Cisco Interview Experience for Internship (Off-Campus 2020)

Coding and aptitude Round: There were 17 questions which included 15 MCQs and 2 coding questions.

  • MCQ’s were based on the topics like Database Management, Computer Networks, Operating Systems, and few others were on Programming Languages and Aptitude questions.
  • Out of the 2 coding questions one was to find the minimum steps to reach the given target in a snake and ladder game. The 2 question was really easy Implementation question.

The Language available were Java, Python, and C

Round 1(Technical Interview Round): In this, there was a panel of two interviewers. They started Off by asking me to introduce myself and then asked me what is your strong area(Like Development, Networking Problem solving, etc.). They asked me about the BIOS and ‘traceroute’ command.

  1. How the IP addresses are generated and the difference between MAC address and IP address. Use of IPv4 & Ipv6. 
  2. Another question was, can an IPv6 device run IPv4 addresses.
  3. After this, there was an in-depth discussion about my projects, what motivates me to do those, and what are my ambitions with those.
  4. Then, the other interviewer asked me Coding problems:
    • Rotating a linked list ‘k’ times to the right.
    • Returning the word form of any number, e.g: 231: Two hundred thirty-one, I solved this one using a map.

The complete round was of about 1 hour.

Round 2(Managerial Round): This round was taken by a senior software Engineer at CISCO, so he initially tried to make me comfortable by asking general questions. Then he asked me what area do I like most.  I told them about my field i.e. Machine Learning and Data Analytics.

  1. Then, there were detailed discussions about my every project. This continued for about 20 minutes.
  2. After this, he asked me about what happens when I type WWW.GOOGLE.COM in my web-browser. He wanted the complete Process.
  3. Then he asked me one coding problem i.e. Level Order Traversal of a Binary Tree.

Round 3(HR Round): In this round, they asked me questions about CISCO, why CISCO, and some general HR questions. After that, they told me about the Stipend and Benefits of working at CISCO.

That was all about my interview Experience with CISCO.

Thank You

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