CBSE Class 12 Geography Previous Year Question Paper

CBSE Previous Years’ Question paper for the subject of Geography is an essential learning source for the preparation for Class 12 Board Examinations. Students can refer to the pattern of below question paper, for understanding the question paper pattern. The previous years’ question papers can be collected and practiced by the students during the revision. Certain key concepts related to the question paper patterns and marking schemes are cleared by the question paper.

With the help of CBSE Previous Years’ Question Papers for Geography, students will understand if they are prepared for the examination completely or not and will be able to examine their knowledge about the subject and gain more confidence in answering the question paper. If any mistake is made while formulating the answers, they can concentrate more on such types of questions; so that mistakes can be reduced in the final examinations.

CBSE Class 12 Geography Previous Year Question Paper With Solutions

Time Allowed: 2 hours                                                              Maximum Marks: 40 Marks


(Very Short Answer Type Questions) 3 * 2=6 Marks

Question 1: Why is ‘access to markets’ considered essential for setting up industries in the world? Explain.( 2 marks)


The Access to Market is one of the most important aspects of setting up an industry because:

  1. Market denotes that there are people who are demanding the goods and have the purchasing power to be able to purchase from the sellers in place.
  2. Remote areas which are inhabited by smaller populations offer smaller markets.
  3. Efficient forms of transportation offer better connectivity with the market.

Question 2: ”Tertiary activities include both production & exchange.” Support the statement. (2 Marks)


Tertiary Activities include the following aspects:

  1. The production process of the tertiary activities includes the provision of the services that are consumed.
  2. The output is measured indirectly in terms of wages and salaries.
  3. Exchange includes the transport and communication facilities that are used to overcome distances.
  4. Tertiary activities involve the commercial output of the services rather than the production of goods and are not involved with the processing of raw materials. Examples: Teaching, tourism, etc.

Question 3(A) Mention any four features of the ‘North-Eastern Plateau Region’ mineral belt of India. (2 Marks)


Main features of the ‘North-Eastern Plateau Region’ mineral belt of India:

  • The “North-Eastern Plateau Region” belt comprises Chhotanagpur (Jharkhand), Odisha plateau, West Bengal, and parts of Chattishgarh.
  • It contains a vast variety of minerls.
  • The main minerals which are found include iron ore, coal, manganese, bauxite, and mica.
  • It also contains huge deposits of mineral resources like Coal.


(B) Mention any four features of the ‘South-Western Plateau Region’ mineral belt of India.(2 Marks)


Main features of the ‘South-Western Plateau Region’ mineral belt of India:

  • This belt extends over Karnataka, Goa, Tamil Nadu uplands & Kerala.
  • Rich in ferrous metals & bauxite.
  • Contains high-grade iron ore, manganese & limestone.
  • Deposits of monazite and thorium are found in Kerala.

Section- B

(Source-Based Question)

Question 4: Read the following questions & answer the questions that follow.(1*3=3 Marks)

The concept of development is dynamic and has evolved during the second half of the 20th century. In the post-World War II era, the concept of development was synonymous with economic growth which is measured in terms of a temporal increase in Gross National Product (GNP) & per capita income/ per capita consumption. But, even the countries having high economic growth, experienced a speedy rise in poverty because of its unequal distribution. So, in the 1970s, the phrases such as redistribution with growth & growth & equity were incorporated into the definition of development. While dealing with the questions related to redistribution & equity, it was realized that the concept of development cannot be restricted to the economic sphere alone. It also includes the issues such as improving the well-being & living standards of people, availing of health, education, and equality of opportunity, and ensuring political and civil rights. By the 1980s, development emerged as a concept encapsulating widespread improvement in the social as well as material well-being of all in society.

(4.1)Explain the meaning of the ‘Multidimensional concept of development’.(1 Mark)


‘Multidimensional concept of development’ involves changes in structures, attitudes, and institutions & acceleration of economic growth, reduction of inequality & eradication of poverty. It may be a transformation from traditional society to modernization.

(4.2)Explain the difference between ‘growth’ & ‘development’.(1 Mark)


“Growth” deals mostly with quantitative aspects and “development” deals with qualitative change which is always value positive.

(4.3) Define the term ‘sustainable development’.(1 Mark)


Development that meets the present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs is called ‘sustainable development’.

Section- C

Short Answer Question (2*3=6 Marks)

Question 5: How has ‘tourism’ become the world’s single largest tertiary activity in terms of total revenues? Explain with examples.(3*1=3 Marks)


Tourism has become the world’s single largest tertiary activity in terms of total revenue because :

  • Many local people are employed to provide services—meals, accommodation, transport, serving, etc. This accounts for nearly 250 million people.
  • It fosters the growth of infrastructure industries, retail trading & craft industries. 
  • It increases national income. About 40 percent of the total GDP comes from tourism.

Question 6 (A): ”Iron & Steel industry is called a basic industry.” Support the statement with examples.(3*1=3 Marks)


Iron and steel Industry is called the basic industry” because: 

  • Heavy, medium & light industries are dependent on it for their machinery
  • Steel is required to manufacture a variety of engineering goods, construction materials, defense, medical, telephonic, and scientific equipment & a variety of consumer goods. 
  • Iron & steel are heavy industries because all the raw materials, as well as finished goods, are heavy and bulky. It involves heavy transportation costs.


(B)” High technology is known as the latest generation of manufacturing activities in the world.” Support the statement with examples.(3*1=3 Marks)


”High technology is known as the latest generation of manufacturing activities in the world” because:

  • Merges the application of intensive research & development into the manufacturing of products of an advanced scientific and engineering character. 
  • Professional (white-collar) workers make up a large share of the total workforce and outnumber the actual (blue-collar workers).
  • A few important examples from this context include Robotics on the assembly line, computer-aided design and manufacturing, and new developments in chemical and pharmaceutical products.

Section- D

Long Answer Question (3*5=15 Marks)

Question 7: How are pollutants from human activities responsible for water pollution? Explain with examples. (5*1=5 Marks)


Human activities are responsible for water pollution because of the following reasons:

  •  Runoff from industries, agricultural fields & urban areas contributes to it largely. For instance, industrial waste consists of toxic contaminants which hamper the quality of water. 
  • Moreover, these pollutants also cause the growth of algae which results in the choking of aquatic plants. It also brings down the levels of oxygen which is the basis for the survival of the species found underwater.
  • Different types of chemicals which are often used in modern agriculture are also responsible for the generation of water pollutants.
  • Raw sewage has a very negative impact on water quality & can cause a lot of deadly diseases. This happens because sometimes it mixes with the drinking water supply posing a threat to life. 
  • Improper disposal of trash in the water and also cultural activities like pilgrimage, religious fairs, and tourism also pollute the water sources.
  • For Example: Plastic bags, bottles, etc. get collected in the water causing the death of aquatic animals.

Question 8: “India has one of the largest road networks in the World.” Examine the statement. (5*1=5 Marks)


India has one of the largest road networks in the world, because:

  • India has the second-largest road network in the world, with a total length of 54.8 lakh kilometers.
  • Around 85 percent of passengers and around 70 percent of freight traffic is carried through the roads every year.
  • The construction and maintenance of roads are classified under National Highways, State Highways, district roads, and rural roads.
  • National Highways constitute 2% of the total road length but carry 40% of road traffic and State Highways constitute 4% of the total road length in the country.
  • District roads contribute 14% of the total road length of the country and 80% of the total road length in India is categorized as rural roads. Other important roads include border roads and international highways.

Question 9(A) What is a ‘transport network’? Describe the main features of road transport in the World. (1+4=5 Marks)


‘Transport network’ means several places (nodes) joined together by a series of routes (links) to form a pattern. Transport Network includes all the means of transport.

The main features of road transport in the World:

  • Road transport is one of the most economical forms of transportation for short distances.
  • Road transport offers door-to-door services and the quality of the road varies between developed and developing countries.
  • Road transport can negotiate different gradients of slopes/terrains.
  • The construction and maintenance of roads require heavy expenditure.


(B) Define the term ‘trans-continental railways.’ Describe the main characteristics of the trans-Siberian railway. (1+4=5 Marks)


Trans-continental railways refer to the railways which run across the continent and link two ends. The main purpose of their construction is for economic and political reasons.

The main characteristics of the trans-Siberian railway are as follows:

  • It is one of the major rail routes of Russia which runs from St.Peterburg in the West to Vladivostok on the Pacific coast.
  • It passes through Moscow, Ufa, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Chita, and Khabarovsk.
  • It is the longest rail route about 9332 km in the world and one of the most important routes in Asia.
  • It is the double-tracked and electrified trans-continental railway in the world.

       Section- E    

      Map (1*5=5 Marks)


Question 10: On the given political outline map of India, locate & label any five of the following ‘geographical features’ with appropriate  symbols: (1*5=5 Marks)

Question 10.1: Bauxite mines located in Odisha.


Kalahandi, Koraput, Sundargarh, Bolangir, & Sambalpur 

Question 10.2: Ratnagiri-iron ore mines.



Question 10.3: An oil refinery in Uttar Pradesh.



Question 10.4: Hazaribagh copper mines.



Question10.5:The easternmost station on the East-West corridor.



Question 10.6:The Southernmost metropolitan city is connected by Golden Quadrilateral.




The following questions are for the Visually Impaired Candidates only, in lieu of Qn. 10. Attempt any five:(1*5=5 Marks)

10.1 Name the place where bauxite mines are located in Odisha.


Kalahandi, Koraput, Sundargarh, Bolangir, & Sambalpur 

10.2 In which state the Jamnagar oil refinery is situated?



10.3 Name any place of copper mines located in Jharkhand.



10.4 Write the names of the easternmost station on the East-West corridor.



10.5 Name the Southernmost metropolitan city connected by Golden Quadrilateral.



10.6 Name the State where Ratnagiri-iron ore mines are located.




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