Calcium Iodide Formula – Structure, Properties, Uses, Sample Questions

Calcium (Ca) is a substance that is important for living creatures, including people. It is the most plentiful mineral in the body and fundamental for good wellbeing. We want to consume a specific measure of calcium to assemble and keep up with solid bones and sound correspondence between the mind and different pieces of the body. 

An iodide particle is a particle I. Compounds with iodine in proper oxidation state -1 are called iodides. In regular daily existence, iodide is generally normally experienced as a part of iodized salt, which numerous states order. It might be a compound, medicine, and dietary enhancement. And furthermore, in radiation crises, it very well might be a medication. it is additionally familiar with safeguarding the thyroid when specific sorts of radiopharmaceuticals are utilized. Iodide might be a halide anion and monoatomic iodine.

Calcium Iodide

Calcium Iodide is an inorganic compound that is made of calcium and iodine elements. Calcium Iodide can be formed by using anyone out of calcium oxide, calcium carbonate, or calcium hydroxide with hydrochloric acid. Calcium Iodide is the compound that is used in medicines and photography. Calcium (Ca) is the component in one of the alkaline earth metals. It is the metallic component in the human body as well as the fifth most plentiful component in Earth’s covering. In any case, Calcium doesn’t happen normally in the Free State, in spite of the fact that its mixtures are generally circulated. One such calcium compound is lime for example calcium oxide, CaO.

The human body is having 2% calcium and its significant sources are milk, milk items, fish, and green verdant vegetables. Calcium Iodide is an inorganic compound. It is boring deliquescent strong and exceptionally solvent in water. Its properties are like those of comparable sorts of salts like calcium chloride. It is helpful in photography widely. It is additionally valuable in feline food as a wellspring of iodine.

Formula for Calcium Iodide

Calcium reacts with the iodine gas to produce calcium iodide compounds. This reaction takes place at a temperature of 200-400°C. Its chemical equation is:

Ca + I2 → CaI

Structure of Calcium Iodide


The chemical formula of Calcium Iodide is CaI2. The molecular mass of CaI2 is 293.89 grams per mole.

Physical Properties of Calcium Iodide

  • Its color is white.
  • Its melting point is 779°C. 
  • It is easily soluble in acetone and alcohol. 
  • Its boiling point is 1100°C.
  • Its acid reaction will release the hydrogen iodide. Dehydrated chemical compounds for it is CaI2. 2H2O with a molecular weight of 330.02.
  • It is mostly used for the analysis of reagents, photography, and pharmaceutical industries.

Chemical properties of Calcium Iodide

  • Reducing calcium iodide with pure sodium metal,

CaI2 + 2 Na → 2NaI + Ca 

  • Calcium iodide can be formed by combining calcium carbonate, calcium oxide, or calcium hydroxide with hydroiodic acid,

CaCO3 + 2 HI → CaI2 + H2O + CO2

CaO  +  2HCl → CaCl2 + H2O

Ca(OH)2  + 2 HI → CaI2 + 2H2

  • Calcium iodide slowly reacts with oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air, realizing iodine.

2CaI2 + 2CO2 + O2 → 2CaCO3 + 2I2

Uses of Calcium Iodide

  • Calcium iodide is used in medicines like Pharma Synthesis, available in the form of white powder.
  • It is used in photography.
  • Calcium iodide is used as food for cats that have iodine-rich sources.

Sample Questions

Question 1: What is the molecular weight of Calcium Iodide?


Molecular weight of  CaI2 is:

= 40.078 + 2 × 126.90447

= 293.88694 gram per mole.

Thus, the molecular weight of Calcium Iodide 293.88694 gram per mole.

Question 2: What are the health hazards of Calcium Iodide?


It might make eye disturbance and harm a few people. It might cause aggravation of the skin on contact in certain people. In the event that unreasonable centralisation s of it are breathed in, harm to the circulatory or sensory systems or kidney harm is conceivable.

Its drawn out openness might cause changes in lung work for example pneumoconiosis. Its great side effects are shortness of breath and lung shadows show on X-beam. Iodides might lead to nearby unfavourably susceptible responses, for example, hives, crack of skin veins, and agony in joints. Expanding and aggravation of the throat, bothered and enlarged eyes and lung enlarging may likewise happen. Expanding of the glottis, requiring a tracheotomy has been accounted for.

Question 3: Is calcium iodide soluble in water?


Calcium Iodide is highly soluble in water, the colourless deliquescent is also soluble in acetones and alcohols alongwith being soluble in water. When calcium iodide is dissolved in water, it dissociates, which means, that the ions dissolve.

Question 4: How many electrons are transferred in calcium Iodide?


Calcium iodide (CaI2) is an ionic bond, which means that electrons are transferred. In order for Ca to become the ion Ca2+, the calcium atom must lose 2 electrons. (Electrons have a negative charge, so when an atom loses 2 electrons, its ion becomes more positive.)

Question 5: What type of bond does Calcium Iodide have?


Calcium Iodide is Ionic bond, where electrons are transferred. For
Ca to turn into the ion Ca2+, the calcium molecule should lose 2 electrons. (Electrons have a negative charge, so when a particle loses 2 electrons, its particle turns out to be more certain.) For I to turn into the particle I, the iodine molecule should acquire 1 electron. (At the point when a particle acquires an electron, its particle will be more negative.)

Now for calcium iodide is CaI2, there are 2 iodine particles present. This appears to be legit in light of the fact that the iodine particle has a charge of – 1, so two iodine particles must be available to counteract the +2 charge of the calcium particle.

Thus, the calcium particle moves 2 valence electrons, one to every iodine molecule, to shape the ionic bond.

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