C Program To Find Normal and Trace of Matrix

Here, we will see how to write a C program to find the normal and trace of a matrix. Below are the examples:

Input: mat[][] = {{1, 2, 3},
                           {4, 5, 6},
                           {7, 8, 9}};

  • Normal = 16
  • Trace  = 15


  • Normal = sqrt(1*1+ 2*2 + 3*3 + 4*4 + 5*5 + 6*6 + 7*7 + 8*8 + 9*9) = 16
  • Trace  = 1+5+9 = 15

Input: mat[][] = {{5, 6, 1},
                          {7, 2, 9},
                          {6, 1, 3}};

  • Normal = 10
  • Trace  = 10


  • Normal = sqrt(5*5+ 6*6 + 1*1 + 7*7 + 2*2 + 9*9 + 6*6 + 1*1 + 3*3) = 15
  • Trace  = 5+2+3 = 10

For a better understanding see the below image.



1. To Find Normal: 

  • Run nested loop to access elements of the matrix.
  • Find the sum of all the elements present in the matrix.
  • Then return the square root of that sum.

2. To Find Trace: 

  • Run a single loop to access diagonal elements of the matrix.
  • Return the sum of diagonal elements.

Below is the C program to find normal and the trace of a matrix:


// C program to find trace 
// and normal of given matrix
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// Returns Normal of a matrix 
// of size n x n
int findNormal(int mat[][3], 
               int n)
    int sum = 0;
    // Run nested loop to access 
    // elements of matrix
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
            sum += mat[i][j] * mat[i][j];
    return sqrt(sum);
// Returns trace of a matrix of 
// size n x n
int findTrace(int mat[][3], int n)
    int sum = 0;
    // Run a loop to access diagonal 
    // elements of matrix
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        sum += mat[i][i];
    return sum;
// Driven code
int main()
    int mat[3][3] = {{1, 2, 3}, 
                     {4, 5, 6}, 
                     {7, 8, 9}};
    printf("Normal of Matrix = %d"
            findNormal(mat, 3));
    printf("\nTrace of Matrix = %d"
            findTrace(mat, 3));
    return 0;


Normal of Matrix = 16
Trace of Matrix = 15

Time Complexity: O(n*n) 
Space Complexity: O(1)

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