C program to check if a given year is leap year using Conditional operator

Given an integer that represents the year, the task is to check if this is a leap year, with the help of Ternary Operator. A year is a leap year if the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. The year is multiple of 400.
  2. The year is a multiple of 4 and not a multiple of 100.

Following is pseudo-code

if year is divisible by 400 then is_leap_year
else if year is divisible by 100 then not_leap_year
else if year is divisible by 4 then is_leap_year
else not_leap_year

Below is the implementation of the above approach: 


// C program to check if a given
// year is a leap year or not
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
bool checkYear(int n)
    return (n % 400 == 0)
               ? true
               : (n % 4 == 0) ? (n % 100 != 0)
                              : false ? true : false;
// Driver code
int main()
    int year = 2000;
    checkYear(year) ? printf("Leap Year")
                    : printf("Not a Leap Year");
    return 0;


Leap Year

Time Complexity: O(1), As only constant time operations are performed.
Auxiliary Space: O(1), As constant extra space is used.

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