Calendar add() Method in Java with Examples

The add() method of Calendar class present inside is used to add or subtract from the given calendar field(int field), a specific amount of time(int amt), based on the calendar’s rules.


public abstract void add(int field, int amt)

Parameters: The method takes two parameters: 

  • The field of the calendar on which the operation is to be performed. (Integer type)
  • The amount of time needed to be subtracted. (Integer type)

Return Value: The method does not return any value.

Example 1:


// Java Program to Illustrate add() Method
// of Calendar class
// Importing required classes
import java.util.Calendar;
// Main class
public class CalendarClassDemo {
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String args[])
        // Creating a Calendar class object
        Calendar calndr = Calendar.getInstance();
        // Displaying the current date
        // using getTime() method
        System.out.println("Current Date: "
                           + calndr.getTime());
        // Adding 50 days to the
        // Current Calendar
        // using add() method
        calndr.add(Calendar.DATE, 50);
        // Displaying the date now using getTime() method
        System.out.println("After 50 days: "
                           + calndr.getTime());
        // Subtracting 6 months from
        // the Current calendar
        calndr.add(Calendar.MONTH, -6);
        // Displaying the date now using getTime() method
        System.out.println("6 months ago it was: "
                           + calndr.getTime());
        // Subtracting 2 year from
        // the Current calendar
        calndr.add(Calendar.YEAR, -2);
        // Displaying the date now using getTime() method
        System.out.println("2 years ago it was: "
                           + calndr.getTime());


Current Date: Tue Feb 12 10:54:21 UTC 2019
After 50 days: Wed Apr 03 10:54:21 UTC 2019
6 months ago it was: Wed Oct 03 10:54:21 UTC 2018
2 years ago it was: Mon Oct 03 10:54:21 UTC 2016


Example 2:


// Java Program to Illustrate add() Method
// of Calendar class
// Importing required classes
import java.util.Calendar;
// Main class
public class GFG {
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String args[])
        // Creating a calendar object
        Calendar calndr = Calendar.getInstance();
        // Displaying the current date
        // using getTime() method
        System.out.println("Current Date: "
                           + calndr.getTime());
        // Adding 30 days to the current calendar
        // using add() method
        calndr.add(Calendar.DATE, 30);
        // Printing the corresponding date
        System.out.println("After 30 days: "
                           + calndr.getTime());
        // Subtracting 3 months from the current calendar
        calndr.add(Calendar.MONTH, -3);
        // Printing the corresponding date
        System.out.println("3 months ago it was: "
                           + calndr.getTime());
        // Subtracting 10 years from
        // the Current calendar
        calndr.add(Calendar.YEAR, -10);
        // Printing the corresponding date
        System.out.println("10 years ago it was: "
                           + calndr.getTime());


Current Date: Tue Feb 12 10:54:24 UTC 2019
After 30 days: Thu Mar 14 10:54:24 UTC 2019
3 months ago it was: Fri Dec 14 10:54:24 UTC 2018
10 years ago it was: Sun Dec 14 10:54:24 UTC 2008


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