Check whether two strings are equivalent or not according to given condition

Given two strings A and B of equal size. Two strings are equivalent either of the following conditions hold true: 
1) They both are equal. Or, 
2) If we divide the string A into two contiguous substrings of same size A1 and A2 and string B into two contiguous substrings of same size B1 and B2, then one of the following should be correct: 

  • A1 is recursively equivalent to B1 and A2 is recursively equivalent to B2
  • A1 is recursively equivalent to B2 and A2 is recursively equivalent to B1

Check whether given strings are equivalent or not. Print YES or NO.

Input : A = “aaba”, B = “abaa” 
Output : YES 
Explanation : Since condition 1 doesn’t hold true, we can divide string A into “aaba” = “aa” + “ba” and string B into “abaa” = “ab” + “aa”. Here, 2nd subcondition holds true where A1 is equal to B2 and A2 is recursively equal to B1
Input : A = “aabb”, B = “abab” 
Output : NO 

Naive Solution : A simple solution is to consider all possible scenarios. Check first if the both strings are equal return “YES”, otherwise divide the strings and check if A1 = B1 and A2 = B2 or A1 = B2 and A2 = B1 by using four recursive calls. Complexity of this solution would be O(n2), where n is the size of the string.


is_recursive_equiv(A, B):
if A == B:
return "YES" // base case: A and B are already equivalent
if length(A) is odd or length(B) is odd:
return "NO" // base case: odd-length strings cannot be recursively equivalent
n = length(A)
A1 = substring(A, 0, n/2) // divide A into two halves
A2 = substring(A, n/2)
B1 = substring(B, 0, n/2) // divide B into two halves
B2 = substring(B, n/2)
if (is_recursive_equiv(A1, B1) == "YES" and is_recursive_equiv(A2, B2) == "YES") or
(is_recursive_equiv(A1, B2) == "YES" and is_recursive_equiv(A2, B1) == "YES"):
return "YES" // if corresponding halves are recursively equivalent, return "YES"
return "NO" // otherwise, return "NO"

Implementation of above approach


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string is_recursive_equiv(string A, string B) {
    // Check if A and B are already equivalent
    if (A == B) {
        return "YES";
    // Check if the length of A and B is even
    if (A.length() % 2 != 0 || B.length() % 2 != 0) {
        return "NO";
    // Divide A and B into two halves
    int n = A.length();
    string A1 = A.substr(0, n/2);
    string A2 = A.substr(n/2);
    string B1 = B.substr(0, n/2);
    string B2 = B.substr(n/2);
    // Recursively check if the halves of A and B are equivalent
    if ((is_recursive_equiv(A1, B1) == "YES" && is_recursive_equiv(A2, B2) == "YES") ||
        (is_recursive_equiv(A1, B2) == "YES" && is_recursive_equiv(A2, B1) == "YES")) {
        return "YES";
    return "NO";
int main() {
    string A = "aaba";
    string B = "abaa";
    cout << is_recursive_equiv(A, B) << endl;  // Output: YES
    A = "aabb";
    B = "abab";
    cout << is_recursive_equiv(A, B) << endl;  // Output: NO
    return 0;


import java.util.*;
public class Main {
    static String isRecursiveEquiv(String A, String B) {
        // Check if A and B are already equivalent
        if (A.equals(B)) {
            return "YES";
        // Check if the length of A and B is even
        if (A.length() % 2 != 0 || B.length() % 2 != 0) {
            return "NO";
        // Divide A and B into two halves
        int n = A.length();
        String A1 = A.substring(0, n / 2);
        String A2 = A.substring(n / 2);
        String B1 = B.substring(0, n / 2);
        String B2 = B.substring(n / 2);
        // Recursively check if the halves of A and B are equivalent
        if ((isRecursiveEquiv(A1, B1).equals("YES") && isRecursiveEquiv(A2, B2).equals("YES"))
                || (isRecursiveEquiv(A1, B2).equals("YES") && isRecursiveEquiv(A2, B1).equals("YES"))) {
            return "YES";
        return "NO";
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String A = "aaba";
        String B = "abaa";
        System.out.println(isRecursiveEquiv(A, B));  // Output: YES
        A = "aabb";
        B = "abab";
        System.out.println(isRecursiveEquiv(A, B));  // Output: NO
    // This code is contributed by Shivam Tiwari.


def is_recursive_equiv(A, B):
    if A == B:
        return "YES"
    if len(A) % 2 != 0 or len(B) % 2 != 0:
        return "NO"
    n = len(A)
    A1, A2 = A[:n//2], A[n//2:]
    B1, B2 = B[:n//2], B[n//2:]
    if (is_recursive_equiv(A1, B1) == "YES" and is_recursive_equiv(A2, B2) == "YES") or \
       (is_recursive_equiv(A1, B2) == "YES" and is_recursive_equiv(A2, B1) == "YES"):
        return "YES"
    return "NO"
A = "aaba"
B = "abaa"
print(is_recursive_equiv(A, B))  # Output: YES
A = "aabb"
B = "abab"
print(is_recursive_equiv(A, B))  # Output: NO


using System;
class Program
    static string IsRecursiveEquiv(string A, string B)
        // Check if A and B are already equivalent
        if (A == B)
            return "YES";
        // Check if the length of A and B is even
        if (A.Length % 2 != 0 || B.Length % 2 != 0)
            return "NO";
        // Divide A and B into two halves
        int n = A.Length;
        string A1 = A.Substring(0, n/2);
        string A2 = A.Substring(n/2);
        string B1 = B.Substring(0, n/2);
        string B2 = B.Substring(n/2);
        // Recursively check if the halves of A and B are equivalent
        if ((IsRecursiveEquiv(A1, B1) == "YES" && IsRecursiveEquiv(A2, B2) == "YES") ||
            (IsRecursiveEquiv(A1, B2) == "YES" && IsRecursiveEquiv(A2, B1) == "YES"))
            return "YES";
        return "NO";
    static void Main()
        string A = "aaba";
        string B = "abaa";
        Console.WriteLine(IsRecursiveEquiv(A, B));  // Output: YES
        A = "aabb";
        B = "abab";
        Console.WriteLine(IsRecursiveEquiv(A, B));  // Output: NO


// Function to check if two strings A and B are recursively equivalent
function isRecursiveEquiv(A, B) {
    // Check if A and B are already equivalent
    if (A === B) {
        return "YES";
    // Check if the length of A and B is even
    if (A.length % 2 !== 0 || B.length % 2 !== 0) {
        return "NO";
    // Divide A and B into two halves
    const n = A.length;
    const A1 = A.substring(0, n / 2);
    const A2 = A.substring(n / 2);
    const B1 = B.substring(0, n / 2);
    const B2 = B.substring(n / 2);
    // Recursively check if the halves of A and B are equivalent
    if (
        (isRecursiveEquiv(A1, B1) === "YES" && isRecursiveEquiv(A2, B2) === "YES") ||
        (isRecursiveEquiv(A1, B2) === "YES" && isRecursiveEquiv(A2, B1) === "YES")
    ) {
        return "YES";
    return "NO";
// Test cases
const A1 = "aaba";
const B1 = "abaa";
console.log(isRecursiveEquiv(A1, B1)); // Output: YES
const A2 = "aabb";
const B2 = "abab";
console.log(isRecursiveEquiv(A2, B2)); // Output: NO



Efficient Solution : Let’s define following operation on string S. We can divide it into two halves and if we want we can swap them. And also, we can recursively apply this operation to both of its halves. By careful observation, we can see that if after applying the operation on some string A, we can obtain B, then after applying the operation on B we can obtain A. And for the given two strings, we can recursively find the least lexicographically string that can be obtained from them. Those obtained strings if are equal, answer is YES, otherwise NO. For example, least lexicographically string for “aaba” is “aaab”. And least lexicographically string for “abaa” is also “aaab”. Hence both of these are equivalent.

Steps to follow to implement the above approach:

  • Define a function leastLexiString(s) that takes a string s as input and returns the least lexicographical string that can be formed       by rearranging the letters of s.
    • If the length of s is odd, return s as it is. This is the base case.
    • Divide the string s into two halves, x and y.
    • Recursively call leastLexiString() on x and y to find the least lexicographical strings that can be formed from these two                      halves.
    • return min(x+y,y+x).
  • Define a function areEquivalent(a, b) that takes two strings a and b as input and returns true if the least lexicographical strings         that can be formed from a and b are equal, false otherwise.
    • Call leastLexiString() on a and b, and compare the results. If they are equal, return true, otherwise return false.

Below is the code to implement the above approach:


// CPP Program to find whether two strings
// are equivalent or not according to given
// condition
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// This function returns the least lexicogr
// aphical string obtained from its two halves
string leastLexiString(string s)
    // Base Case - If string size is 1
    if (s.size() & 1)
        return s;
    // Divide the string into its two halves
    string x = leastLexiString(s.substr(0,
                                        s.size() / 2));
    string y = leastLexiString(s.substr(s.size() / 2));
    // Form least lexicographical string
    return min(x + y, y + x);
bool areEquivalent(string a, string b)
  return (leastLexiString(a) == leastLexiString(b));
// Driver Code
int main()
    string a = "aaba";
    string b = "abaa";
    if (areEquivalent(a, b))
        cout << "YES" << endl;
        cout << "NO" << endl;
    a = "aabb";
    b = "abab";
    if (areEquivalent(a, b))
        cout << "YES" << endl;
        cout << "NO" << endl;
    return 0;


// Java Program to find whether two strings
// are equivalent or not according to given
// condition
class GfG
// This function returns the least lexicogr
// aphical String obtained from its two halves
static String leastLexiString(String s)
    // Base Case - If String size is 1
    if (s.length() == 1)
        return s;
    // Divide the String into its two halves
    String x = leastLexiString(s.substring(0,
                                        s.length() / 2));
    String y = leastLexiString(s.substring(s.length() / 2));
    // Form least lexicographical String
    return String.valueOf((x + y).compareTo(y + x));
static boolean areEquivalent(String a, String b)
    return !(leastLexiString(a).equals(leastLexiString(b)));
// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
    String a = "aaba";
    String b = "abaa";
    if (areEquivalent(a, b))
    a = "aabb";
    b = "abab";
    if (areEquivalent(a, b))
/* This code contributed by PrinciRaj1992 */


# Python 3 Program to find whether two strings
# are equivalent or not according to given
# condition
# This function returns the least lexicogr
# aphical string obtained from its two halves
def leastLexiString(s):
    # Base Case - If string size is 1
    if (len(s) & 1 != 0):
        return s
    # Divide the string into its two halves
    x = leastLexiString(s[0:int(len(s) / 2)])
    y = leastLexiString(s[int(len(s) / 2):len(s)])
    # Form least lexicographical string
    return min(x + y, y + x)
def areEquivalent(a,b):
    return (leastLexiString(a) == leastLexiString(b))
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    a = "aaba"
    b = "abaa"
    if (areEquivalent(a, b)):
    a = "aabb"
    b = "abab"
    if (areEquivalent(a, b)):
# This code is contributed by
# Surendra_Gangwar


// C# Program to find whether two strings
// are equivalent or not according to given
// condition
using System;
class GFG
// This function returns the least lexicogr-
// aphical String obtained from its two halves
static String leastLexiString(String s)
    // Base Case - If String size is 1
    if (s.Length == 1)
        return s;
    // Divide the String into its two halves
    String x = leastLexiString(s.Substring(0,
                               s.Length / 2));
    String y = leastLexiString(s.Substring(
                               s.Length / 2));
    // Form least lexicographical String
    return ((x + y).CompareTo(y + x).ToString());
static Boolean areEquivalent(String a, String b)
    return !(leastLexiString(a).Equals(
// Driver Code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    String a = "aaba";
    String b = "abaa";
    if (areEquivalent(a, b))
    a = "aabb";
    b = "abab";
    if (areEquivalent(a, b))
// This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992


    // Javascript Program to find whether two strings
    // are equivalent or not according to given
    // condition
    // This function returns the least lexicogr-
    // aphical String obtained from its two halves
    function leastLexiString(s)
        // Base Case - If String size is 1
        if (s.length == 1)
            return s;
        // Divide the String into its two halves
        let x = leastLexiString(s.substring(0,
                                   s.length / 2));
        let y = leastLexiString(s.substring(
                                   s.length / 2));
        // Form least lexicographical String
        if((x + y) < (y + x))
            return (x+y);
            return (y+x);
    function areEquivalent(a, b)
        return (leastLexiString(a) == leastLexiString(b));
    let a = "aaba";
    let b = "abaa";
    if (areEquivalent(a, b))
        document.write("YES" + "</br>");
        document.write("NO" + "</br>");
    a = "aabb";
    b = "abab";
    if (areEquivalent(a, b))
        document.write("YES" + "</br>");
        document.write("NO" + "</br>");
// This code is contributed by decode2207.


// PHP Program to find whether two strings
// are equivalent or not according to given
// condition
// This function returns the least lexicogr
// aphical string obtained from its two halves
function leastLexiString($s)
    // Base Case - If string size is 1
    if (strlen($s) & 1)
        return $s;
    // Divide the string into its two halves
    $x = leastLexiString(substr($s, 0,floor(strlen($s) / 2)));
    $y = leastLexiString(substr($s,floor(strlen($s) / 2),strlen($s)));
    // Form least lexicographical string
    return min($x.$y, $y.$x);
function areEquivalent($a, $b)
    return (leastLexiString($a) == leastLexiString($b));
    // Driver Code
    $a = "aaba";
    $b = "abaa";
    if (areEquivalent($a, $b))
        echo "YES", "\n";
        echo "NO", "\n";
    $a = "aabb";
    $b = "abab";
    if (areEquivalent($a, $b))
        echo "YES", "\n";
        echo "NO","\n";
// This code is contributed by Ryuga



Time Complexity: O(N*logN), where N is the size of the string.
Auxiliary Space: O(logN)

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