Capgemini Interview Experience for Freshers


In this article, I will talk about my interview experience with Capgemini, On-Campus hiring in detail. Capgemini offered 3 roles  (Analyst),(Analyst Star), and  (Senior Analyst). There was no difference in the rounds conducted, the packages depended on the performance of the candidate in each round as well as the interviews.

Round – 1: Online Test

In the very beginning, we had to create a new account in Superset and Apply there (it was instructed by our college to do so, as they didn’t provide any separate registration form). Then, they sent us the login credentials for their own AON platform in which they conducted the test. The test conducted of three sections –

Sections Topics
Section – 1

This section consisted of English MCQ alongside Technical MCQ. English MCQ was mostly based on synonyms, antonyms, voice changes, speeches, comprehension, etc. A total  of 30 questions were there

The technical MCQ section consisted of questions based on DSA, DBMS, Cloud, Networking, etc. Apart from that, there were some pseudo codes whose output we needed to find out, everything was in MCQ format. A total of 45 questions were there for the Technical MCQ section


Section – 2

Those who successfully cleared the English and Technical MCQ round were allowed to sit for section 2. Which was a Game-based Aptitude Round, out of a variety of 24 games, randomly 4 games were given to each candidate. This is not like normal math Aptitude questions, in some games there was no correct answer, but each answer carried a different amount of points and the most suitable one was the highest among them.


Section – 3 (Optional)

This round was only for those students who performed very well in the last two rounds and were eligible for a higher package. This round consisted of Coding Questions (not MCQ, real coding) with a spoken English Assessment. The performance of this round was taken into granted to decide to schedule an interview for the higher package, 5.75 or 7.5.


Round – 2: Interviews

Technical Interview –

based on the performance of the candidates in the previous rounds, interviews were scheduled. For each of the packages, I was selected for the Analyst Start role My interview lasted 30 minutes, it was an Online Technical Interview, and those who qualified that were allowed to sit for HR. The division in interviews was also for the higher packages, for the basic package, the Technical and HR interviews were taken together. The questions asked me are given below –

  • Introduce yourself in brief.
  • What projects have you done?
  • What is your preferred language out of C/C++, Java, and Python? (I said Python)
  • What is the difference between List and Tuple?
  • What is Decorator and Generator?
  • Explain Encapsulation.
  • Then he asked me to explain the logic between two codes, Factorial and Leap Year.
  • Then he asked me about some SQL queries like what is Primary Key, how to fetch unique values from the database, what is the syntax of deleting some values from the table, etc.

After all those questions he looked satisfied with my answers and asked me If I have any questions for him. I asked about the recent technologies in which they are working, what are technologies a fresher needs to learn in today’s market, etc. Then he asked me to leave the meeting.

HR Interview –

After 2 days of the Technical Interview, my HR interview was conducted. It was also an online interview, and it lasted merely 10–15 minutes, The questions are given below.

  • Introduce yourself.
  • Then she asked me where is my current city and if I have any location preferences, etc.
  • I had a foreign language mentioned in my Resume as my hobby, so she asked about which language I know, from where I practice, etc.
  • Then she asked me about my future plans.
  • Do I have any of my family members in the IT sector, if so which company
  • Then she asked me about what technologies I know and on which technologies I would like to work if given the opportunity.
  • At the end, she asked me If I have any questions to ask her, then she said to leave the meeting.

Verdict: I was given the offer

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