CatBoost in Machine Learning

We often encounter datasets that contain categorical features and to fit these datasets into the Boosting model we apply various encoding techniques to the dataset such as One-Hot Encoding or Label Encoding. But applying One-Hot encoding creates a sparse matrix which may sometimes lead to the overfitting of the model to handle this issue we use CatBoost. CatBoost automatically handles categorical features.

Table of Content

  • What is CatBoost?
  • Features of CatBoost 
  • CatBoost Comparison results with other Boosting Algorithm
  • Prerequisites to start Catboost
  • CatBoost Installation
  • Difference between CatBoost, LightGBM and XGboost
  • Limitations of CatBoost
  • Conclusions
  • Frequently Asked Questions on CatBoost

What is CatBoost?

CatBoost or Categorical Boosting is an open-source boosting library developed by Yandex. It is designed for use on problems like regression and classification having a very large number of independent features. 

Catboost is a variant of gradient boosting that can handle both categorical and numerical features. It does not require any feature encodings techniques like One-Hot Encoder or Label Encoder to convert categorical features into numerical features. It also uses an algorithm called symmetric weighted quantile sketch(SWQS) which automatically handles the missing values in the dataset to reduce overfitting and improve the overall performance of the dataset. 

Features of CatBoost

  1. Built-in Method for handling categorical features: CatBoost efficiently handles categorical features without requiring preprocessing. This capability eliminates the need to convert non-numeric factors into numerical values, simplifying the data preparation process.
  2. Excellent result without parameter tuning: CatBoost aims to provide excellent results without the need for extensive parameter tuning. This feature saves time and effort for users, as they can achieve competitive performance with default parameters.
  3. Built-in methods for Handling missing values: Unlike other Models, CatBoost can handle missing values in the input data without requiring imputation.
  4. Automatic feature scaling: CatBoost internal scales all the columns to the same scaling whereas in other models we need to convert columns extensively.
  5. Robust to Overfitting: CatBoost implements a variety of techniques to prevent overfitting, such as robust tree boosting, ordered boosting, and the use of random permutations for feature combinations. These techniques help in building models that generalize well to unseen data.
  6. Built-in cross-validation – CatBoost internally applies a cross-validation method to choose the best hyperparameters for the model.
  7. Fast and scalable GPU version: CatBoost offers a GPU-accelerated version of its algorithm, allowing users to train models quickly on large datasets. The GPU implementation enhances scalability and performance, especially when dealing with multi-card configurations.

CatBoost Comparison results with other Boosting Algorithm

Default CatBoost Tuned CatBoost Default LightGBM Tuned LightGBM Default XGBoost Tuned XGBoost Default H2O
Adult 0.272978 (±0.0004) (+1.20%) 0.269741 (±0.0001) 0.287165 (±0.0000) (+6.46%) 0.276018 (±0.0003) (+2.33%) 0.280087 (±0.0000) (+3.84%) 0.275423 (±0.0002) (+2.11%)
Amazon 0.138114 (±0.0004) (+0.29%) 0.137720 (±0.0005) 0.167159 (±0.0000) (+21.38%) 0.163600 (±0.0002) (+18.79%) 0.165365 (±0.0000) (+20.07%) 0.163271 (±0.0001) (+18.55%)
Appet 0.071382 (±0.0002) (-0.18%) 0.071511 (±0.0001) 0.074823 (±0.0000) (+4.63%) 0.071795 (±0.0001) (+0.40%) 0.074659 (±0.0000) (+4.40%) 0.071760 (±0.0000) (+0.35%)
Click 0.391116 (±0.0001) (+0.05%) 0.390902 (±0.0001) 0.397491 (±0.0000) (+1.69%) 0.396328 (±0.0001) (+1.39%) 0.397638 (±0.0000) (+1.72%) 0.396242 (±0.0000) (+1.37%)
Internet 0.220206 (±0.0005) (+5.49%) 0.208748 (±0.0011) 0.236269 (±0.0000) (+13.18%) 0.223154 (±0.0005) (+6.90%) 0.234678 (±0.0000) (+12.42%) 0.225323 (±0.0002) (+7.94%)
Kdd98 0.194794 (±0.0001) (+0.06%) 0.194668 (±0.0001) 0.198369 (±0.0000) (+1.90%) 0.195759 (±0.0001) (+0.56%) 0.197949 (±0.0000) (+1.69%) 0.195677 (±0.0000) (+0.52%)
Kddchurn 0.231935 (±0.0004) (+0.28%) 0.231289 (±0.0002) 0.235649 (±0.0000) (+1.88%) 0.232049 (±0.0001) (+0.33%) 0.233693 (±0.0000) (+1.04%) 0.233123 (±0.0001) (+0.79%)
Kick 0.284912 (±0.0003) (+0.04%) 0.284793 (±0.0002) 0.298774 (±0.0000) (+4.91%) 0.295660 (±0.0000) (+3.82%) 0.298161 (±0.0000) (+4.69%) 0.294647 (±0.0000) (+3.46%)
Upsel 0.166742 (±0.0002) (+0.37%) 0.166128 (±0.0002) 0.171071 (±0.0000) (+2.98%) 0.166818 (±0.0000) (+0.42%) 0.168732 (±0.0000) (+1.57%) 0.166322 (±0.0001) (+0.12%)

Prerequisites to start Catboost

CatBoost Installation

CatBoost is an open-source library that does not comes pre-installed with Python, so before using CatBoost we must install it in our local system.

For installing CatBoost in Python 

pip install catboost

For Installing CatBoost In R


Getting Started with CatBoost

CatBoost Basics provides a foundational understanding of CatBoost, focusing on essential concepts and techniques. It encompasses comprehending gradient boosting, the role of decision trees, and the boosting process within the CatBoost algorithm. By understanding these fundamentals, Anyone can efficiently use CatBoost’s capabilities to create accurate and robust machine learning models in a variety of domains and applications.

CatBoost Data Preprocessing

CatBoost Data Preprocessing involves preparing data for training by handling categorical features efficiently and optimizing memory usage. It automatically handles categorical variables without requiring manual preprocessing steps like one-hot encoding. Additionally, CatBoost can work with missing values directly, simplifying data preparation. Utilizing a CatBoost pool encapsulates the dataset along with features, labels, and categorical feature indices, enhancing efficiency and simplifying data manipulation during training and prediction. By streamlining data preprocessing, CatBoost enables users to focus more on model development and optimization, accelerating the machine learning workflow while maintaining high predictive performance.

  • Handling categorical features with CatBoost
  • Transform text features to numerical features with CatBoost
  • CatBoost Embeddings features
    • Linear Discriminant Analysis
    • Nearest neighbor search
  • Handling Missing Values with CatBoost
  • How Symmetric Weighted Quantile Sketch (SWQS) works?
  • Handling imbalanced classes in CatBoost
  • What is catboost pool?

Catboost Metrics

CatBoost Metrics are performance evaluation measures used to gauge the accuracy and effectiveness of CatBoost models. These metrics, including accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, ROC-AUC, and RMSE, assess the model’s predictive capabilities across classification, regression, and ranking tasks. By analyzing these metrics, users can understand the model’s performance, identify strengths and weaknesses, and make informed decisions to improve model accuracy and reliability.

Parallelism and GPU Training

CatBoost Parallelism and GPU Training increase model training speed and efficiency. CatBoost employs parallelism techniques to efficiently use several CPU cores during training, considerably speeding up the process. In addition, CatBoost supports GPU training, which uses the computing capabilities of graphics processing units to expedite model training. CatBoost’s use of parallelism and GPU training allows for faster model convergence and increased scalability, making it appropriate for large datasets and complicated machine learning problems.

  • Utilizing multiple CPU cores for training
  • Accelerating training with GPUs.

CatBoost Model Training and Analysis

CatBoost Model Training and Analysis involves understanding and optimizing various parameters and techniques. Users manipulate CatBoost’s parameters and hyperparameters, including tree parameters and optimization techniques, to improve model performance. Techniques such as grid search, random search, and Bayesian optimization aid in hyperparameter tuning. Additionally, users utilize visualization tools to analyze training parameters, feature importance, and overfitting. Cross-validation ensures robustness, while monitoring training progress and regularization parameters enhance model stability and generalization.

CatBoost Applications

CatBoost, being a versatile gradient boosting library, finds applications across various domains and use cases where predictive modeling is required. Some of the common applications of CatBoost include:

  1. Classification task: Catboost is used for classifications problems. it can be
    1. Binary classification using CatBoost
    2. Multiclass classification using CatBoost
    3. MultiLabel Classification using CatBoost.
    Some of the example of using catboost for the classifications task may include.
    1. Sentiment analysis using catboost
    2. Email Spam Detection using Catboost
    3. Breast Cancer predictions using catboost
  2. Regression task: CatBoost is used for regression problems where the goal is to predict a continuous target variable. it can be used for both
    1. Regression using CatBoost
    2. Multiregression using CatBoost
    Some of the example of catboost used for regression may include:
    • House price prediction in real estate using catboost
    • Fuel consumptions in vehicle using catboost
    • Share price prediction in Stock Market using catboost
    • Demand forecasting in retail using catboost
  3. Ranking and Recommendation Systems: CatBoost offers built-in support for ranking tasks also, which makes it suitable for applications such as personalized recommendations and search result ranking.
    Some of the common example of using ranking for Recommendation Systems may include:
    • E-commerce product recommendations using catboost
    • Movie recommendations using catboost
    • Job or candidate recommendations in recruitment platforms using catboost

Difference between CatBoost, LightGBM and XGboost

The difference between the CatBoost, LightGBM and XGboost are as follows:




Categorical Features

Automatc Categorical Feature handling. No need of preprocessing

Supports one-hot encoding, categorical features directly

Requires preprocessing

Tree Splitting Strategy





Feature importances, SHAP

Feature importances, split value histograms

Feature importances, tree plots

Speed and Efficiency

Optimized for speed and memory

Efficient for large datasets

Scalable and fast

Limitations of CatBoost

Despite of the various features or advantages of catboost, it has the following limitations:

  1. Memory Consumption: CatBoost may require significant memory resources, especially for large datasets or those with high-cardinality categorical features.
  2. Training Time: Training CatBoost models can be computationally intensive, particularly with default hyperparameters or complex datasets, leading to longer training times.
  3. Hyperparameter Tuning: Finding the optimal set of hyperparameters may require extensive experimentation and computational resources, posing a challenge for users without extensive experience.
  4. Limited Support for Large-Scale Distributed Training: CatBoost lacks built-in support for large-scale distributed training across multiple machines or clusters.
  5. Community and Documentation: CatBoost may have a smaller community and less extensive documentation compared to other popular machine learning libraries, potentially making it harder for users to find resources and support.


CatBoost offers a powerful solution for handling categorical features in boosting models, eliminating the need for preprocessing techniques like one-hot encoding. Its efficient handling of categorical variables and built-in methods for missing value handling make it a robust choice for regression, classification, and ranking tasks. With features such as automatic feature scaling, built-in cross-validation, and fast GPU training, CatBoost excels in providing accurate and scalable solutions. Despite its advantages, users should be aware of its limitations, including memory consumption and training time. Continued community support and documentation enhancements can further enhance its usability and effectiveness.

Frequently Asked Questions on CatBoost

Q. What is the principle of CatBoost?

CatBoost operates on the principle of gradient boosting, which involves sequentially adding decision trees to minimize errors. It effectively handles categorical features without requiring preprocessing, reducing overfitting with techniques like symmetric weighted quantile sketch.

Q. How CatBoost works?

CatBoost works by iteratively building decision trees to minimize errors and improve predictions. It efficiently handles categorical features, automatically handles missing values, and implements techniques to prevent overfitting.

Q. Why use CatBoost pool?

CatBoost pool is a data structure in CatBoost that encapsulates datasets along with features, labels, and categorical feature indices. It simplifies data manipulation during training and prediction by providing a unified interface for accessing and processing data. Using CatBoost pool enhances efficiency, as it eliminates the need to handle separate feature and label arrays. Which makes it easier to work with CatBoost models.

Q. Is CatBoost better than XGBoost or lightGBM?

The choice between CatBoost, XGBoost, or LightGBM depends on various factors such as dataset characteristics, computational resources, and specific requirements of the problem. CatBoost is preferred when dealing with datasets containing categorical features, as it automatically handles them without preprocessing. It also offers built-in methods for handling missing values and is robust to overfitting.

Q. What is the advantages of CatBoost?

CatBoost offers advantages like automatic handling of categorical features, excellent results without extensive parameter tuning, built-in methods for handling missing values and robustness to overfitting.

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