C program to invert (making negative) an image content in PGM format

Given an image in PGM format and the task is to invert the image color (making negative) content in PGM format. 
Prerequisite: c-program-to-write-an-image-in-pgm-format
PGM image represents a gray scale graphic image. PGM is the abbreviation of Portable Gray Map. This image file contains one or more PGM images file. 
Significance of data chunks: The data which are used to create PGM image listed below: 

  • P2 is the type of image that is gray image
  • 4 4 is the image dimension
  • 255 is the maximum gray level
  • Since, the image data are stored in matrix format and each row indicates the image row and the value indicates the gray level of corresponding pixel. The maximum value (255) is used for white and minimum value (0) is used for black.


4 4
255 0   255 0
0   255 0   255
100 200 150 100
50  150 200 0

The input image looks like: 

How to invert the image data? 
Invert the gray image means change the gray level of an image using (255 – gray level) i.e. if gray level of a pixel is 150 then gray level in negative image is (255 – 150) = 105. It means 255 will changes with 0 and 0 will change with 255. It is changing of proportion of black and white present in gray. 

4 4
0   255 0   255
255 0   255 0
155 55  105 155
205  105 55 255

The output image looks like: 



void main()
    int i, j, temp = 0;
    int width = 4, height = 4;
    // Suppose the 2D Array to be converted to Image
    // is as given below
    int img[10][10] = {
        {255, 0, 255, 0},
        {0, 255, 0, 255},
        {100, 200, 150, 100},
        {50, 150, 200, 0}
    // file pointer to store image file
    FILE *pgmfile, *negative_pgmfile;
    // Open an image file
    pgmfile = fopen("img.pgm", "wb");
    // Open an negative image file
    negative_pgmfile = fopen("neg_img.pgm", "wb");
    fprintf(pgmfile, "P2 \n %d %d \n 255 \n", width, height);
    fprintf(negative_pgmfile, "P2 \n %d %d \n 255 \n", width, height);
    // Create PGM image using pixel value
    for(i = 0; i < height; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < width; j++)
            fprintf(pgmfile, "%d ", img[i][j]);
        fprintf(pgmfile, "\n");
    // Create negative PGM image using pixel value
    for(i = 0; i < height; i++) {
        for(j = 0; j < width; j++)
            fprintf(negative_pgmfile, "%d ", (255 - img[i][j]));
        fprintf(negative_pgmfile, "\n");

Original Image 

Negative (Invert) Image 


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