C# Program to Check the Salary of all Employees is Less than 10000 using LINQ

Given the data of employees, now our task is to check if all the employee salaries are less than 10000. So we use the All() method of LINQ. This method is used to check if all the elements in the source sequence satisfy the given condition. It will return true if all the elements present in the given sequence pass the test. Otherwise, it will return false. So the solve the given problem we use the following LINQ query:

result = Beginner.All(geek => geek.Emp_Salary < 10000);

Here, result is a boolean type variable that is used to store the final result, Beginner is the sequence and All() method is used to find the list of employees whose salary is less than 10000.


Input: {id = 301, Name = Mohit, Salary = 10000}
       {id = 302, Name = Priya, Salary = 20000}
       {id = 303, Name = Sohan, Salary = 40000}
       {id = 304, Name = Rohit, Salary = 10000}
Output: False

Input: {id = 401, Name = Rohan, Salary = 1000}
       {id = 404, Name = Mohan, Salary = 4000}
Output: True

Example 1:


// C# program to determine the salary of all employees
// is less than 10000 
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Geek{
#pragma warning disable 169, 414
int emp_id;
string Emp_Name;
int Emp_Salary;
string Emp_Department;
static void Main(string[] args)
    // List of employee details 
    List<Geek> Beginner = new List<Geek>()
        new Geek{emp_id = 401, Emp_Name = "Rajat", Emp_Salary = 50000},
        new Geek{emp_id = 402, Emp_Name = "Ram", Emp_Salary = 65000},
        new Geek{emp_id = 403, Emp_Name = "Krishna", Emp_Salary = 45000},
        new Geek{emp_id = 404, Emp_Name = "Sonial", Emp_Salary = 20000},
        new Geek{emp_id = 405, Emp_Name = "Mickey", Emp_Salary = 70000},
        new Geek{emp_id = 406, Emp_Name = "Kunti", Emp_Salary = 50000},
    bool result;
    // Checking the salary of all employees
    // is less than 10000 
    result = Beginner.All(geek => geek.Emp_Salary < 10000);
    // Display result
    if (result)
        Console.Write("All the salaries are less than 10000");
        Console.Write("All the salaries are not less than 10000");


All the salaries are not less than 10000

Example 2:


// C# program to determine the salary of all employees
// is less than 10000 
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class Geek{
#pragma warning disable 169, 414
int emp_id;
string Emp_Name;
int Emp_Salary;
string Emp_Department;
static void Main(string[] args)
    // List of employee details 
    List<Geek> Beginner = new List<Geek>()
        new Geek{emp_id = 501, Emp_Name = "Rohan", Emp_Salary = 3000},
        new Geek{emp_id = 502, Emp_Name = "Mohan", Emp_Salary = 3000},
        new Geek{emp_id = 503, Emp_Name = "Sham", Emp_Salary = 4000},
        new Geek{emp_id = 504, Emp_Name = "Sonial", Emp_Salary = 1000},
    bool result;
    // Checking the salary of all employees
    // is less than 10000 
    result = Beginner.All(geek => geek.Emp_Salary < 10000);
    // Display the result
    Console.WriteLine("Is the salary of the Geek's employees is < 10000: " + result);


Is the salary of the Geek's employees is < 10000: True


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