ChronoLocalDateTime plus(TemporalAmount) method in Java with Examples

The plus() method of a ChronoLocalDateTime interface is used to return a copy of this ChronoLocalDateTime with the specified amount added to date-time. The amount is typically Period or Duration but may be any other type implementing the TemporalAmount interface.


default ChronoLocalDateTime plus(TemporalAmount amountToadd)

Parameters: This method accepts one single parameter amountToadd which is the amount to add, It should not be null.
Return value: This method returns ChronoLocalDateTime based on this date-time with the addition made, not null.
This method throws following Exceptions:

  • DateTimeException – if the addition cannot be made
  • ArithmeticException – if numeric overflow occurs

Below programs illustrate the plus() method: 
Program 1:  


// Java program to demonstrate
// method
import java.time.*;
import java.time.chrono.*;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Get the ChronoLocalDateTime instance
        ChronoLocalDateTime ldt
            = LocalDateTime
        // Get the String representation of this ChronoLocalDateTime
        System.out.println("Original ChronoLocalDateTime: "
                           + ldt.toString());
        // add 10 Days to ChronoLocalDateTime
        ChronoLocalDateTime value
        // print result
        System.out.println("ChronoLocalDateTime after adding Days: "
                           + value);


Original ChronoLocalDateTime: 2019-12-31T19:15:30
ChronoLocalDateTime after adding Days: 2020-01-10T19:15:30



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