BufferedInputStream skip(long) method in Java with Examples

The skip(long) method of BufferedInputStream class in Java is used to skip n bytes of data from the buffered input stream. The number of bytes skipped is stored and returned as long type. The termination condition involves either of the two: 

  • Either reading into a byte array until n-bytes are covered or,
  • When the end of the input, stream is met.

However, if a negative value is passed then no skipping takes place.

public long skip(long n)

Parameters: This method accepts n of long type that represents the number of bytes required to be skipped from the input stream.
Return value: This method returns the number of bytes skipped as long type.
Exception: This method throws IOException if this input stream has been closed by invoking the close() method or the stream is unsupportive of seeking, or any other I/O error occurs.
Below programs illustrates skip(long) method in BufferedInputStream class in IO package:
Program 1: Assume the existence of file “c:/demo.txt”. 


// Java program to illustrate
// BufferedInputStream skip(long) method
import java.io.*;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Create input stream 'demo.txt'
        // for reading containing text "GEEK"
        FileInputStream inputStream = 
        new FileInputStream("c:/demo.txt");
        // Convert inputStream to 
        // bufferedInputStream
        BufferedInputStream buffInputStr 
              = new BufferedInputStream(
        // Read until a single
        // byte is available
        while(buffInputStr.available()>0) {
            // Skip single byte from the stream
            // Read next available byte and
            // convert to char
            char c = (char) buffInputStr.read();
            // Print character
            System.out.print(" " + c);


 E K


Program 2: Assume the existence of file “c:/demo.txt”. 


// Java program to illustrate
// BufferedInputStream skip(long) method
import java.io.*;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Create input stream 'demo.txt'
        // for reading containing text "w3wiki"
        FileInputStream inputStream = 
        new FileInputStream("c:/demo.txt");
        // convert inputStream to 
        // bufferedInputStream
        BufferedInputStream buffInputStr
            = new BufferedInputStream(
        // Read until a single
        // byte is available
        while(buffInputStr.available()>0) {
            // Skip single byte from the stream
            // Read next available byte and
            // convert to char
            char c = (char) buffInputStr.read();
            // Print character
            System.out.print(" " + c);





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