, Colombia, Germany, UK, Vietnam, Kenya, COVID-19 and Government Response to Climate Change) and the German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) under the International Climate Policy Initiative (other elements).


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