Cadence Interview Experience | Set 2

I applied through cadence home -> careers ->. I uploaded my linkedin link as resume. I got a call within a week and was asked to give a telephonic round. 

Round 1 – Telephonic 

1. Tell me about yourself 

2. What is the difference between C and C++ 

3. Is a C program faster than a C++ compiled program. 

4. What is UNION in C? 

5. What all type of sorting algorithms do you know? 

6. What does the term “object oriented programming mean?” 

7. What is the difference between overloading and overriding? 

8. About my present work. 

I was then called for face to face interviews; I did not delay and fixed it the day after today. 

Round 2 – F2F 

1. What does your current company’s software do? About the current company? 

2. Compilation of a C/C++ code. He gave me a dummy program. He then asked me to use #ifdef #endif in the header files, then asked its uses. 

3. Different segments of memory. Where all can a variable be allocated? 

4. There is a stack where push and pop operation are happening. At any point of time user will query secondMin(). This API should return second minimum present in the stack. 

5. Given a number, tell number of bits set in the number in its binary representation. Ex. N = 5, Ans – 2 (101 has 2 1’s in it) 

6. Reversing a string recursively, iteratively. He then asked me to rewind the whole stack or trace the recursive version for examples – “hello” and “ABCD”. 

7. Cell padding concept in struct/class. 

8. Traversal in a tree. Made me code iterative and recursive version of in-order traversal. 

Round 3 – F2F 

1. Difference between static and dynamic bindings. 

2. Concept of virtual function in C++. How is a vtable maintained? What are its entries? Example code where virtual function is used. 

3. What is auto, volatile variables? Scopes of variables. 

4. References in C++. 

5. What is a static function in a C++ class? Why is it used? How to call a static function of class from any part of the code. 

6. Given an array of numbers (+ve and –ve), tell the subarray with the highest sum. 

7. Height of a tree, diameter of a tree. 

Round 4 – F2F (Manager/Director round) 

1. Allocate a 2-D array using C/C++. 

2. Why does a program crash? Valgrind issues etc. 

3. Puzzle: 100 floor building and 2 eggs given, find the minimum/maximum number of trys required to find the floor where the egg will break. The answer I gave was 19. He asked me to normalize the solution; we then came up with answer 13. 

4. Puzzle: Jumbled N pens and N caps, all caps separated from their pens, all pens have some thickness properties. How would you cap all the pens? 

5. Given a dictionary, how can you represent it in memory? What will be the worst case complexity of a search done on the DS designed? 

6. About my current work 

Round 5 – HR 

1. Why do you want to leave your current company? 

2. What do you know about us? 


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