C Program to Create and Print Database of Students Using Structure


Using the structure pointer, we will implement a C program to create and print a database of students. In the below program, a structure student is created. The structure has five members: 

  • first_Name (string)
  • last_Name (string)
  • roll (integer)
  • Branch(string)
  • percent(float)

An array of structures is created that has 2 elements to store information of 2 students. Through the use of for loop, the program stores the information of 2 students entered by the user in an array of structure.


// C program to store data of 
// students and print them
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
struct students 
  char first_Name[50];
  char last_Name[50];
  int roll_no;
  char branch[50];
  float percent;
} st[2];
// Driver code
int main()
  printf("Enter data of students\n");
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) 
    printf("Enter first name: ");
    scanf("%s", st[i].first_Name);
    printf("Enter last name: ");
    scanf("%s", st[i].last_Name);
    printf("Enter Branch: ");
    scanf("%s", st[i].branch);
    printf("Enter Roll-No.");
    scanf("%d", &st[i].roll_no);
    printf("Enter Percentage: ");
    scanf("%f", &st[i].percent);
  printf("Displaying the Information: \n");
  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) 
    printf("\nFirst name: ");
    printf("Last name: ");
    printf("Roll_No: %d"
    printf("Branch: ");
    printf("Marks: %.1f"
  return 0;



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