C# Program to Demonstrate Abstract Class with Multiple-level Inheritance

Abstract Class is the way to achieve abstraction. It is a special class that never be instantiated directly. This class should contain at least one abstract method in it and mark by abstract keyword in the class definition. The main purpose of this class is to give a blueprint for derived classes and set some rules what the derived classes must implement when they inherit an abstract class. An abstract class can be used as a base class and all derived classes must implement the abstract definitions. 


abstract class classname
    // Method Declaration in abstract class

Here, the classname is the name of an abstract class. We can declare any number of methods inside it

Multiple-level Inheritance is a type of inheritance in which a derived class will inherit a base class and the derived class also behave like the base class to other class. For example, we have three classes named class1, class2, and class3. Here, class3 is derived from class2, and class2 is derived from class1.


class GFG : Abstract_Class
    // Method definition for abstract method

MultiLevel Inheritance for Abstract Classes

Given an abstract class, our task is to implement the abstract class into the parent class and then implement the multilevel inheritance. So, let us understand with the help of an example.

class GFG : Abstract_class
   // Method definition for abstract method

// First child class extends parent
class GFG2 : GFG
    // Method definition

// Second child class extends first child class
class GFG3 : GFG2
    // Method definition

Here, GFG is the parent class and GFG2 and GFG3 are the child class that extends the parent class.



// C# program to illustrate abstract class 
// with multiple-level Inheritance
using System;
// Abstract class
abstract class Abstract_class
    // Method declaration for abstract class
    public abstract void abstract_method();
// Parent class
class GFG : Abstract_class
    // Method definition for abstract method
    public override void abstract_method()
        Console.WriteLine("Abstract method is called");
// First child class extends parent
class GFG2 : GFG
    // Method definition
    public void Mymethod1()
        Console.WriteLine("Method from GFG2 class");
// Second child class extends first child class
class GFG3 : GFG2
    // Method definition
    public void Mymethod2()
        Console.WriteLine("Method from GFG3 class");
class Beginner{
// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)
    // Creating an object of GFG3 class
    GFG3 obj = new GFG3();
    // Call the methods using GFG3 class


Abstract method is called
Method from GFG2 class
Method from GFG3 class

Explanation: In this example, we created an Abstract class named “Abstract_class” and declared a method named “abstract_method” inside it. Then we created a parent class named “GFG” by overriding the method of an abstract class. After that, we created the first child class named “GFG2” that inherits the parent class and defined a method named “Mymethod1” inside it. Then created a second child class named “GFG3” that inherits the first child class and defined a method “Mymethod2” inside it. Finally, we created the main class that includes the main method, then created an object(named “obj”) for the second child class and called all the methods that are declared and get the output on the screen.

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