Citi India Interview Experience for Internship (On-Campus 2020)

Citi Visited our campus for the post of Software Development Analyst Intern, at the location Pune for summer 2021. C.G.P.A cutoff was 6. 

Round 1: Round 1 was conducted on the AMCAT platform which had 4 sections, the test was of 2 hours, and a time limit imposed on every section.

  • Section 1: Quantitative aptitude: 14 questions
  • Section 2: Logical Reasoning: 12 questions
  • Section 3: Technical MCQ: 25 questions
  • Section 4: Coding section: 2 questions.

Coding Questions was easy and medium level, one based on arrays, and the other on Backtracking.

I solved both coding questions and MCQs went off pretty well. I was shortlisted for the next round along with 44 other students. 

Try to solve at least 1 coding question and MCQs nicely.

Round 2: This was a Technical interview round. It started with my introduction. She asked me to go through my resume and explain my projects. She asked about the time complexities of different Data structures, and which was better to use in which scenario.  

Then Complexities about sorting algorithms were asked, along with differences between 2-3 algos she named, like when should we use Quicksort, merge sort, etc. 

Then we had a discussion on my Ongoing Project which I was currently working on. It was machine learning, so she then asked about some terminologies of machine learning.

I was shortlisted for the next round with 15 other students.

Round 3 (HR ROUND+ Technical Round): There were two interviewers in the panel and after their introduction, I was asked to introduce myself and go through my resume.  The discussion was done about my projects and then questions were asked like

  1. A project which you are proud of doing and you think is unique according to you.
  2. Name some services which Citi Provides i.e What Citi does.
  3. Do I know about Investment banking and what it is? (I was not able to answer this and the question came because I mentioned this term in prev question.)
  4. Why do you want to join Citi?

Last was do I have any questions from them, I asked them some Basic questions about Citi. Be confident and clear with your answers, and work on your communications skills.

7 people from our campus were selected, and I was one of them.


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