Can I use a calculator in the SAT exam?

Yes, you can use a calculator in the SAT exam, but only during the math section that allows it. There are specific rules about the types of calculators you can use:

  1. Permitted Calculators: Most graphing calculators, all scientific calculators, and some four-function calculators (without internet access, cameras, or any other prohibited features).
  2. Prohibited Calculators: Calculators with a computer-style (QWERTY) keyboard, calculators that can access the internet, and calculators that have a pen-input or stylus are not allowed.
  3. Calculator Policy: Only bring approved calculator models. Check the College Board website for a detailed list of acceptable calculators.
  4. Advice: Practice with the calculator that you plan to use on test day to become familiar with its functions and ensure it works properly.

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