Class 10 RD Sharma Solutions – Chapter 8 Quadratic Equations – Exercise 8.7 | Set 2

Question 11: The sum of a number and its square is 63/4 , find the numbers.


Let the number is = x

so it’s square is = x2

Now according to condition-


⇒ x+x2 = 63/4

⇒ x2+x-63/4=0

Multiplying by 4-

⇒ 4x2+4x-63=0

⇒ 4x2 +(18-14)x – 63 =0    [because 63*4=252

                                               so 18*14=252  & 18-14=4]

⇒ 4x2+18x-14x-63=0



either 2x+9=0      or           2x-7=0

            x=-9/2       or                x=7/2

So number is -9/2 or 7/2.  

Question 12: There are three consecutive integers such that the square of the first increased by the product of the other two gives 154. What are the integers?


Let the first number is = x

so second number is = x+1

and third number is = x+2

now according to the given  condition-

⇒ (first number)2 + (second number)*(third number)=154

⇒ x2 + (x+1)(x+2)=154

⇒ x2 + x2 + 3x + 2 = 154

⇒ 2x2+3x-152=0

⇒ 2x2 +(19-16)x-152=0

⇒ 2x2 +19x-16x-152=0

⇒ x(2x+19)-8(2x+19)=0

⇒ (2x+19)(x-8)=0

Either  2x+19=0    or       x-8=0

           x=-19/2      or         x=8

but in question it is said number should be integer 

so discard x=-19/2

when x=8

First number is =8

Second number is =9

And Third number is =10

Question 13: The product of two successive integral multiple of 5 is 300. Determine the multiplies.


Let the first integral multiple of 5 is =5x

So next is = 5x+5

Now according to the condition-

 ⇒ (first integral multiple of 5)*(next integral multiple of 5)=300

⇒ 5x(5x+5)=300

Dividing by 5-

 ⇒ x(5x+5)=60

again dividing by 5-

⇒ x(x+1)=12

⇒ x2 + x -12=0

⇒ x2+(4-3)x-12=0

⇒ x2+4x-3x-12=0

⇒ x(x+4)-3(x+4)=0

⇒ (x+4)(x-3)=0

Either x+4=0    or       x-3=0

              x=-4     or          x=3

when x=-4

first integral multiple of 5 is = 5*-4 = -20

and next integral multiple of 5 is = 5*-4+5= -15

when x=3

first integral multiple of 5 is = 5*3 = 15

and next integral multiple of 5 is = 5*3+5 = 20

Question 14:The sum of the squares of two numbers is 233 and one of the numbers is 3 less than twice the other number. Find the numbers.


Let first number is= x

So second number = 2*(first number)-3

                              = 2x-3

Now according to given condition-

⇒(first number)2+(second number)2 = 233









Either   x-8=0      or        5x+28=0

               x=8       or             x=-28/5

but when x=-28/3, it doesn’t satisfy given condition.

so on taking x=8

first number is=x= 8

and second number is=2x-3=13 

Question 15:Find two consecutive even integers whose squares have the sum 340.


Let first even integer=2x

so second even integer=2x+2

According to given condition-

⇒(first integer)2+(second integer)2=340




Dividing by 8-






Either  x+7=0    or        x-6=0

                x=-7   or          x=6

When x=-7

then first integer=2*x= -14

and second integer=2x+2=-12

when x=6

then first integer=2*x= 12

and second integer=2x+2=14

Question 16:The difference of two numbers is 4. If the difference of their reciprocals is 4/21, find the numbers. 


Let first number is=x

So second number is=x-4

Reciprocal of first number is=1/x

and reciprocal of second number is=1/x-4

According to given condition-

⇒(reciprocal of first number)-(reciprocal of second number)=4/21


on taking LCM-









Either   x-7=0      or         x+3=0

             x=7         or           x=-3

When x=7

numbers are= 3,7

and when x=-3

numbers are=-7,-3

Question 17: Find two natural numbers that differ by 3 and whose squared have the sum 117.


Let the first number is=x

So second number is=x-3

Now according to given condition-

⇒(first number)2+(second number)2=117





Dividing by 2-






Either   x-9=0      or     x+6=0

              x=9        or        x=-6

But x=-6 is not a natural number.

So when x=9

⇒first number is=9

⇒second number is=9-3=6

Question 18: The sum of squares of three consecutive natural numbers is 149. Find the numbers.


Let first number is=x

so second is=x+1

and third is=x+2

Now according to given condition-

⇒(first number)2+(second number)2+(third number)2=149





Dividing by 3-






Either     x+8=0        or        x-6=0

                  x=-8       or           x=6

But x=-8 is not a natural number.

so when x=6

⇒first number is=x=6

⇒second number is=x+1=7

⇒third number is=x+2=8 

Question 19:The sum of two numbers is 16. The sum of their reciprocals is 1/3. Find the numbers.


Let first number is=x

So second number is=16-x

Reciprocal of first number is=1/x

and Reciprocal of second number is=1/(16-x)

Now according to given condition-

⇒(Reciprocal of first number)+(Reciprocal of second number)=1/3


on taking LCM-









Either    x-12=0         or        x-4=0

                x=12         or          x=4

so when x=12

numbers are = 12,4

when x=4

            numbers are=4,12

means required numbers are=4,12

Question 20: Determine two consecutive multiples of 3 whose product is 270.


Let first multiple of 3 is=3x

so second is=3x+3

Now according to given condition-

⇒ (first multiple of 3)*(second multiple of 3)=270



on dividing by 9-







Either  x+6=0      or      x-5=0

               x=-6     or        x=5

when x=-6

         first multiple is=3x=-18

         second multiple is=3x+3=-15

when  x=5

         first multiple is=3x=15

         second multiple is=3x+3=18

Question 21. The sum of a number and its reciprocal is 17/4. Find the number.


Let the number be x.

Then from the question, we have

x + 1/x = 17/4

(x2 + 1)/x = 17/4

⇒ 4(x2+1) = 17x

⇒ 4x+ 4 – 17x = 0

⇒ 4x+ 4 – 16x – x = 0

⇒ 4x(x – 4) – 1(x – 4) = 0

⇒ (4x – 1)(x – 4) = 0

Now, either x – 4 = 0 ⇒ x = 4

Or, 4x – 1 = 0 ⇒ x = 1/4

Thus, the value of x is 4.

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