C# | How to get the HashCode for the string

GetHashCode() method is used to get the hash code of the specified string. When you apply this method to the string this method will return a 32-bit signed integer hash code of the given string.


public override int GetHashCode ();

Return Value: The return type of this method is System.Int32. This method return a 32-bit signed integer hash code.

Below given are some examples to understand the implementation in a better way:

Example 1:

// C# program to illustrate 
// the GetHashCode() method
using System;
public class GFG {
    // main method
    static public void Main()
        int s1, s2, s3;
        // strings
        string a1 = "abc";
        string a2 = "Beginner";
        string a3 = "gfg";
        // Get hash code of the given string by
        // using GetHashCode() method
        s1 = a1.GetHashCode();
        s2 = a2.GetHashCode();
        s3 = a3.GetHashCode();
        // display strings and their hash code
        Console.WriteLine("Display strings");
        Console.WriteLine("string 1: {0} and hashcode: {1}", a1, s1);
        Console.WriteLine("string 2: {0} and hashcode: {1}", a2, s2);
        Console.WriteLine("string 3: {0} and hashcode: {1}", a3, s3);


Display strings
string 1: abc and hashcode: 1099313834
string 2: Beginner and hashcode: -1893508949
string 3: gfg and hashcode: -870054572

Example 2:

// C# program to illustrate
// the GetHashCode() method
using System;
class GFG {
    // main method
    static public void Main()
        // calling Hashcode method
    // Hashcode method
    public static void Hashcode(String value)
        int result;
        // get hash code of the entered strings
        result = value.GetHashCode();
        Console.WriteLine("String : {0} and HashCode: {1}", value, result);


String : Hello and HashCode: -327378614
String : GFG and HashCode: 1999992308
String : Beginner and HashCode: -1893476149
String : w3wiki and HashCode: -2133923457
String : C# and HashCode: -1917577788
String : Tutorial and HashCode: 1463624248


  • https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.string.gethashcode?view=netframework-4.7.2#definition

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