Capgemini Interview Experience (On-Campus)

There were 4 rounds for the whole recruitment.

Round 1: This round consists of Technical Aptitude, English Aptitude, Game-Based Aptitude. This was an online-based test taken on cocubes platform. 

Technical Aptitude: This section had questions split into two sections namely :

  • Pseudocode (15 questions)
  • Algorithms (10 questions)

Questions covered the basics of Data Structures like Trees, Graphs, Stacks, Queues, LLs. The algorithms section had found the output type problems (Make sure you revise bitwise shifting, looping, conditionals, scopes). It was an easy to intermediate round overall.
Note: It was an elimination round. Those who couldn’t clear were not allowed to take up English Assessment.

English Aptitude: It was an easy level containing synonyms, antonyms, passage comprehension.

Note: It was an elimination round. Those who couldn’t clear were not allowed to take up Game-based Assessment.

Game-Based Assessment: Make sure you are concentrated and have no distraction at all while attempting this round. Else you might end up on the wrong side.
This level contained four games spanning around 27 minutes :

  1. Deductive Thinking (based on complete the following grid)
  2. Inductive Thinking (based on finding the matching patterns)
  3. Grid Challenge (A two-level game which tests the ability to recall the order of appearance of events) – This was the hardest for me.
  4. Motion Challenge (this is a simple move the block and push the ball to the hole game, make sure you don’t give up too much time solving the wrong puzzle. If you don’t think it is possible, skip that question, you’ll get another question.) This was the easiest of all, I could manage 15 levels (most of my college mates couldn’t do that high).

In this Round the elimination is not intimated to the candidate, subsequently, there will be a behavioral competency test to assess us and generate a report on our capabilities. Also, note that candidates who receive the behavioral report are not confirmed to have been cleared the Aptitude round. A separate intimation will be made by the TP Cell.

Round 2 (Coding Round): Based on the Job Description, I wasn’t eligible to give coding round. So I had a direct technical round.

Round 3 (Technical Round): The platform for this round was Superset App. The interview began with the interviewer asking me about my family, academic projects, and my skills in coding, technologies I love the most, why choose Capgemini, why not a Master’s Degree instead. 

All it takes is being confident, and making a clear impact that you are genuinely interested in the job.

Most of us cleared this round and were pushed on to the HR round. The waiting period is unknown because there was no intimation except for an email telling “your interview is completed, please wait for further instructions”.

Tips: The interview gives you a chance to question them, do make use of this to show them you’re really interested.

Round 4 (HR Round): This was a formality round. HR was interested in my skills, abilities, hobbies, school life, college life, ambitions. 
He also asked me some questions like “When was the happiest moment of your life ?”, “What incident do you recall made you feel so proud ?”. Yeah, they were two separate questions.

Finally, he discussed if I am available for relocation, and also regarding the two-year bond that has to be signed upon joining the company.

After a hectic day of anxious moments, the process ended in the late evening around 7:45 PM, and the TP cell received a final list of candidates selected for the process.

Out of 400+ eligible members, 128 got shortlisted for interviews. Of the 128 candidates, 117 candidates got placed with 13 of them internally recruited into ALTRAN, 10 candidates to Capgemini, and the rest of us including the ALTRAN recruits for a package of 3.8LPA.

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