BrowserStack Interview Experience for Software Development Engineer in Test[SDET]

Hi Everyone , in this article I would be sharing interview experience for the role of SDET at Browserstack , which is a well known startup which provides a cloud web and mobile testing platform.

Before beginning with the experience, I would like to share a quick insight into who is an SDET and what are the roles and responsibilities of the profile .

An SDET, or Software Development Engineer in Test, is a crucial role in software engineering that combines software development with testing to ensure software quality. They are responsible for the automation testing and sometimes might be asked to do manual testing as well .

So , starting with the interview experience , I got a referral on LinkedIn from an employee of Browserstack and then the recruiter shortlisted my profile and reached out to me . She was super helpful in the entire process. She initially shared me some information around what is Broswerstack and what are the products they offer etc.

Round 1 : Technical Interview

The first round was around DSA problems and questions about my current job like the framework explanation and technologies that I had used in my current project. Questions were also asked around automation concepts related to Selenium.

I was successfully able to clear the first round of interview .

Round 2 : Assignment Round

The second round was hands on Assignment round. of 1:30 hours wherein I was given a problem statement. I was asked to share screen with the interviewer and I was allowed to use the help of google or any other resource that I want.

Sample questions would be automating a certain feature of an e-commerce site wherein I had to click some drop downs, sort, filter some data and also compare some data. The questions would differ as per the experience level you have and the type of automation you have done : UI , API , Mobile .

Result :

I was not able to clear this round as the role needed 3 years of experience and experience in api automation as well , whereas I had 2 years of experience of manual testing and automation of UI .

Tips :

1. Preparing selenium interview questions would be helpful for all the interview rounds.

2. Hands on experience in automation is a must for the preparation of the assignment round.

3. Prepare your resume well. Prepare for DSA leet code easy and medium level questions.

4.Prepare the theoretical and practical UI and API automation questions related to your framework.

You can also reach out to the folks who are working in Browserstack on LinkedIn for more guidance on the interview preparation.

Overall the interview experience was good and the recruiter was helpful as well .

Thanks for reading and best wishes !!

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