C Program to Add Two Complex Numbers

Complex numbers are those numbers that can be expressed in the form of “a+ib” where a and b are the real numbers and i is the imaginary part called “iota” The value of i is √-1. In this article, we are going to add two complex numbers using a C program.

Example of Add Two Complex Number

a = ( 2 + 3i )
b = ( 4 + 5i )

Sum = ( 6 + 8i )


= ( 2 + 3i ) + ( 4 + 5i )
= ( 2 + 4 ) + ( 3 + 5 )i 
= ( 6 + 8i )


The approach is very simple for this program, follow the below steps. 

  1. Define a structure for complex numbers. 
  2. Define a function for adding two complex numbers. 
  3. This function accepts two complex numbers as parameters and returns a complex number.

Below is the C program to add two complex numbers:


// C program to demonstrate
// addition of complex numbers
#include <stdio.h>
// define a structure for complex number
typedef struct complexNumber {
    int real;
    int img;
} complex;
// This function accepts two complex numbers
// as parameter and return addition of
// them.
complex add(complex x, complex y);
// Driver code
int main()
    // Define three complex type numbers
    complex a, b, sum;
    // First complex number
    a.real = 2;
    a.img = 3;
    // Second complex number
    b.real = 4;
    b.img = 5;
    // Print first complex number
    printf("\n a = %d + %di", a.real, a.img);
    // print second complex number
    printf("\n b = %d + %di", b.real, b.img);
    // call add(a,b) function and
    // pass complex numbers a & b
    // as an parameter.
    sum = add(a, b);
    // Print result
    printf("\n sum = %d + %di", sum.real, sum.img);
    return 0;
// Complex add(complex x, complex y)
// function definition
complex add(complex x, complex y)
    // Define a new complex number.
    complex add;
    // Add real part of a&b
    add.real = x.real + y.real;
    // Add Imaginary part of a&b
    add.img = x.img + y.img;
    return (add);


 a = 2 + 3i
 b = 4 + 5i
 sum = 6 + 8i

Explanation of the above method

Complex Numbers consist of real and img parts which will be declared as a struct complex. While In the function, int main() there are three instances of structs created a,b, and sum. And then values are assigned to both complex numbers. After assigning the values we are calling add function with a and b as a complex number. add function will return the addition of both objects as a sum.

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