ChoiceFormat nextDouble(double) method in Java with Examples

The nextDouble(double) method of java.text.ChoiceFormat class is used to get the double value just greater than the specified double value.


public static final double nextDouble(double d)

Parameter: This method accepts double value d as a parameter for which the next double value is returned.
Return Value: This method returns an double value just greater than the passed double value.
Below are the examples to illustrate the nextDouble() method:
Example 1:  


// Java program to demonstrate
// nextDouble() method
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] argv)
        // getting double value just
        // greater than the passed value
        // using nextDouble() method
        double value
            = ChoiceFormat.nextDouble(22);
        // display the result
        System.out.print("Next greater double"
                         + " value than 22: "
                         + value);


Next greater double value than 22: 22.000000000000004


Example 2: 


// Java program to demonstrate
// nextDouble() method
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] argv)
        // calling getValue() method
    // defining getValue() method
    public static void getValue(double doub)
        // getting double value just
        // greater than the passed value
        // using nextDouble() method
        double value
            = ChoiceFormat.nextDouble(doub);
        // display the result
        System.out.println("Next greater double"
                         + " value than "
                         + doub + ": " + value);


Next greater double value than 1.23: 1.2300000000000002
Next greater double value than 10.0: 10.000000000000002
Next greater double value than -12.0: -11.999999999999998
Next greater double value than 1.2000000476837158: 1.200000047683716
Next greater double value than 50.0: 50.00000000000001



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