C# Path Class – Basics Operations

C# path class comes under System.IO namespace and System.Runtime.dll assembly. This class is used to perform operations on string instances that have file path or directory path information. A path is a string that holds the location of the file or directory and it can be an absolute or relative location. Such operations are performed in a cross-platform manner. This class allows us to apply a variety of operations that are related to a temporary file location. 


public static class Path

Operations of path class: There are numerous operations that can be performed on a string object that contains directly path information. Some of these have been discussed below in detail:

1. HasExtension(): We can check whether a string object that contains file path or directory information has an extension or not using the HasExtension() method provided by the Path class. 



Here, path is a string object that contains a file path or directly information

Return Type:

  • true: If the path (string object) is a rooted path
  • false:  If the path (string object) is not a rooted path

2. IsPathRooted(). We can check whether a string object that contains file path or directory information is rooted using the IsPathRooted() method of the Path class.



Here, path is a string object that contains a file path or directly information

Return Type:

  • true: If the path (string object) is a rooted path
  • false:  If the path (string object) is not a rooted path

3. GetFullPath(): To get the full path of a temporary we can use the GetFullPath() method.



Here, path is a string object that contains a file path or directly information

Return Type: Returns the full path of a temporary file.

4. GetTempPath(): To get the location of temporary files, the GetTempPath() method can be used. 



Return Type: Returns the location where temporary files are saved.

5. GetTempFileName(): To get the temporary file name that is available for use, GetTempFileName() method can be used.



Return Type: Returns a temporary file name that is available for use


In this program, we have used three string objects, path1, path2, and path3 that contain three different file paths and we have applied the operations discussed before on these string objects.


// C# program to demonstrate the operations of path class
using System;
using System.IO;
class GFG{
static public void Main()
      // Initialize strings containing path
    string path1 = @"c:\w3wiki\file.txt";
    string path2 = @"c:\w3wiki\file";
    string path3 = @"w3wiki";
      // Check whether path1 has extension
    if (Path.HasExtension(path1))
        Console.WriteLine("{0} has an extension.", path1);
      // Check whether path2 has extension
    if (!Path.HasExtension(path2))
        Console.WriteLine("{0} has no extension.", path2);
      // Check whether path3 is rooted
    if (!Path.IsPathRooted(path3))
        Console.WriteLine("The string {0} has no root information.",
    Console.WriteLine("The full path of {0} is {1}."
                      path3, Path.GetFullPath(path3));
    Console.WriteLine("{0} is the path of temporary files."
    Console.WriteLine("{0} is available for use."


c:\w3wiki\file.txt has an extension.
c:\w3wiki\file has no extension.
The string w3wiki has no root information.
The full path of w3wiki is /home/dqcp7B/w3wiki.
/tmp/58wsOH/ is the path of temporary files.
/tmp/58wsOH/tmp5990a59.tmp is available for use.

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