Call a JavaScript Function from Chrome Console

Google Chrome does not allow JavaScript to run from URLs due to security issues. The following are the steps and instructions to follow to Call a JavaScript Function from Chrome Console.

Steps to call a JavaScript Function from Chrome Console

You can follow the below steps to call and write a JavaScript function in the Chrome console.

  • Step 1: Open the Google Chrome website or any webpage to run JavaScript code.
  • Step 2: From the Google Chrome menu, locate the three dots on the top right of the browser window.

  • Step 3: Then go to > More Tools > Developer Tools to open the Chrome Console. Notice the red-coloured box options.

NOTE: You can also open the Chrome Console by right-clicking on your webpage, selecting Inspect from the context menu, and then clicking on the Console tab. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+I in Windows or Cmd+Opt+I on Mac to open the Developer Tools and then click on the Console tab.

  • Step 5: Go to the Sources tab. Navigate to the Snippets option in the submenu below.

  • Step 6: Now, Create a new snippet by clicking the +New snippet tab to work around JavaScript code or functions. Name the JavaScript snippet as file1.js or whatever you want.

  • Step 7: Type the script you want to run inside the created JavaScript snippet.

  • Step 8: Click Ctrl + Enter ( as shown in the red-colored box in the below image) to see the output of the above JavaScript Code snippet.

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