Cereals Names in English: List by Types and Benefits

Cereals Names: Cereals are fundamentally eatable grains generally loaded with minerals and nutrients. A few cereals are stacked with fiber, proteins, and starches, making them a new and quality food choice. Most of cereals and millets, like wheat, rice, finger millet, pearl millet, sorghum, and so forth are all around ground to flour.

A few varieties of flatbreads are straightforwardly produced using these flours. Aside from these, there are likewise flatbreads with sorghum flour, finger millet flour, pearl millet flour, buckwheat flour, rice flour, and so on.

Cereals Names

Let’s know more about the list of Cereal’s Names in English and Hindi below.


Being an important part of the human diet, cereals are full of nutrients and minerals. Cereals are of various types like wheat, rice, oats, maize, and millet to name a few. Cereal crops belong to the grass family. They are grown from edible starchy seeds. Loaded with fiber, proteins, and carbohydrates, some cereals make up for a fresh and healthy food option. Cereal grains are popular worldwide

Cereals form an important part of the Indian cuisine. In India, a variety of cereals exist. Some popular cereal names consumed as breakfast are cornflakes, muesli, oats or oat porridge, granola, rice krispies, wheat flakes, and bran cereal.

List of of Cereals

Given below is a list of cereal names used in daily life.


Hindi Name























Broken Wheat


Litte Millet

Sama Chawal



Amaranth Seeds


Fox Nuts


Beaten Rice


Fox Tail Millet


Puffed Rice


Brown Rice

Bhura Chawal



Finger Millet


Pearl Millet








Kodo Millet


Arrow root flour


Water chestnut flour

Singhare ka atta

Buckwheat flour

Kuttu ka atta

Buckwheat groats

Sabut kuttu

Amaranth flour

Ramdana atta

Tapioca flour



Makai ka dalia



Whole wheat flour


Refined flour




Chia Seeds

Chia ke beej

Hemp Seeds

Bhaang ke beej





Parboiled rice

Ukda chawal



Gram flour


Soybean flour

Bhatma ka aata

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Different Types of Cereal

Cereals are a staple food hotspot for a huge part of the total population. These grains give fundamental supplements, including carbs, proteins, nutrients, and minerals. The most broadly consumed kinds of grains incorporate rice, wheat, maize (corn), grain, oats, rye, millet, and sorghum. Every cereal grain has exceptional qualities, flavors, and uses in different culinary practices.

  • Rice, an essential staple for the vast majority Asian societies, comes in various assortments, for example, basmati and jasmine, each with particular surfaces and flavors.
  • Wheat is a flexible oat used to create different items, including bread, pasta, and couscous.
  • Corn, with its sweet and bland pieces, is a staple in the Americas and fills in as a base for a huge number of food items, from tortillas to cornmeal, Grain is many times utilized in soups and stews, while oats find their direction into breakfast dishes like oats and granola.
  • Millet, sorghum, and rye are less popular oats yet are critical in numerous local eating regimens. Millet, a dry spell safe grain, is a staple in African and Asian foods.
  • Sorghum is known for its flexibility and is utilized for making flour, syrup, and cocktails.
  • Rye, normal in Europe, is utilized to create bread and different spirits.
  • The assorted scope of oats mirrors the flexibility of these grasses to various environments and their importance in worldwide eating regimens.

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Benefits of Cereals

Cereals have numerous benefits such as:

  • Cereals provide essential nutrients and contribute to maintaining energy levels throughout the day.
  • Cereals are rich in nutrients, making them ideal for growing kids.
  • Cereals aid digestion, prevent heart disease, and help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
  • Certain cereals, like those rich in calcium and vitamin D, strengthen bones and prevent premature aging.
  • Different cereals contain varying levels of protein, essential for muscle and tissue health.
  • Cereals provide minerals like magnesium (for nerve and muscle function), potassium (for blood pressure), and calcium (for strong bones).
  • Whole grains and cereals provide essential fats, reducing the risk of heart diseases.
  • Cereals help maintain glucose levels and reduce the need for frequent snacking.
  • Nutrients in cereals contribute to overall well-being, including skin and hair health.
  • High-fiber cereals aid in preventing and managing hemorrhoids.

Interesting Facts about Cereals

Some interesting facts about cereals are:

  • The cereal business in the US utilizes over 400 million kilograms of sugar each year.
  • Kellogg’s Corn Chips were eaten by space travelers on board Apollo 11 which made the principal arrival on the Moon. The cereal was blended in with foods grown from the ground into solid shapes to make them simpler to eat in the states of zero gravity.
  • Term “grains” comes from Ceres, which means Roman goddess of farming.
  • Kellogg’s morning meal grains “Honey Smacks” and “Brilliant Fresh” have over half sugar.
  • Half of Americans have grains for breakfast consistently.
  • The very first grain was called “Granula”. It must be absorbed water entire night before it very well may ready for eat.
  • Advertisements of grains began focusing on kids after WWII.
  • Americans eat 50 kg of grain for each individual consistently or 160 dishes.
  • The present breakfast cereals that are better are all the more frequently designated at grown-ups.
  • The most well known things sold in supermarkets are milk and carbonated drinks. After them come breakfast cereals.

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Importance of Cereals

One must have cereal because they have numerous benefits such as:

  • Great Source of energy: At the point when we eat food that is low in supplements, quite possibly our body will drain energy faster than it ought to. Grains are a decent wellspring of supplements. This adds to the way that coordinating cereals in regular eating regimen can assist you with holding your energy levels over the course of the day.
  • Great for youngsters: Kids need a ton of supplements in their everyday life. Taking into account the exercises they like to enjoy, supplements are critical to keep their energy levels in one piece. Eating grains consistently additionally guarantees that the children consume around 10% of fiber regular.
  • Great wellspring of fiber: Fiber is fundamental for the ideal working of the body. One of which is forestalling coronary illness which can be deadly. Consuming sufficient fiber per dinner can diminish the gamble of heart blockages and furthermore help in processing.
  • Plentiful in nutrient: Nutrients are fundamental in keeping up with sound bones. Calcium and vitamin D remain inseparable to guarantee the honesty of bones. Cereals, plentiful in calcium and vitamin D will assist you with fortifying the bones. This, moreover, will delay the untimely maturing of the bones.
  • Wealthy in proteins: The human body expects proteins to fabricate muscles and tissues. They are likewise significant for skin, ligaments, bones, and blood. Various cereals contain different degree of protein. At the point when your body needs proteins, a definite method for overcoming that issue is adding breakfast oats to your eating routine.
  • Plentiful in minerals: Very much like nutrients and proteins, our body expects minerals to develop and remain solid. Minerals given by grains produces chemicals, keep our pulse consistent, sends nerve driving forces and keep our bones solid. Cereals contain minerals like magnesium: assists in nerve and muscle with working; potassium: assists in bringing down the blood with forcing. Calcium: helps keep the bones solid.
  • Prevents heart illnesses: Greasy food varieties can prompt heart infections. Eating road food dunked in undesirable oils will prompt untimely respiratory failures. Unfortunate dietary patterns can likewise make the veins of the heart block due to the accumulated fats. Ingesting food that has proper measures of fat is valuable. Just the fats that our body expects to work is basically given by entire grains and oats.
  • Assist with keeping solid sugar levels: Food wealthy in starches makes your glucose levels soar. Adding oats and entire grain food can assist with keeping up with blood levels and diminishing the requirement for eating at short stretches.
  • Helps in simple solid discharge: With the expansion in age, it turns out to be difficult for the body to handle food. Grains, high in fiber, assist with a solid defecation and furthermore hold your weight in line. A normal solid discharge likewise forestalls blockage.
  • Supports keeping up with weight: Grains are less in calories. Their design is complicated, finding opportunity to get handled in the framework kills the sensation of needing to eat more. Keeping up with weight while consuming oats and entire grains consistently can keep you satisfied and less inclined to gorging.


Most cereals have comparative healthful characteristics; they are high in carbs however low in protein, and they are normally poor in calcium and nutrient .Cereals and cereal products are high in calories, starch, protein, and fiber, as well as a scope of micronutrients like vitamin E, a few B nutrients, magnesium, and zinc.

Cereals are likewise utilized in the development of oils, sugars, pastes, alcohols, biofuels, etc. Cereals are additionally used to take care of dairy cattle and to fabricate some cooking oils, energizes, beauty care products, and cocktails.

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Cereals Names – FAQs

What is cereals?

An cereal is any grass developed for the consumable parts of its grain. These are delivered in huge amounts and give a lot of food overall than some other yield. These are hence named as staple yields. Cereals are plentiful in nutrients, proteins, sugars, minerals, fats and oil.

Which cereal is known as the ‘king of cereals’?

Wheat is called the King of cereals.

Is millet a cereal?

Millets are little grained, yearly, warm-climate oats having a place with grass family. They are downpour taken care of, solid grains which have low prerequisites of water and ripeness when contrasted with other famous cereals. They are exceptionally lenient to dry season and other outrageous atmospheric conditions.

Are cereals healthy?

Eating wholegrain oat food varieties (particularly those with fiber from oats or grain) is related with defensive impacts against coronary illness in grown-ups. Studies have shown that a high admission of wholegrains (no less than 2.5 serves each day) is related with lower hazard of cardiovascular occasions.

Which millet is very tasty?

Kodo is very tasty millet. It contains protein and dietary fiber. This millet is delicious, straightforward and solid arrangement produced using the Kodo.

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