C++ program for Complex Number Calculator

Pre-Requisites: Complex Numbers, Mathematics, Object-oriented Programming

This is a Complex Number Calculator which performs a lot of operations which are mentioned below, to simplify our day-to-day problems in mathematics. The implementation of this calculator is done using C++ Programming Language using concepts of operator overloading in OOPs.

Problem Statement: 

Write a program to build a Complex Number Calculator using C++ which can perform the following operations: 

1. Read Complex Number: It asks the user to enter two real and imaginary numbers of Complex Numbers to perform different operations on the complex number.

Example:  Real Part value: 10
               Img Part value: 20
               Real Part value: 5
               Img Part value: 7

2. Display Complex Number: if the User has entered a complex number in the above function then the function display already exists a complex number.

Example: Values are:

3. Addition of Complex Number: It Add two Complex Numbers in such a way that the real part of 1st complex number is added to the real part of 2nd complex number and the imaginary part of 1st complex number is added to the imaginary part of 2nd complex number which the user gives as input Complex Numbers.

    Example: Addition is:

4. Subtraction of Complex Number: It Subtract two Complex Numbers in such a way that the real part of 1st complex number is Subtracted to the real part of 2nd complex number and the imaginary part of 1st complex number is Subtracted to the imaginary part of 2nd complex number which user gives as input Complex Numbers.

Example: Subtraction is:

5. Multiplication of Complex Number: It Multiplies two Complex Numbers which the user gives as input.

Example: Multiplication is:

6. Division of Complex Number: It Divides two Complex Numbers which users give as input Complex Numbers.

Example:  Division is:

7. Conjugate of Complex Number: It finds Conjugate of two Complex Numbers which means it only changes the sign of imaginary part of the complex number which user gives as input Complex Numbers.

Example:  Conjugate is:

8. Sine of Complex Number: It finds sine value of two Complex Numbers which user give as input Complex Numbers.

Example:  Sin of 1st Complex Number is:
               Sin of 2nd Complex Number is:

9. Cosine of Complex Number: It finds the cosine value of two Complex Numbers which user give as input Complex Numbers.

Example:   Cos of 1st Complex Number is:
               Cos of 2nd Complex Number is:

10. Tangent of Complex Number: It finds the Tangent value of two Complex Numbers which the user give as input Complex Numbers.

Example:   Tan of 1st Complex Number is:
              Tan of 2nd Complex Number is:

11. Sine Hyperbolic of Complex Number: It finds Sine Hyperbolic value of two Complex Numbers which user give as input Complex Numbers.

Example:   Sinh of 1st Complex Number is:
              Sinh of 2nd Complex Number is:

12. Cosine Hyperbolic of Complex Number: It finds Cosine Hyperbolic value of two Complex Numbers which user give as input Complex Numbers.

Example:  Cosh of 1st Complex Number is:
            Cosh of 2nd Complex Number is:

13. Tangent Hyperbolic of Complex Number: It finds Tangent Hyperbolic value of two Complex Numbers which user give as input Complex Numbers.

Example:  Tanh of 1st Complex Number is:
            Tanh of 2nd Complex Number is:

14. Natural Log of Complex Number: It finds the Natural Log value of two Complex Numbers which the user gives as input Complex Numbers.

Example:  log of 1st Complex Number is:
           log of 2nd Complex Number is:

15. Norm of Complex Number: It finds Normal of two Complex Numbers which the user give as input Complex Numbers.

Example:  norm of 1st Complex Number is:
           norm of 2nd Complex Number is:

16. Absolute of Complex Number: It finds the Absolute value of two Complex Numbers which means it converts negative complex number into positive complex number and positive complex number remain the same. 

Example:  Absolute of 1st Complex Number is:
           Absolute of 2nd Complex Number is:

17. Argument of Complex Number: It finds Argument of two Complex Numbers which user give as input Complex Numbers.

Example:  Argument of 1st Complex Number is:
           Argument of 2nd Complex Number is:

18. Power of Complex Number: It finds the Power of two Complex Numbers which the user gives as input Complex Numbers.

Example:  power of 1st Complex Number is:
                  Enter Power: 2
           power of 2nd Complex Number is:
                 Enter Power: 3

19. Exponential of Complex Number: It finds Exponential of two Complex Numbers which user give as input Complex Numbers.

Example:  Exponential of 1st Complex Number is:
           Exponential of 2nd Complex Number is:

20. Square Root of Complex Number: It finds Square Root of two Complex Numbers which users give as input Complex Numbers.

Example: Square root of 1st Complex Number is:
          Square root of 2nd Complex Number is:

21. Show Real Part of Complex Number: It shows the Real Part of two Complex Numbers which the user gives as input Complex Numbers.

Example: Real Value of 1st Complex Number is: 10
          Real Value of 2nd Complex Number is: 5

22. Show Imaginary Part of Complex Number: It shows Imaginary Part of two Complex Numbers which the user gives as input Complex Numbers.

Example: Imaginary Value of 1st Complex Number is: 20
          Imaginary Value of 2nd Complex Number is: 7

Below is the implementation of the above approach: 


// Complex Number Calculator using C++
#include <cmath>
#include <complex>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class com {
    // private variable declarations
    double reall, img;
    // Method to read Complex Number
    void read()
        // Reads Real Value of Complex Number
        cout << "Real Part value: ";
        cin >> reall;
        // Reads Imaginary Value of Complex Number
        cout << "Img Part value: ";
        cin >> img;
    // display function declaration
    void display();
    //+ operator function declaration
    com operator+(com);
    //- operator function declaration
    com operator-(com);
    //* operator function declaration
    com operator*(com);
    // / operator function declaration
    com operator/(com);
    //~ operator function declaration
    com operator~(void);
    // sin_value function declaration
    com sin_value();
    // cos_value function declaration
    com cos_value();
    // tan_value function declaration
    com tan_value();
    // sinh_value function declaration
    com sinh_value();
    // cosh_value function declaration
    com cosh_value();
    // tanh_value function declaration
    com tanh_value();
    // log_value function declaration
    com log_value();
    // norm_value function declaration
    com norm_value();
    // abs_value function declaration
    com abs_value();
    // arg_value function declaration
    com arg_value();
    // power_value function declaration
    com power_value();
    // exp_value function declaration
    com exp_value();
    // sqrt_value function declaration
    com sqrt_value();
    // Declare inside com class and show Real part of
    // complex number
    double get_real()
        // return real part
        return ((*this).reall);
    // Declare inside com class and
    // show Imaginary part of complex number
    double get_img()
        // return img part
        return ((*this).img);
// Display Entered Complex Number
void com::display()
    // if imaginary part is positive then
    //  it display real + i img complex number
    if (img >= 0) {
        cout << reall << "+i" << img << endl;
    // if imaginary part is negative then
    //  it display real - i img complex number
    else {
        cout << reall << "-i" << (-1) * img << endl;
// Add two user entered complex number
com com::operator+(com o2)
    // declare temporary variable of class data type
    com temp;
    // add real part of two complex number
    //  and store in real part of temporary variable
    temp.reall = reall + o2.reall;
    // add imaginary part of two complex number
    //  and store in imaginary part of temporary variable
    temp.img = img + o2.img;
    // return temporary variable to function
    return temp;
// Subtract two user entered complex number
com com::operator-(com o2)
    // declare temporary variable of class data type
    com temp;
    // subtract real part of two complex number
    // and store in real part of temporary variable
    temp.reall = reall - o2.reall;
    // subtract imaginary part of two complex number and
    // store in imaginary part of temporary variable
    temp.img = img - o2.img;
    // return temporary variable to function
    return temp;
// Multiply two user entered complex number
com com::operator*(com o2)
    // declare temporary variable of class data type
    com temp;
    // Add Multiplication of  real part of two complex
    // number & imaginary part of two complex number and
    // store in real part of temporary variable
    temp.reall = (reall * o2.reall) + (-1 * (img * o2.img));
    // Add multiplication of real part of 1st and img part
    // of 2nd complex number and multiplication of img part
    // of 1st and real part of 2nd complex number and store
    // in real part of temporary variable
    temp.img = (img * o2.reall) + (reall * o2.img);
    // return temporary variable to function
    return temp;
// Divide two user entered complex number
com com::operator/(com o2)
    // declare temporary,o,num,den
    // variable of class data type
    com o, num, den, temp;
    // call conjugate function and perfor conjugate
    // operation
    o = ~o2;
    // calculate numerator and denominator complex number
    num = (*this) * (o);
    den = o2 * o;
    // divide numerator real part with denominator real part
    // and store in real part of temporary variable
    temp.reall = num.reall / den.reall;
    // divide numerator img part with denominator img part
    // and store in img part of temporary variable
    temp.img = num.img / den.reall;
    // return temporary variable to function
    return temp;
// find conjugate of both complex numbers
com com::operator~(void)
    // declare temporary variable of class data type
    com temp;
    // Store real part in real part of temporary variable
    temp.reall = reall;
    // Store multiplication of -1 and img in img part of
    // temporary variable to make conjugate
    temp.img = -1 * img;
    // return temporary variable to function
    return temp;
// find sine value of both complex numbers
com com::sin_value(void)
    // declare temporary variable of class data type
    com temp;
    // declare cn and sam variable of complex data type
    complex<double> cn((*this).reall, (*this).img);
    complex<double> sam;
    // sin() function find sin value of complex number
    sam = sin(cn);
    // real and img part of sam variable store in real and
    // img part of temporary variable
    temp.reall = real(sam);
    temp.img = imag(sam);
    // return temporary variable to function
    return temp;
// find cosine value of both complex numbers
com com::cos_value(void)
    // declare temporary variable of class data type
    com temp;
    // declare cn and sam variable of complex data type
    complex<double> cn((*this).reall, (*this).img);
    complex<double> sam;
    // cos() function find cosin value of complex number
    sam = cos(cn);
    // real and img part of sam variable store in real and
    // img part of temporary variable
    temp.reall = real(sam);
    temp.img = imag(sam);
    // return temporary variable to function
    return temp;
// find tangent value of both complex numbers
com com::tan_value(void)
    // declare temporary variable of class data type
    com temp;
    // declare cn and sam variable of complex data type
    complex<double> cn((*this).reall, (*this).img);
    complex<double> sam;
    // tan() function find tangent value of complex number
    sam = tan(cn);
    // real and img part of sam variable store in real and
    // img part of temporary variable
    temp.reall = real(sam);
    temp.img = imag(sam);
    // return temporary variable to function
    return temp;
// find sine hyperbolic value of both complex numbers
com com::sinh_value(void)
    // declare temporary variable of class data type
    com temp;
    // declare cn and sam variable of complex data type
    complex<double> cn((*this).reall, (*this).img);
    complex<double> sam;
    // sinh() function find sine hyperbolic value of complex
    // number
    sam = sinh(cn);
    // real and img part of sam variable store in real and
    // img part of temporary variable
    temp.reall = real(sam);
    temp.img = imag(sam);
    // return temporary variable to function
    return temp;
// find cosine hyperbolic value of both complex numbers
com com::cosh_value(void)
    // declare temporary variable of class data type
    com temp;
    // declare cn and sam variable of complex data type
    complex<double> cn((*this).reall, (*this).img);
    complex<double> sam;
    // cosh() function find cosine hyperbolic value of
    // complex number
    sam = cosh(cn);
    // real and img part of sam variable store in real and
    // img part of temporary variable
    temp.reall = real(sam);
    temp.img = imag(sam);
    // return temporary variable to function
    return temp;
// it find tangent hyperbolic value of both complex numbers
com com::tanh_value(void)
    // declare temporary variable of class data type
    com temp;
    // declare cn and sam variable of complex data type
    complex<double> cn((*this).reall, (*this).img);
    complex<double> sam;
    // tanh() function find tangent hyperbolic value of
    // complex number
    sam = tanh(cn);
    // real and img part of sam variable store in real and
    // img part of temporary variable
    temp.reall = real(sam);
    temp.img = imag(sam);
    // return temporary variable to function
    return temp;
// it find natural log value of both complex numbers
com com::log_value(void)
    // declare temporary variable of class data type
    com temp;
    // declare cn and sam variable of complex data type
    complex<double> cn((*this).reall, (*this).img);
    complex<double> sam;
    // log() function find natural log value of complex
    // number
    sam = log(cn);
    // real and img part of sam variable store in real and
    // img part of temporary variable
    temp.reall = real(sam);
    temp.img = imag(sam);
    // return temporary variable to function
    return temp;
// it find Norm of both complex numbers
com com::norm_value(void)
    // declare temporary variable of class data type
    com temp;
    // declare cn and sam variable of complex data type
    complex<double> cn((*this).reall, (*this).img);
    complex<double> sam;
    // norm() function find Norm of complex number
    sam = norm(cn);
    // real and img part of sam variable store in real and
    // img part of temporary variable
    temp.reall = real(sam);
    temp.img = imag(sam);
    // return temporary variable to function
    return temp;
// it find Absolute of both complex numbers
com com::abs_value(void)
    // declare temporary variable of class data type
    com temp;
    // declare cn and sam variable of complex data type
    complex<double> cn((*this).reall, (*this).img);
    complex<double> sam;
    // abs() function find Absolute of complex number
    sam = abs(cn);
    // real and img part of sam variable store in real and
    // img part of temporary variable
    temp.reall = real(sam);
    temp.img = imag(sam);
    // return temporary variable to function
    return temp;
// it find Argument of both complex numbers
com com::arg_value(void)
    // declare temporary variable of class data type
    com temp;
    // declare cn and sam variable of complex data type
    complex<double> cn((*this).reall, (*this).img);
    complex<double> sam;
    // arg() function find Argument of complex number
    sam = arg(cn);
    // real and img part of sam variable store in real and
    // img part of temporary variable
    temp.reall = real(sam);
    temp.img = imag(sam);
    // return temporary variable to function
    return temp;
// it find power of both complex numbers
com com::power_value(void)
    // declare variable p of integer data type
    int p;
    // Enter Power
    cout << "Enter Power: ";
    cin >> p;
    // declare temporary variable of class data type
    com temp;
    // declare cn and sam variable of complex data type
    complex<double> cn((*this).reall, (*this).img);
    complex<double> sam;
    // pow() function find Power of complex number
    sam = pow(cn, p);
    // real and img part of sam variable store in real and
    // img part of temporary variable
    temp.reall = real(sam);
    temp.img = imag(sam);
    // return temporary variable to function
    return temp;
// it find exponential of both complex numbers
com com::exp_value(void)
    // declare temporary variable of class data type
    com temp;
    // declare cn and sam variable of complex data type
    complex<double> cn((*this).reall, (*this).img);
    complex<double> sam;
    // exp() function find Exponential of complex number
    sam = exp(cn);
    // real and img part of sam variable store in real and
    // img part of temporary variable
    temp.reall = real(sam);
    temp.img = imag(sam);
    // return temporary variable to function
    return temp;
// it find Square root of both complex numbers
com com::sqrt_value(void)
    // declare temporary variable of class data type
    com temp;
    // declare cn and sam variable of complex data type
    complex<double> cn((*this).reall, (*this).img);
    complex<double> sam;
    // sqrt() function find Square Root of complex number
    sam = sqrt(cn);
    // real and img part of sam variable store in real and
    // img part of temporary variable
    temp.reall = real(sam);
    temp.img = imag(sam);
    // return temporary variable to function
    return temp;
int main()
    cout << "**********************Operations On Complex "
    // Declare o1,o2 and o3 variable of class name data type
    com o1, o2, o3;
    // declare choice variable of integer type
    int choice;
    do {
        // Enter you choice to perform operation
        cout << "\nEnter Choice\n\n";
        cout << "1.Read Complex Number\n\n";
        cout << "2.Display Complex Number\n\n";
        cout << "3.Addition of Complex Number\n\n";
        cout << "4.Subtraction of Complex Number\n\n";
        cout << "5.Multiplication of Complex Number\n\n";
        cout << "6.Division of Complex Number\n\n";
        cout << "7.Conjugate of Complex Number\n\n";
        cout << "8.Sine of Complex Number\n\n";
        cout << "9.Cosine of Complex Number\n\n";
        cout << "10.Tangent of Complex Number\n\n";
        cout << "11.Sine Hyperbolic of Complex Number\n\n";
            << "12.Cosine Hyperbolic of Complex Number\n\n";
        cout << "13.Tangent Hyperbolic of Complex "
        cout << "14.Natural Log of Complex Number\n\n";
        cout << "15.Norm of Complex Number\n\n";
        cout << "16.Absolute of Complex Number\n\n";
        cout << "17.Argument of Complex Number\n\n";
        cout << "18.Power of Complex Number\n\n";
        cout << "19.Exponential of Complex Number\n\n";
        cout << "20.Square Root of Complex Number\n\n";
        cout << "21.Show Real Values of Complex Number\n\n";
        cout << "22.Show Imaginary Values of Complex "
        cout << "23.Exit\n\n";
        cin >> choice;
        cout << "\n";
        // use switch case according to user input
        switch (choice) {
        case 1:
            // Enter value of complex number
            cout << "Enter Values: \n";
            // call read() function
        case 2:
            cout << "Values are: \n";
            // call display function to display complex
            // number
        case 3:
            // call operator+() function to add complex
            // number
            o3 = o1 + o2;
            cout << "Addition is: \n";
        case 4:
            // call operator-() function to subtract complex
            // number
            o3 = o1 - o2;
            cout << "Subtraction is: \n";
        case 5:
            // call operator*() function to Multiply complex
            // number
            o3 = o1 * o2;
            cout << "Multiplication is: \n";
        case 6:
            // call operator/() function to divide complex
            // number
            o3 = o1 / o2;
            cout << "Division is: \n";
        case 7:
            // call operator~() function to Find conjugate of
            // complex number
            cout << "Conjugate is: \n";
            o3 = ~o1;
            o3 = ~o2;
        case 8:
            // call sin_value() function to Find sine value
            // of complex number
            cout << "Sin of 1st Complex Number is: \n";
            o3 = o1.sin_value();
            cout << "Sin of 2nd Complex Number is: \n";
            o3 = o2.sin_value();
        case 9:
            // call cos_value() function to Find cosine value
            // of complex number
            cout << "Cos of 1st Complex Number is: \n";
            o3 = o1.cos_value();
            cout << "Cos of 2nd Complex Number is: \n";
            o3 = o2.cos_value();
        case 10:
            // call tan_value() function to Find tangent
            // value of complex number
            cout << "Tan of 1st Complex Number is: \n";
            o3 = o1.tan_value();
            cout << "Tan of 2nd Complex Number is: \n";
            o3 = o2.tan_value();
        case 11:
            // call sinh_value() function to Find sine
            // hyperbolic value of complex number
            cout << "Sinh of 1st Complex Number is: \n";
            o3 = o1.sinh_value();
            cout << "Sinh of 2nd Complex Number is: \n";
            o3 = o2.sinh_value();
        case 12:
            // call cosh_value() function to Find cosine
            // hyperbolic value of complex number
            cout << "Cosh of 1st Complex Number is: \n";
            o3 = o1.cosh_value();
            cout << "Cosh of 2nd Complex Number is: \n";
            o3 = o2.cosh_value();
        case 13:
            // call tanh_value() function to Find tangent
            // hyperbolic value of complex number
            cout << "Tanh of 1st Complex Number is: \n";
            o3 = o1.tanh_value();
            cout << "Tanh of 2nd Complex Number is: \n";
            o3 = o2.tanh_value();
        case 14:
            // call log_value() function to Find log value of
            // complex number
            cout << "log of 1st Complex Number is: \n";
            o3 = o1.log_value();
            cout << "log of 2nd Complex Number is: \n";
            o3 = o2.log_value();
        case 15:
            // call norm_value() function to Find norm of
            // complex number
            cout << "norm of 1st Complex Number is: \n";
            o3 = o1.norm_value();
            cout << "norm of 2nd Complex Number is: \n";
            o3 = o2.norm_value();
        case 16:
            // call abs_value() function to Find absolute of
            // complex number
                << "Absolute of 1st Complex Number is: \n";
            o3 = o1.abs_value();
                << "Absolute of 2nd Complex Number is: \n";
            o3 = o2.abs_value();
        case 17:
            // call arg_value() function to Find argument of
            // complex number
                << "Argument of 1st Complex Number is: \n";
            o3 = o1.arg_value();
                << "Argument of 2nd Complex Number is: \n";
            o3 = o2.arg_value();
        case 18:
            // call power_value() function to Power norm of
            // complex number
            cout << "power of 1st Complex Number is: \n";
            o3 = o1.power_value();
            cout << "power of 2nd Complex Number is: \n";
            o3 = o2.power_value();
        case 19:
            // call exp_value() function to Find exponential
            // of complex number
            cout << "Exponential of 1st Complex Number is "
                    ": \n";
            o3 = o1.exp_value();
            cout << "Exponential of 2nd Complex Number is "
                    ": \n";
            o3 = o2.exp_value();
        case 20:
            // call sqrt_value() function to Find Square root
            // of complex number
            cout << "Square root of 1st Complex Number is "
                    ": \n";
            o3 = o1.sqrt_value();
            cout << "Square root of 2nd Complex Number is "
                    ": \n";
            o3 = o2.sqrt_value();
        case 21:
            // call get_real() function to get real part of
            // complex number
            cout << "Real Value of 1st Complex Number is: "
                 << o1.get_real() << endl;
            cout << "Real Value of 2nd Complex Number is: "
                 << o2.get_real() << endl;
        case 22:
            // call get_img() function to get imaginary part
            // of complex number
            cout << "Imaginary Value of 1st Complex Number "
                    "is: "
                 << o1.get_img() << endl;
            cout << "Imaginary Value of 2nd Complex Number "
                    "is: "
                 << o2.get_img() << endl;
        case 23:
            // it return 1 to do while() loop and stop
            // execution
            return 1;
            // if user enter invalid choice then it print
            // Enter valid option!!
            cout << "Enter valid option!!";
    } while (1);
    return 0;

Output Video: 


**********************Operations On Complex Number*************************** 
Enter Choice 
1.Read Complex Number 
2.Display Complex Number 
3.Addition of Complex Number 
4.Subtraction of Complex Number 
5.Multiplication of Complex Number 
6.Division of Complex Number 
7.Conjugate of Complex Number 
8.Sine of Complex Number 
9.Cosine of Complex Number 
10.Tangent of Complex Number 
11.Sine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
12.Cosine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
13.Tangent Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
14.Natural Log of Complex Number 
15.Norm of Complex Number 
16.Absolute of Complex Number 
17.Argument of Complex Number 
18.Power of Complex Number 
19.Exponential of Complex Number 
20.Square Root of Complex Number 
21.Show Real Values of Complex Number 
22.Show Imaginary Values of Complex Number 
Enter Values: 
Real Part value: 10 
Img Part value: 20 
Real Part value: 5 
Img Part value: 7
Enter Choice 
1.Read Complex Number 
2.Display Complex Number 
3.Addition of Complex Number 
4.Subtraction of Complex Number 
5.Multiplication of Complex Number 
6.Division of Complex Number 
7.Conjugate of Complex Number 
8.Sine of Complex Number 
9.Cosine of Complex Number 
10.Tangent of Complex Number 
11.Sine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
12.Cosine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
13.Tangent Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
14.Natural Log of Complex Number 
15.Norm of Complex Number 
16.Absolute of Complex Number 
17.Argument of Complex Number 
18.Power of Complex Number 
19.Exponential of Complex Number 
20.Square Root of Complex Number 
21.Show Real Values of Complex Number 
22.Show Imaginary Values of Complex Number 
Values are: 
Enter Choice 
1.Read Complex Number 
2.Display Complex Number 
3.Addition of Complex Number 
4.Subtraction of Complex Number 
5.Multiplication of Complex Number 
6.Division of Complex Number 
7.Conjugate of Complex Number 
8.Sine of Complex Number 
9.Cosine of Complex Number 
10.Tangent of Complex Number 
11.Sine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
12.Cosine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
13.Tangent Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
14.Natural Log of Complex Number 
15.Norm of Complex Number 
16.Absolute of Complex Number 
17.Argument of Complex Number 
18.Power of Complex Number 
19.Exponential of Complex Number 
20.Square Root of Complex Number 
21.Show Real Values of Complex Number 
22.Show Imaginary Values of Complex Number 
Addition is: 
Enter Choice 
1.Read Complex Number 
2.Display Complex Number 
3.Addition of Complex Number 
4.Subtraction of Complex Number 
5.Multiplication of Complex Number 
6.Division of Complex Number 
7.Conjugate of Complex Number 
8.Sine of Complex Number 
9.Cosine of Complex Number 
10.Tangent of Complex Number 
11.Sine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
12.Cosine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
13.Tangent Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
14.Natural Log of Complex Number 
15.Norm of Complex Number 
16.Absolute of Complex Number 
17.Argument of Complex Number 
18.Power of Complex Number 
19.Exponential of Complex Number 
20.Square Root of Complex Number 
21.Show Real Values of Complex Number 
22.Show Imaginary Values of Complex Number 
Subtraction is: 
Enter Choice 
1.Read Complex Number 
2.Display Complex Number 
3.Addition of Complex Number 
4.Subtraction of Complex Number 
5.Multiplication of Complex Number 
6.Division of Complex Number 
7.Conjugate of Complex Number 
8.Sine of Complex Number 
9.Cosine of Complex Number 
10.Tangent of Complex Number 
11.Sine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
12.Cosine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
13.Tangent Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
14.Natural Log of Complex Number 
15.Norm of Complex Number 
16.Absolute of Complex Number 
17.Argument of Complex Number 
18.Power of Complex Number 
19.Exponential of Complex Number 
20.Square Root of Complex Number 
21.Show Real Values of Complex Number 
22.Show Imaginary Values of Complex Number 
Multiplication is: 
Enter Choice 
1.Read Complex Number 
2.Display Complex Number 
3.Addition of Complex Number 
4.Subtraction of Complex Number 
5.Multiplication of Complex Number 
6.Division of Complex Number 
7.Conjugate of Complex Number 
8.Sine of Complex Number 
9.Cosine of Complex Number 
10.Tangent of Complex Number 
11.Sine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
12.Cosine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
13.Tangent Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
14.Natural Log of Complex Number 
15.Norm of Complex Number 
16.Absolute of Complex Number 
17.Argument of Complex Number 
18.Power of Complex Number 
19.Exponential of Complex Number 
20.Square Root of Complex Number 
21.Show Real Values of Complex Number 
22.Show Imaginary Values of Complex Number 
Division is: 
Enter Choice 
1.Read Complex Number 
2.Display Complex Number 
3.Addition of Complex Number 
4.Subtraction of Complex Number 
5.Multiplication of Complex Number 
6.Division of Complex Number 
7.Conjugate of Complex Number 
8.Sine of Complex Number 
9.Cosine of Complex Number 
10.Tangent of Complex Number 
11.Sine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
12.Cosine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
13.Tangent Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
14.Natural Log of Complex Number 
15.Norm of Complex Number 
16.Absolute of Complex Number 
17.Argument of Complex Number 
18.Power of Complex Number 
19.Exponential of Complex Number 
20.Square Root of Complex Number 
21.Show Real Values of Complex Number 
22.Show Imaginary Values of Complex Number 
Conjugate is: 
Enter Choice 
1.Read Complex Number 
2.Display Complex Number 
3.Addition of Complex Number 
4.Subtraction of Complex Number 
5.Multiplication of Complex Number 
6.Division of Complex Number 
7.Conjugate of Complex Number 
8.Sine of Complex Number 
9.Cosine of Complex Number 
10.Tangent of Complex Number 
11.Sine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
12.Cosine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
13.Tangent Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
14.Natural Log of Complex Number 
15.Norm of Complex Number 
16.Absolute of Complex Number 
17.Argument of Complex Number 
18.Power of Complex Number 
19.Exponential of Complex Number 
20.Square Root of Complex Number 
21.Show Real Values of Complex Number 
22.Show Imaginary Values of Complex Number 
Sin of 1st Complex Number is: 
Sin of 2nd Complex Number is: 
Enter Choice 
1.Read Complex Number 
2.Display Complex Number 
3.Addition of Complex Number 
4.Subtraction of Complex Number 
5.Multiplication of Complex Number 
6.Division of Complex Number 
7.Conjugate of Complex Number 
8.Sine of Complex Number 
9.Cosine of Complex Number 
10.Tangent of Complex Number 
11.Sine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
12.Cosine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
13.Tangent Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
14.Natural Log of Complex Number 
15.Norm of Complex Number 
16.Absolute of Complex Number 
17.Argument of Complex Number 
18.Power of Complex Number 
19.Exponential of Complex Number 
20.Square Root of Complex Number 
21.Show Real Values of Complex Number 
22.Show Imaginary Values of Complex Number 
Cos of 1st Complex Number is: 
Cos of 2nd Complex Number is: 
Enter Choice 
1.Read Complex Number 
2.Display Complex Number 
3.Addition of Complex Number 
4.Subtraction of Complex Number 
5.Multiplication of Complex Number 
6.Division of Complex Number 
7.Conjugate of Complex Number 
8.Sine of Complex Number 
9.Cosine of Complex Number 
10.Tangent of Complex Number 
11.Sine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
12.Cosine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
13.Tangent Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
14.Natural Log of Complex Number 
15.Norm of Complex Number 
16.Absolute of Complex Number 
17.Argument of Complex Number 
18.Power of Complex Number 
19.Exponential of Complex Number 
20.Square Root of Complex Number 
21.Show Real Values of Complex Number 
22.Show Imaginary Values of Complex Number 
Tan of 1st Complex Number is: 
Tan of 2nd Complex Number is: 
Enter Choice 
1.Read Complex Number 
2.Display Complex Number 
3.Addition of Complex Number 
4.Subtraction of Complex Number 
5.Multiplication of Complex Number 
6.Division of Complex Number 
7.Conjugate of Complex Number 
8.Sine of Complex Number 
9.Cosine of Complex Number 
10.Tangent of Complex Number 
11.Sine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
12.Cosine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
13.Tangent Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
14.Natural Log of Complex Number 
15.Norm of Complex Number 
16.Absolute of Complex Number 
17.Argument of Complex Number 
18.Power of Complex Number 
19.Exponential of Complex Number 
20.Square Root of Complex Number 
21.Show Real Values of Complex Number 
22.Show Imaginary Values of Complex Number 
Sinh of 1st Complex Number is: 
Sinh of 2nd Complex Number is: 
Enter Choice 
1.Read Complex Number 
2.Display Complex Number 
3.Addition of Complex Number 
4.Subtraction of Complex Number 
5.Multiplication of Complex Number 
6.Division of Complex Number 
7.Conjugate of Complex Number 
8.Sine of Complex Number 
9.Cosine of Complex Number 
10.Tangent of Complex Number 
11.Sine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
12.Cosine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
13.Tangent Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
14.Natural Log of Complex Number 
15.Norm of Complex Number 
16.Absolute of Complex Number 
17.Argument of Complex Number 
18.Power of Complex Number 
19.Exponential of Complex Number 
20.Square Root of Complex Number 
21.Show Real Values of Complex Number 
22.Show Imaginary Values of Complex Number 
Cosh of 1st Complex Number is: 
Cosh of 2nd Complex Number is: 
Enter Choice 
1.Read Complex Number 
2.Display Complex Number 
3.Addition of Complex Number 
4.Subtraction of Complex Number 
5.Multiplication of Complex Number 
6.Division of Complex Number 
7.Conjugate of Complex Number 
8.Sine of Complex Number 
9.Cosine of Complex Number 
10.Tangent of Complex Number 
11.Sine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
12.Cosine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
13.Tangent Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
14.Natural Log of Complex Number 
15.Norm of Complex Number 
16.Absolute of Complex Number 
17.Argument of Complex Number 
18.Power of Complex Number 
19.Exponential of Complex Number 
20.Square Root of Complex Number 
21.Show Real Values of Complex Number 
22.Show Imaginary Values of Complex Number 
Tanh of 1st Complex Number is: 
Tanh of 2nd Complex Number is: 
Enter Choice 
1.Read Complex Number 
2.Display Complex Number 
3.Addition of Complex Number 
4.Subtraction of Complex Number 
5.Multiplication of Complex Number 
6.Division of Complex Number 
7.Conjugate of Complex Number 
8.Sine of Complex Number 
9.Cosine of Complex Number 
10.Tangent of Complex Number 
11.Sine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
12.Cosine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
13.Tangent Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
14.Natural Log of Complex Number 
15.Norm of Complex Number 
16.Absolute of Complex Number 
17.Argument of Complex Number 
18.Power of Complex Number 
19.Exponential of Complex Number 
20.Square Root of Complex Number 
21.Show Real Values of Complex Number 
22.Show Imaginary Values of Complex Number 
log of 1st Complex Number is: 
log of 2nd Complex Number is: 
Enter Choice 
1.Read Complex Number 
2.Display Complex Number 
3.Addition of Complex Number 
4.Subtraction of Complex Number 
5.Multiplication of Complex Number 
6.Division of Complex Number 
7.Conjugate of Complex Number 
8.Sine of Complex Number 
9.Cosine of Complex Number 
10.Tangent of Complex Number 
11.Sine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
12.Cosine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
13.Tangent Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
14.Natural Log of Complex Number 
15.Norm of Complex Number 
16.Absolute of Complex Number 
17.Argument of Complex Number 
18.Power of Complex Number 
19.Exponential of Complex Number 
20.Square Root of Complex Number 
21.Show Real Values of Complex Number 
22.Show Imaginary Values of Complex Number 
norm of 1st Complex Number is: 
norm of 2nd Complex Number is: 
Enter Choice 
1.Read Complex Number 
2.Display Complex Number 
3.Addition of Complex Number 
4.Subtraction of Complex Number 
5.Multiplication of Complex Number 
6.Division of Complex Number 
7.Conjugate of Complex Number 
8.Sine of Complex Number 
9.Cosine of Complex Number 
10.Tangent of Complex Number 
11.Sine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
12.Cosine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
13.Tangent Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
14.Natural Log of Complex Number 
15.Norm of Complex Number 
16.Absolute of Complex Number 
17.Argument of Complex Number 
18.Power of Complex Number 
19.Exponential of Complex Number 
20.Square Root of Complex Number 
21.Show Real Values of Complex Number 
22.Show Imaginary Values of Complex Number 
Absolute of 1st Complex Number is: 
Absolute of 2nd Complex Number is: 
Enter Choice 
1.Read Complex Number 
2.Display Complex Number 
3.Addition of Complex Number 
4.Subtraction of Complex Number 
5.Multiplication of Complex Number 
6.Division of Complex Number 
7.Conjugate of Complex Number 
8.Sine of Complex Number 
9.Cosine of Complex Number 
10.Tangent of Complex Number 
11.Sine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
12.Cosine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
13.Tangent Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
14.Natural Log of Complex Number 
15.Norm of Complex Number 
16.Absolute of Complex Number 
17.Argument of Complex Number 
18.Power of Complex Number 
19.Exponential of Complex Number 
20.Square Root of Complex Number 
21.Show Real Values of Complex Number 
22.Show Imaginary Values of Complex Number 
Argument of 1st Complex Number is: 
Argument of 2nd Complex Number is: 
Enter Choice 
1.Read Complex Number 
2.Display Complex Number 
3.Addition of Complex Number 
4.Subtraction of Complex Number 
5.Multiplication of Complex Number 
6.Division of Complex Number 
7.Conjugate of Complex Number 
8.Sine of Complex Number 
9.Cosine of Complex Number 
10.Tangent of Complex Number 
11.Sine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
12.Cosine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
13.Tangent Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
14.Natural Log of Complex Number 
15.Norm of Complex Number 
16.Absolute of Complex Number 
17.Argument of Complex Number 
18.Power of Complex Number 
19.Exponential of Complex Number 
20.Square Root of Complex Number 
21.Show Real Values of Complex Number 
22.Show Imaginary Values of Complex Number 
power of 1st Complex Number is: 
Enter Power: 2 
power of 2nd Complex Number is: 
Enter Power: 3 
Enter Choice 
1.Read Complex Number 
2.Display Complex Number 
3.Addition of Complex Number 
4.Subtraction of Complex Number 
5.Multiplication of Complex Number 
6.Division of Complex Number 
7.Conjugate of Complex Number 
8.Sine of Complex Number 
9.Cosine of Complex Number 
10.Tangent of Complex Number 
11.Sine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
12.Cosine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
13.Tangent Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
14.Natural Log of Complex Number 
15.Norm of Complex Number 
16.Absolute of Complex Number 
17.Argument of Complex Number 
18.Power of Complex Number 
19.Exponential of Complex Number 
20.Square Root of Complex Number 
21.Show Real Values of Complex Number 
22.Show Imaginary Values of Complex Number 
Exponential of 1st Complex Number is: 
Exponential of 2nd Complex Number is: 
Enter Choice 
1.Read Complex Number 
2.Display Complex Number 
3.Addition of Complex Number 
4.Subtraction of Complex Number 
5.Multiplication of Complex Number 
6.Division of Complex Number 
7.Conjugate of Complex Number 
8.Sine of Complex Number 
9.Cosine of Complex Number 
10.Tangent of Complex Number 
11.Sine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
12.Cosine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
13.Tangent Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
14.Natural Log of Complex Number 
15.Norm of Complex Number 
16.Absolute of Complex Number 
17.Argument of Complex Number 
18.Power of Complex Number 
19.Exponential of Complex Number 
20.Square Root of Complex Number 
21.Show Real Values of Complex Number 
22.Show Imaginary Values of Complex Number 
Square root of 1st Complex Number is: 
Square root of 2nd Complex Number is: 
Enter Choice 
1.Read Complex Number 
2.Display Complex Number 
3.Addition of Complex Number 
4.Subtraction of Complex Number 
5.Multiplication of Complex Number 
6.Division of Complex Number 
7.Conjugate of Complex Number 
8.Sine of Complex Number 
9.Cosine of Complex Number 
10.Tangent of Complex Number 
11.Sine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
12.Cosine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
13.Tangent Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
14.Natural Log of Complex Number 
15.Norm of Complex Number 
16.Absolute of Complex Number 
17.Argument of Complex Number 
18.Power of Complex Number 
19.Exponential of Complex Number 
20.Square Root of Complex Number 
21.Show Real Values of Complex Number 
22.Show Imaginary Values of Complex Number 
Real Value of 1st Complex Number is: 10 
Real Value of 2nd Complex Number is: 5
Enter Choice 
1.Read Complex Number 
2.Display Complex Number 
3.Addition of Complex Number 
4.Subtraction of Complex Number 
5.Multiplication of Complex Number 
6.Division of Complex Number 
7.Conjugate of Complex Number 
8.Sine of Complex Number 
9.Cosine of Complex Number 
10.Tangent of Complex Number 
11.Sine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
12.Cosine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
13.Tangent Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
14.Natural Log of Complex Number 
15.Norm of Complex Number 
16.Absolute of Complex Number 
17.Argument of Complex Number 
18.Power of Complex Number 
19.Exponential of Complex Number 
20.Square Root of Complex Number 
21.Show Real Values of Complex Number 
22.Show Imaginary Values of Complex Number 
Imaginary Value of 1st Complex Number is: 20 
Imaginary Value of 2nd Complex Number is: 7
Enter Choice 
1.Read Complex Number 
2.Display Complex Number 
3.Addition of Complex Number 
4.Subtraction of Complex Number 
5.Multiplication of Complex Number 
6.Division of Complex Number 
7.Conjugate of Complex Number 
8.Sine of Complex Number 
9.Cosine of Complex Number 
10.Tangent of Complex Number 
11.Sine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
12.Cosine Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
13.Tangent Hyperbolic of Complex Number 
14.Natural Log of Complex Number 
15.Norm of Complex Number 
16.Absolute of Complex Number 
17.Argument of Complex Number 
18.Power of Complex Number 
19.Exponential of Complex Number 
20.Square Root of Complex Number 
21.Show Real Values of Complex Number 
22.Show Imaginary Values of Complex Number 
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