Check whether a number has consecutive 0’s in the given base or not

Given a decimal number N, the task is to check if a number has consecutive zeroes or not after converting the number to its K-based notation.


Input: N = 4, K = 2 
Output: No 
4 in base 2 is 100, As there are consecutive 2 thus the answer is No.

Input: N = 15, K = 8 
Output: Yes 
15 in base 8 is 17, As there are no consecutive 0 so the answer is Yes. 

Recommended: Please try your approach on {IDE} first, before moving on to the solution.

Approach: First convert the number N into base K and then simply check if the number has consecutive zeroes or not.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:  


// C++ implementation of the above approach
using namespace std;
// Function to convert N into base K
int toK(int N, int K)
// Weight of each digit
    int w = 1;
    int s = 0;
    while (N != 0)
        int r = N % K;
        N = N/K;
        s = r * w + s;
        w *= 10;
    return s;
// Function to check for consecutive 0
bool check(int N)
// Flag to check if there are consecutive
    // zero or not
    bool fl = false;
    while (N != 0)
        int r = N % 10;
        N = N/10;
        // If there are two consecutive zero
        // then returning False
        if (fl == true and r == 0)
            return false;
        if (r > 0)
            fl = false;
        fl = true;
     return true;
// We first convert to given base, then
// check if the converted number has two
// consecutive 0s or not
void hasConsecutiveZeroes(int N, int K)
    int z = toK(N, K);
    if (check(z))
// Driver code
int main()
int N = 15;
int K = 8;
hasConsecutiveZeroes(N, K);
// This code is contributed by
// Surendra_Gangwar


// Java implementation of the above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG
// Function to convert N into base K
static int toK(int N, int K)
    // Weight of each digit
    int w = 1;
    int s = 0;
    while (N != 0)
        int r = N % K;
        N = N / K;
        s = r * w + s;
        w *= 10;
    return s;
// Function to check for consecutive 0
static boolean check(int N)
    // Flag to check if there are consecutive
    // zero or not
    boolean fl = false;
    while (N != 0)
        int r = N % 10;
        N = N / 10;
        // If there are two consecutive zero
        // then returning False
        if (fl == true && r == 0)
            return false;
        if (r > 0)
            fl = false;
        fl = true;
    return true;
// We first convert to given base, then
// check if the converted number has two
// consecutive 0s or not
static void hasConsecutiveZeroes(int N, int K)
    int z = toK(N, K);
    if (check(z))
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int N = 15;
    int K = 8;
    hasConsecutiveZeroes(N, K);
// This code is contributed by Princi Singh


# Python implementation of the above approach
# We first convert to given base, then
# check if the converted number has two
# consecutive 0s or not
def hasConsecutiveZeroes(N, K):
    z = toK(N, K)
    if (check(z)):
# Function to convert N into base K
def toK(N, K):
    # Weight of each digit
    w = 1
    s = 0
    while (N != 0):
        r = N % K
        N = N//K
        s = r * w + s
        w* = 10
    return s
# Function to check for consecutive 0
def check(N):
    # Flag to check if there are consecutive
    # zero or not
    fl = False
    while (N != 0):
        r = N % 10
        N = N//10
        # If there are two consecutive zero
        # then returning False
        if (fl == True and r == 0):
            return False
        if (r > 0):
            fl = False
        fl = True
    return True
# Driver code
N, K = 15, 8
hasConsecutiveZeroes(N, K)


// C# implementation of the above approach
using System;
class GFG
// Function to convert N into base K
static int toK(int N, int K)
    // Weight of each digit
    int w = 1;
    int s = 0;
    while (N != 0)
        int r = N % K;
        N = N / K;
        s = r * w + s;
        w *= 10;
    return s;
// Function to check for consecutive 0
static Boolean check(int N)
    // Flag to check if there are consecutive
    // zero or not
    Boolean fl = false;
    while (N != 0)
        int r = N % 10;
        N = N / 10;
        // If there are two consecutive zero
        // then returning False
        if (fl == true && r == 0)
            return false;
        if (r > 0)
            fl = false;
        fl = true;
    return true;
// We first convert to given base, then
// check if the converted number has two
// consecutive 0s or not
static void hasConsecutiveZeroes(int N, int K)
    int z = toK(N, K);
    if (check(z))
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    int N = 15;
    int K = 8;
    hasConsecutiveZeroes(N, K);
// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar


// Javascript implementation of the above approach
// Function to convert N into base K
function toK(N, K)
    // Weight of each digit
    let w = 1;
    let s = 0;
    while (N != 0)
        let r = N % K;
        N = parseInt(N / K);
        s = r * w + s;
        w *= 10;
    return s;
// Function to check for consecutive 0
function check(N)
    // Flag to check if there are consecutive
    // zero or not
    let fl = false;
    while (N != 0)
        let r = N % 10;
        N = parseInt(N/10);
        // If there are two consecutive zero
        // then returning False
        if (fl == true && r == 0)
            return false;
        if (r > 0)
            fl = false;
        fl = true;
     return true;
// We first convert to given base, then
// check if the converted number has two
// consecutive 0s or not
function hasConsecutiveZeroes(N, K)
    let z = toK(N, K);
    if (check(z))
// Driver code
let N = 15;
let K = 8;
hasConsecutiveZeroes(N, K);
// This code is contributed by souravmahato348


// PHP implementation of the above approach
// We first convert to given base,
// then check if the converted number
// has two consecutive 0s or not
function hasConsecutiveZeroes($N, $K)
    $z = toK($N, $K);
    if (check($z))
// Function to convert N into base K
function toK($N, $K)
    // Weight of each digit
    $w = 1;
    $s = 0;
    while ($N != 0)
        $r = $N % $K;
        $N = (int)($N / $K);
        $s = $r * $w + $s;
        $w *= 10;
    return $s;
// Function to check for consecutive 0
function check($N)
    // Flag to check if there are
    // consecutive zero or not
    $fl = false;
    while ($N != 0)
        $r = $N % 10;
        $N = (int)($N / 10);
        // If there are two consecutive
        // zero then returning false
        if ($fl == true and $r == 0)
            return false;
        if ($r > 0)
            $fl = false;
        $fl = true;
    return true;
// Driver code
$N = 15;
$K = 8;
hasConsecutiveZeroes($N, $K);
// This code is contributed by mits



Time Complexity: O(logkn + log10n), where n and k represents the value of the given integers.
Auxiliary Space: O(1), no extra space is required, so it is a constant.

Approach: 2 

Here is another approach to solve the same problem:

  • Start with the given number N and initialize a variable called count to 0.
  • Convert N to base K by continuously dividing N by K and appending the remainder to the right of the result until N becomes 0. Let’s call the result of this conversion s.
  • Traverse through the string s and check each character. If the character is ‘0’, increment count by 1. If the character is not ‘0’, reset count to 0.
  • If count becomes 2 or more during the traversal, then the number N has consecutive 0s in base K. Otherwise, it does not.

Here is the code of above approach:


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
bool hasConsecutiveZeroes(int N, int K) {
    // Convert N to base K
    string s = "";
    while (N > 0) {
        s = to_string(N % K) + s;
        N /= K;
    // Traverse through the converted string and check for consecutive 0s
    int count = 0;
    for (char c : s) {
        if (c == '0') {
            if (count >= 2) {
                return false;
        } else {
            count = 0;
    return true;
int main() {
    int N = 15;
    int K = 8;
    if (hasConsecutiveZeroes(N, K)) {
        cout << "Yes" << endl;
    } else {
        cout << "No" << endl;
    return 0;


import java.util.*;
public class Main {
  static boolean hasConsecutiveZeroes(int N, int K) {
    // Convert N to base K
    String s = "";
    while (N > 0) {
        s = Integer.toString(N % K) + s;
        N /= K;
    // Traverse through the converted string and check for consecutive 0s
    int count = 0;
    for (char c : s.toCharArray()) {
        if (c == '0') {
            if (count >= 2) {
                return false;
        } else {
            count = 0;
    return true;
public static void main(String[] args) {
    int N = 15;
    int K = 8;
    if (hasConsecutiveZeroes(N, K)) {
    } else {


def hasConsecutiveZeroes(N, K):
    # Convert N to base K
    s = ""
    while N > 0:
        s = str(N % K) + s
        N //= K
    # Traverse through the converted string and check for consecutive 0s
    count = 0
    for c in s:
        if c == '0':
            count += 1
            if count >= 2:
                return False
            count = 0
    return True
N = 15
K = 8
if hasConsecutiveZeroes(N, K):


using System;
public class ConsecutiveZeroesCheck
    public static bool HasConsecutiveZeroes(int N, int K)
        // Convert N to base K
        string s = "";
        while (N > 0)
            s = (N % K).ToString() + s;
            N /= K;
        // Traverse through the converted string and check for consecutive 0s
        int count = 0;
        foreach (char c in s)
            if (c == '0')
                if (count >= 2)
                    return false;
                count = 0;
        return true;
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        int N = 15;
        int K = 8;
        if (HasConsecutiveZeroes(N, K))


 * This function checks if the number N in base K has consecutive 0s.
 * @param n The number to check.
 * @param k The base to convert N to.
 * @returns True if N in base K has consecutive 0s, False otherwise.
function hasConsecutiveZeroes(n, k) {
    // Convert N to base K.
    // The variable `s` will store the converted string.
    let s = "";
    while (n > 0) {
        // Append the remainder of N divided by K to the string `s`.
        s += String(n % k);
        // Get the quotient of N divided by K.
        n = Math.floor(n / k);
    // Traverse through the converted string and check for consecutive 0s.
    // The variable `count` will keep track of the number of consecutive 0s.
    let count = 0;
    for (const c of s) {
        // If the current character is a 0, increment `count`.
        if (c === "0") {
        } else {
            // If the current character is not a 0, reset `count` to 0.
            count = 0;
        // If `count` is greater than or equal to 2, return False.
        if (count >= 2) {
            return false;
    // If `count` is less than 2, return True.
    return true;
 * This is the main entry point of the program.
 * It takes two integers N and K as input and prints "Yes" if N in base K has consecutive 0s,
 * and "No" otherwise.
    const n = 15;
    const k = 8;
    if (hasConsecutiveZeroes(n, k)) {
    } else {



Time Complexity: O(logN + length of the string).
Auxiliary Space: O(logN) , because it also requires storing the converted number as a string.

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