Classification of RCA on basis of Domain

Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is basically considered to be an investigation that simply aims to determine real cause of problem. It also aims at finding actions and measures that are very necessary to eliminate it by solving it permanently rather than solving symptoms. RCA is a reactive method of simply identifying and solving problems or defects. By this, we can say that analysis is done after problem or defect is being occurred. RCA is generally classified on basis of domain it applied on. Classification is as follows:

These are explained as following below.

  1. Safety-based RCA –
    Safety-based RCA, as name suggests, is analysis that is done one basis of safety. These safeties can be considered as occupational safety, health safety, etc. In this, if any problem or event occurs in field of safety, health, etc., then RCA technique is used to analyze or investigate problem. In this RCA, root causes can be unavailability of safety barriers, hazards, or damages that are not identified yet, etc.

  2. Production-based RCA –
    Production-based RCA, as name suggests, is analysis that is done on basis of production. These productions can be considered as quality control for industries related to manufacturing products. In this, if any problem or event occurs in field of production, then RCA technique is used to analyze or investigate problem. In this RCA, root causes can be failure in function, mistake in production line, etc.

  3. Process-based RCA –
    Production-based RCA, as name suggests, is analysis that is done one basis of process. In this, if any problem or event occurs in field software development process i.e. process of improving design, product management, and project management, then RCA technique is used to analyze or investigate problem. In this RCA, root causes can be failure in process of individual, mistake in process steps, etc.

  4. Failure-based RCA –
    Failure-based RCA, as name suggests, is analysis that is done one basis of Failure. If any problem or event occurs in field of software maintenance i.e. process to modify, update, improve reliability and performance of software, then RCA technique is used to analyze or investigate problem. In this RCA, root causes can be failure in maintenance.

  5. System-based RCA –
    System-based RCA, as name suggests, is analysis that is done one basis of System. If any problem or event occurs in field of change management i.e. process of requesting, evaluating, planning, implementing changes in system, or in field of risk management i.e. process of identifying, managing, or controlling risks evolved during software development process, etc., then RCA technique is used to analyze or investigate problem. In this RCA, root causes can be failure in organizational culture, strategic management.

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