10 Best ChatGPT Prompts Examples for Email Marketing 2024

Email marketing is a popular marketing strategy that involves using email to promote a business’s products, updates, and other forms of communication for the success of the business. This strategy is proven to be effective when managed correctly.

ChatGPT can assist in generating high-quality email content, enhancing their email marketing campaigns, and helping them interact deeply with the customers. You can use ChatGPT prompts to create various types of emails ranging from welcome and abandoned cart emotions to more promotional emails and newsletters. Overall, ChatGPT helps marketing teams with content inspiration, Personalization, consistency, and adaptability.

In this article, we are presenting the 10 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Email Marketing.

10 Best ChatGPT Prompts Examples for Email Marketing 2024

  • 10 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Email Marketing
  • 1. Subject line generation
  • 2. Feedback and Survey
  • 3. Re-engagement
  • 4. Event Announcement
  • 5. Welcoming New Member
  • 6. Restock Notification
  • 7. Referral Invitation
  • 8. Upsell or cross-sell Emails
  • 9. Flash Sale Notification
  • 10. Customer Service
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs – 10 Best ChatGPT Prompts Examples for Email Marketing 2024

10 Best ChatGPT Prompts for Email Marketing

1. Subject line generation

Prompt: “Create 10 subject lines for a product launch”.

Talking about the email marketing prompts, the subject line for an email is a crucial part and helps in attracting attention from the customer to increase engagement. ChatGPT helps in providing a list of subject lines to choose from, that matches with the brand’s voice.

Sample prompts:

  • Produce the subject line for an invitation to a workshop.
  • Create subject line alerting deadline of an assignment

How the prompts help:

  • It provides the creator a wide range of creative and unique options.
  • Creators can specify tone and style for the email campaign that can help target audience.

2. Feedback and Survey

Prompt: “Create an email requesting feedback of a course purchased from an education brand”.

Feedback and survey email marketing prompt is an important tool as it is important for success of a company and also maintains customer satisfaction. Many businesses rely on feedback and surveys to improve productivity and profitability and also show importance for their opinions.

Sample prompts:

  • Create an email requesting to review and rate an app.
  • Craft an email to request feedback on the customer’s experience of a product returned.

How the prompt helps:

  • The AI-tool gathers all the important questions regarding the description.
  • It helps save time and communicate effectively with the customer.

3. Re-engagement

Prompt: “Create an email for re-engaging customer to return to online store after a long break”.

Re-engagement email marketing prompt is needed to effectively gain attention from customers that have been inactive to increase customer loyalty. It is known that gaining new customers is five times more expensive than retaining in regaining the existing ones. It aso focuses on tasks such as offering incentives and gathering feedback to win back the inactive customers.

Sample prompts:

  • Generate an email to remind the customer for subscription renewal.
  • Write a thoughtful follow-up email to attendees of a course.

How the prompts help:

  • Helps to make the content more persuasive and engaging.
  • Assist in maximising the chances of re-engagement

4. Event Announcement

Prompt: “Create an email and subject line announcing launching date for a new product of a skincare brand”.

The event announcement email generating prompt does the task of inviting few or all customers and shows importance towards them to inform and anticipate interests towards an upcoming event and also make them realise that you care about them personally coming to the event.It focuses on building anticipation, generating awareness and deepening customer relationships and expect attendance for a successful event.

Sample prompts:

  • Create a captivating email announcing contest to be held by the brand.
  • Generate an email reminding to save-the-date of the new webinar.

How the prompts help:

  • Uses details provided in description in a very efficient manner.
  • Helps to maintain the tone of excitement for the invite email copy.

5. Welcoming New Member

Prompt: “Create an email welcoming a new subscriber to a service”.

The welcoming email generating prompt does the task of portraying efforts and value from the company towards new clients. It is a crucial part as it is an opportunity to make a first impression on the new customers. Its a chance to inform the customers about your business and give an insight on what they can expect in future.

Sample prompts:

  • Generate a friendly welcome email for users who’ve just started a trial of a premium version of an app.
  • Create an email politely inviting to take a free demo as part of being a new customer.

How the prompt helps:

  • Helps in producing welcoming as well as informative content.
  • It saves time as it is an automated email to every new customer.

6. Restock Notification

Prompt: “Create an email notifying restock of an electronic product”.

The restock notifying email generating prompt does the task of reminding the customers of the product, which is again available that they have shown interest in or added to their wishlists. It aids in customer convenience and meeting customer demand. ChatGPT can automate the process of generating restock notification emails, saving time and effort for marketing teams.

Sample prompts:

  • Create an email reminding restock of products which were in the customer’s wish list.
  • Create an informative email reminding restock of a product after a prolonged break.

How the prompt helps:

  • Only some details are needed to be provided as a prompt.
  • It helps to maintain the tone and style and match with the brand.

7. Referral Invitation

Prompt: “Generate an email updating customers on our referral leaderboard and congratulating top referrers. We want to encourage healthy competition and motivate others to join in.”

The Referral type of Email generating prompt mainly focuses towards gaining new customers with the use of the network of the existing customers. Referral marketing is more cost-effective than any other form of marketing. It also is a way to reward existing customers and at the same time expand customer range.

Sample prompts:

  • Compose an exciting special holiday referral email to a customer.
  • Create an email congratulating the customer and offer a 50% discount to the customer and their friend by referring to the link.

How the prompt helps:

  • Helps to connect with maximum customers.
  • Details are presented in a very precise manner.

8. Upsell or cross-sell Emails

Prompt: “Generate an email recommending a customer to upgrade to latest version of an app”.

Upsell or cross-sell email marketing prompts is used in order to inform the customer of the newest updates or the add-ons to their past purchases and thus encouraging the customers into buying more from their brand as the customers have experience from their brand. It mainly focuses on building long term relationship with the customers and repetitive purchase.

Sample prompts:

  • Develop a persuasive email to upsell a new addition to a collection of books.
  • Compose an email recommending customers to buy a product similar to their past purchases.

How the prompt helps:

  • Helps to highlight the value and benefits to encourage the customer.
  • Helps to briefly explain the given detail in the prompt.

9. Flash Sale Notification

Prompt: “Create an email alerting flash sale of a product on Monday”.

Flash sale email generating prompt is used as a strategic marketing tactic used to create urgency, drive sales, and maintain customer engagement. It is usually used by businesses in order to clear out slow sales or to attract new customers who may be enticed by lower prices. It also aids in data collection on their customer’s preferences and behaviours by noting the engagement with the emails to get an insight on purchase habits of the customers.

Sample prompts:

  • Compose an email attracting customers towards newly launched products at 20% off for a limited period.
  • Create an email mentioning an offer of 40% on buying products worth 2999.

How does it help:

  • It helps to brief the given detail maintaining the inviting tone throughout.
  • It importantly shows urgency towards the offer leading to high engagement with customers in that period.

10. Customer Service

Prompt: “Create a helpful customer service follow up email for a customer and also provide additional assistance and thank them for their patience”.

The customer service email generating prompts play the role of interacting with the customer with faster response which helps maintain customer loyalty and retains customer service plays a crucial role in engaging with customers directly.

Sample prompts:

  • Create an email responding to a customer’s complaint regarding a service and provide assistance.
  • Compose an email as a follow up to the return request of a product and provide additional assistance.

How the prompt helps:

  • Helps reduce response time to the customer and meets customers’ expectations.
  • Avoids missed customer opportunity which helps in minimising customer loss.


Email marketing is a popular marketing strategy that involves using email for promoting business. ChatGPT is a valuable companion to email marketers as it helps provide high quality content at less time. ChatGPT has the skill to adapt with the marketing goals and targeted audience.

It’s a helpful tool for businesses to engage with their audience, build relationships and promote products or services. Chatgpt helps in composing personalised emails with compelling subject lines, which helps capture customer’s attention and aid to increase engagement and directly impacts success rate of any business.

FAQs – 10 Best ChatGPT Prompts Examples for Email Marketing 2024

How do I use ChatGPT in email marketing?

You could use Chatgpt for email marketing by using prompts with details for personalised emails for customer service, event invitation and announcement, feedback, survey and email automation.

Can ChatGPT write marketing emails?

ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for generating marketing email content, it’s important to review and edit the output to ensure that it matches with your brand voice, messaging guidelines, and overall marketing strategy.

How do I ask ChatGPT for marketing?

By providing clear, direct and specific prompts and even additional information to produce the exact email that you need. It’s important to use keywords for optimal results from ChatGPT.

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