Caterpillar Interview Experience (On-Campus) 2024

Round 1 (Aptitude)

It was through amcatglobal website. It was a general aptitude round. Questions were easy. You would have questions from quants, verbal, logical, and domain-related stuff. Here you won’t be able to go to another question until you answer the present question. Many students were promoted to the next round.

Round 2 (coding)

Automata test (coding test). The questions were really easy here. You would get 2 questions to solve. Questions like the sum of digits, given two strings s1 and s2 count the number of occurrences of s2 in s1. 80% – 70% were promoted to the next round.

Round 3 (GD)

General topics were given such that

  1. Digital Payment – safe or not?
  2. Strategy or execution
  3. Is India ready for self-driving cars?
  4. Impact of mobile gaming on youth
  5. Fake news and its impact on society
  6. Future of Artificial Intelligence 
  7. Online education vs offline education

One topic for a team (7 to 9 members) GD held for 30 mins with two-panel members.

Round 4 (Technical + HR)

Round 4 Interview Experience – Technical + HR

I arrived for my Round 4 interview with a mix of excitement and nervousness. The process had been a bit longer than expected, as I had already been through three panels, but I maintained my composure and patience throughout the waiting period, which turned out to be over 3.5 hours due to unforeseen circumstances. Despite the delay, I remained polite and understanding, understanding that interviews can be unpredictable and sometimes take longer than planned.

When it was finally time for the interview, I met with a panel comprising both technical and HR representatives. The interview began with the classic “Tell me about yourself” question, and I confidently walked them through my background, highlighting my experiences and strengths. Next, I provided a detailed walk-through of a significant project and internship I had undertaken, explaining the challenges faced and the solutions implemented.

Given that I had listed SQL expertise on my resume, I was probed on various SQL-based questions. The panel inquired about left join, right join, inner join, triggers, primary keys, composite keys, foreign keys, and other database-related concepts. I answered these questions to the best of my ability, showcasing my understanding and practical knowledge of SQL.

Furthermore, the panel took an interest in my preferred domain, and based on my response, they tailored additional questions. I engaged actively, providing thoughtful responses and displaying my passion for the particular field.

During the technical assessment, I was presented with a problem to solve: finding the missing number in a given array. I tackled the problem step by step, explaining both brute force and optimal approaches, showcasing my problem-solving skills and algorithmic thinking.

As the interview progressed, I also faced some managerial questions, which allowed me to demonstrate my ability to handle team dynamics and decision-making scenarios.

After the interview, the panel was impressed with my skills and qualifications. However, they verified the availability of roles in the company, and unfortunately, they informed me that the positions I would have been suitable for were already filled. Though it was disappointing to hear, I appreciated the panel’s transparency and their effort in evaluating my suitability for the company.

Despite not receiving the job offer, I walked away from the experience with valuable lessons and insights. The interview process taught me the importance of patience and professionalism, even during lengthy waits. I also realized the significance of highlighting specific technical skills on my resume and being prepared to discuss them in-depth during the interview. Overall, the experience reinforced my belief in the value of being polite and composed, regardless of the outcome. I will carry these learnings with me into future opportunities, confident that the right fit will come along eventually.

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